

How does it feel to be pushed into a pile of zombies by the closest and most trusted person? The reborn Hua Mi said: The first priority of survival in the last days is to have enough supplies, stay away from the crowd and that white lotus, and survive until the end. Rolling up your sleeves and preparing for a big fight, suddenly activate the supermarket space and cashier system? ! Tsk, what more struggle is there in life, you can win until the end by lying down! But looking down at her growing belly, Hua Mi held milk powder in her left hand and a machete in her right. Where did this baby come from? ! The plan was a bit different, the first priority of survival was the smooth birth of the cub, and being vigilant against the man who stared at her stomach all day long. Man: Wife, why do I feel that you have been eating more and more fat recently? Looks like she's pregnant. Huami: Not like...

winter_yanyan · Fantasy
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57 Chs


  This moment, in the emergency department, everyone has wet hair and is distressed by the horrible wet weather.

  If it continues to be so wet, everything will bacteria and fungi will grow, which is not conducive to wound recovery.

  Ke Minghong, the chief medical officer in the emergency department, is in desperate need of medical supplies and dehumidifiers!

  So he went to the garrison's material management office many times.

  Whether it's noisy or begging, the answer is always the same: if you can't settle the previous bills, you can no longer get medicine from the garrison supplies.

  Oh, you can no longer "take", you should "buy"!

 And every time Ke Minghong went to the garrison material department, he would be blocked from the material department.

  After doing this several times, Ke Minghong suddenly understood something.

  He saw Hua Mi several times outside the garrison material office, and each time, he could see Hua Mi freely entering and leaving the garrison material office.

  Ke Minghong who watched did not know how annoyed he was.

  These are all love debts provoked by Qin Ziran.

  Qin Ziran still didn't give him money to buy medicine! ! !

 Ke Minghong thought about it carefully, and he was afraid that Qin Ziran would have to go fight him for this matter.

In the emergency room, outside the door of Qin Ziran's office, Fang Xin was covered in moisture, with long oily and moist hair, holding Lunch box, asked cautiously,

 "Brother Ziran, it's time to eat."

  Qin Ziran raised his eyes, and his cold eyes locked on Fang Xin.

  Seeing Qin Ziran's gaze fall, Fang Xin tried her best to show off her enchanting figure. She was wearing a tight sweater dress today.

  It perfectly outlines her better figure and the deep Y in her chest.

  As a woman who serves others, it is natural that one should groom oneself carefully every day.

  But the humid air makes everything sticky and suffocating.

  Qin Ziran was not in the mood. He loosened the tie on his collar, "Fang Xin, let me ask you, when did your sister meet Gong Yi?"

The humidity in the environment was too high, which made his whole body tinged with an ugly coldness.

  "Gong Yi? Who is that?"

  Fang Xin looked confused, feeling that the name was tacky, "Brother Ziran, are you talking about the truck driver? Or the boy who set up a stall? My sister certainly didn't mean to flirt with these men on purpose."

  It would be better if she didn't say that, Qin Ziran's face darkened several times when she said such words.

  In the past, he had considerable confidence in his own charm, it was because he felt that it was impossible for Hua Mi to find another man who was better than him.

  But this Gong Yi, he remembered the indescribable intimacy when Gong Yi left with Hua Mi.

  What is the relationship between these two people?

 Qin Ziran didn't understand this, he felt that the whole person would be unwell.

  So he raised his eyes and looked at Fang Xin,

  "Forget it, it's nothing to ask you, where's Dai Fang?"

  Fang Xin didn't answer Qin Ziran, she just looked at Qin Ziran's blood-stained bandage and shed tears, "Brother Ziran, Why is my sister willing to hurt your hand? Why is your hand still not healed after a few days? Is it still hurting? I will call a doctor for you right away." No matter what time, she is still saying these things.

  Qin Ziran asked again angrily,

  "I asked you where Dai Fang was? Where did she go?"

  At such a critical moment, the place is very crowded, but Hua Mi knocked out a lot of people.

  How on earth did she manage to bring down such a large number of low-level administrators by herself?

 Qin Ziran doesn't have time to care about this right now, he just wants to catch Hua Mi quickly.

  She belongs to him alone, so she has to be his little woman.

  But now there are not many people who can use it at hand. Only by finding Dai Fang first can he send people to find Hua Mi.

  Fang Xin was yelled at, and she trembled in fright, "Outside, she's outside, woo woo woo."

  "Call her over!"

  Qin Ziran looked at Fang Xin in an orderly tone, impatiently looking at Fang Xin crying.

  And Fang Xin also behaved very obediently. At this moment, it is even more impossible for her to lose Qin Ziran's favor, otherwise who would she rely on?

  She quickly turned around and walked out of Qin Ziran's office, but she never planned to call Dai Fang to Qin Ziran's office so soon.

  Instead, she dawdled and found Ke Minghong, the chief medical officer in the emergency department.

  Fang Xin said arrogantly: "Brother Ziran's hand is seriously injured. You call the best doctor here and check Brother Ziran's hand.

  "He glared at Fang Xin angrily, "Are you here to manage the emergency area, or to make trouble in the emergency area?"

  The best doctor in his hands has not closed his eyes for days and nights, and has been busy saving people. Still operating on people in the hall.

  How to check Qin Ziran hand?

 Fang Xin held a chicken feather as an arrow, and she looked at Ke Minghong with a ferocious face, "What do you mean? You, the chief medical officer, don't want to do it? You have never listened carefully to what Brother Ziran said. As a chief medical officer , you should've done you're best."

"Okay, can you now let me go?"

  Ke Minghong lost several hairs, and pushed Fang Xin away. "I told you to get out of my way."

  Do they think he didn't know why Qin Ziran left Fang Xin in the emergency room, because when the earthquake happened, the two of them were doing that kind of thing.

 The pair were known to have no pants on when they were brought to the emergency area by lifeguards.

  But the unusual relationship between two people cannot be brought to such a place where human life is at stake.

  After all, Qin Ziran had previously issued an order to let all conscious and hopeless wounded patients leave the emergency room, leaving the tight medical resources for those who are worth saving.

  That guy named Dai Fang led the rogue-like g administrators, and when they threw this out and that out, they never thought about throwing Fang Xin away.

  There is also the one named Hua Mi. It is obvious that Qin Ziran is entangled with Fang Xin, but at the same time he is reluctant to part with Hua Mi.

  Hua Mi has an unusual relationship with Gong Yi.

  Ke Minghong couldn't understand this kind of behavior very much. Qin Ziran and his gang seemed to treat the emergency room as their private garden, and they could do whatever they wanted.

  Although it was Gong Yi who came forward to stop Qin Ziran last time, otherwise, how many people would die in this emergency room.

  But the garrison materials department did not give medicine.

  It is obvious that on the surface it is a matter of money.

  In fact, it was because Qin Ziran, Fang Xin, Hua Mi, and Gong Yi were messed up in their relationship and didn't figure it out.

  How many things have been delayed just because of the affection of these bloody sons and daughters?

 Ke Minghong didn't bother to talk to Fang Xin, he simply ignored Fang Xin's distorted face.

  To untie the bell, the person who tied it must be needed. If Ke Minghong wants to untie this knot, he still needs to find the key person.

  The cheating scumbag—Qin Ziran!