
Aberrated Weapons! Defective Products!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Enemy attack! There are enemies breaking in!"

Black Dragon Gang members let out piercing warnings through the loudspeakers placed in the corridors and laboratories.

Together with the local area network and communication lines inside this three-story underground building, everyone soon received this piece of news.

Black Dragon and Doctor Ghost—who were in the lower three levels—were naturally no exception.

"Enemy attack?" A speck of surprise flashed across Doctor Ghost's face.

Ever since they obtained the best 'container' from the No Retreat Army's base, they'd erased all traces and focused on the 'man-made god' plan.

Nobody should've discovered this base.

Black Dragon narrowed his eyes slightly. Hints of speculation flashed through his eyes, and Link's figure even surfaced in his mind. He quietly thought in his heart, Is it that man—who carries an aura that does not belong to this world—that has come to our doorstep?