
Doomsday Wonderland

Lin Sanjiu is a normal woman in modern-day society. Everyone admires her outstandingly handsome, gentle, and rich boyfriend. However, Lin Sanjiu feels vaguely afraid of this "perfect" boyfriend. She's always felt that her boyfriend looks at her like she's a tasty piece of meat... The transformation happened one night. Sanjiu got into an argument with her boyfriend, and he finally revealed his true colors. As it turns out, he was a being with special abilities from an apocalyptic world who wanted to eat Sanjiu to help him evolve. To his dismay, he ended up being the one killed by Sanjiu with her hidden abilities instead. However, Sanjiu's troubles don't end with her dead boyfriend. In fact, the world she resides in is starting to go through unusual changes. This world is becoming a scorching hot hellhole...

N.Heller · Horror
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855 Chs

The Life Of A Millionaire Start From A Male Washroom

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I want to buy a batch of houses. If possible, I want them to be near to each other…"

Lin Sanjiu had just started her sentence when she was interrupted by a loud noise. The contents of the toilet sloshed in the holding tank, making a noise so loud that it drowned out all other sounds. Baffled, Lin Sanjiu peered ahead to see that the young property agent had leaned his body forward with his brows tightly creased. He touched his ears and mouthed, "Keep going. I can hear you."

He only released the flush lever after a long while, and the toilet gradually came to a still.

"What…are you doing?" Lin Sanjiu asked with a blank expression as she was too flummoxed to come up with a response, "Why would you…?"