
The Manipulator Behind The Scenes! Unscathed From The Forbidden Curse!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Everyone saw!

Just as the Black Dragon Gang man was about to reach out and receive the slowly falling crystal space, a biting sword glow suddenly shot out from the space where smoke and dust clouded.


The undercover mole—which the Black Dragon Gang had planted in Thunder Palace—had a violent change in countenance as he let out a piteous shriek! "Ah!"

One of his arms was sliced off at the elbow. Fresh blood spurted everywhere like a bold scholar splashing ink and wielding his writing brush!

How could there be a sword ray?

For a time, everyone was horrified!

Is that person still alive?!

Even a forbidden curse—which had might capable of destroying mountains and overturning the seas—was unable to impair him?

While the hearts of the masses palpitated wildly in their chests, like the beating of drums, an apathetic voice suddenly resonated in the area. "That's all?"