
Doomsday Treasure

Amelia lived a life of misfortune but luck was on her side this time but not so much on her enemies as she woke up ten years later and vow vengeance to her enemies and protect her love once.

The_Open_Book · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Impending Danger


Amelia always had a hard life, she got one good thing and the world would give her hell in return. Not long after losing her family to a fire she was taken by her father to his family in china she was close to and always thought of them as family but after her family died, their attitude took a 180 degree turn. She was even more devastated as she needed support from the people she loved. She told her father about the abuse but instead he believed his wife nonsense that she wasn't mentally stable and needed help. she completely lost all her trust in the one person she has left, her father. Even though she kept her distance after that, her father alway cared about her and gave her a lot of attention but even so she kept her distance.

Her world came crashing down even further.


Amelia was in the kitchen getting a night snack when suddenly the tv that was left on showed a warning announcement 

" Warning please go to the nearest shelter Warning please... "

She saw in the tv asteroid was about to hit Earth it would destroy all of china, she hurried up and woke her dad, along with her stepmother that was sleeping next to him

" Is something wrong sweety? " Santiago was surprised since Amelia would usually keep her distance but now she walked into the room in the middle of the light.

Jin Li thought of all the ways she can teach Amelia a lesson for barging in when her husband wasn't around as she had to keep her image of a caring mother in front of him.

" Amelia, What's wrong "

" An asteroid is going to hit Earth and a small one is heading to china it's smaller than the others but enough to destroy china we need to evacuate "

Jin Li sneered " Something is wrong " did i hit her too hard and she became dumb thought Jin Li but she quickly hid her disdain and said " are you okay an asteroid hasn't hit earth in millions of years, why now. "

Amelia walked towards the bedside and grabbed a controller, turned on the tv and a loud warning blurred. Her father and Jin Li's face turned pale, they grasped the situation and started packing.

" Sweety go wake your sister, pack what you need " Santiago said in a panic

Amelia barged into Shi Man room, the door slammed hard against the wall making a loud sound waking Shi Man up, Shi Man looked up at Amelia and before Amelia could say anything Jin Hu started berating her and stood up ready to smack her when suddenly Santiago walked in.

" What's happening why aren't you packing hurry up " 

Shi Man quickly put her hand down and smiled innocently, with a confused face she asked " Is something wrong you look so nervous, where are we going? ". Santiago saw and heard everything and barged in when he saw that Shi Man was about to hit Amelia but thought that right now wasn't the time and said " Hurry up and pack I'll tell you the situation in the car "

They all packed and started going to the nearest shelter. " Fuck the street is jammed "

" Let's leave the car and walk, the car won't matter if we're dead " Amelia said with fear of an asteroid hitting anytime. 

Shi Man " What, what's going on "

Jin Li " An asteroid is about to to hit earth but don't worry baby everything going to be okay "

Shi Man was surprised and scared, Santiago got out of the car and opened the trunk " Everyone come out and grab your stuff, we're walking". They got out and walked, many saw them and started doing the same. When walking a dog started running toward Shi Man she screamed and pushed the person closer to her towards it, Amelia fell and the dog pounds on her, Santiago jumped to action and grabbed a stick in the process he injured his foot but was able to get rid of the dog. Amelia grabbed the alcohol and disinfected the wound and wrapped it around with a shirt. 

Shi Man and Jin Li grabbed Santiago and scolded Amelia for being a nuisance and causing trouble.

"Shut up I'm not stupid I saw you push your sister, Jin Li you saw it too". Shi Man and Jin Li glared at Amelia but didn't say anything and started walking.

When they arrived at the entryway of the shelter all they saw was chaos, the shelter had already reached its limit and wouldn't accept anymore. At that time an announcement reached people's ears " There's a shelter five minutes away from here still accepting people". With that announcement many started running, Shin Man and Jin Li let go of Santiago and started running looking at the map on their phone, Amelia ran towards Santiago helping him up, she might hate him but he was still her father and couldn't forget all the memories they had together.

She ran as fast as she could, her lungs felt like it was on fire, her sweat dripping, she was never an athletic one like her twin sister who always made fun of her weak stamina. Santiago saw this and knew that if this continued on they'll both die.

"Amelia let go"

She didn't listen and continued running with tears in her eyes. She knew what he meant but didn't want to listen. "Amelia!" Santiago screamed he wasn't mad he was nowhere near mad he was sad, regretful and stubborn he failed as a father, during this whole situation he realised what a fool he was but today he could at least do one thing right.

No I can't leave you where almost there we just need to hold up a little more we can do it" she could barely see with her tears blurring her eyes, unable to wipe her tears away as she held onto Santiago and ran.

'Amelia you have to let go i won't be able to make it" he forcefully separated Amelia from him and unable to support himself he falls down

"Papi! I can leave you we can make it, get up"

"Amelia I can make it, you have to go without me, Amelia I know I've been the worst father but I can't let you die because of me, I'll be in heaven with your mom, sister, and brother but you, you have to live for all of us.

"But" Amelia was in a swirl; she remembered the promise between her big sister and twin sister. She had to do her best to find her nephew and keep her promise to raise her nephew if something ever happened to them but was sadly put to adoption after Jin Li refused to let Santiago bring him home saying that they both didn't have time to raise a baby.

"GO THE GATES ARE CLOSING!" Santiago saw from far away the gates were closing. Amelia with tears in her eyes kissed her father on the cheeks like she used to before the accident and ran seeing Santiago close his eyes in relief and smile as he waited for his death.

With the asteroid came a series of natural catastrophes becoming a normal frequency. The government managed to build the city underground but Amelia's life never got better and was unable to find Ehylan.