
Doomsday, Let's Open A Restaurant

In a world plagued by the relentless scourge of the undead and ferocious mutant creatures, one man finds himself at the heart of an extraordinary culinary adventure. Meet Xiao Feng, an ordinary chef who, by a twist of fate, awakens in a city overrun by zombies and bizarre mutants. Yet, amidst the chaos and devastation, he discovers a remarkable gift – the power of Culinary Mastery. Xiao Feng's restaurant, "Great Potential," becomes an oasis of safety in a city teeming with danger. Its mysterious defenses not only keep the undead hordes at bay but also shield it from the most devastating of calamities. Armed with a unique set of culinary skills, Xiao Feng embarks on a journey of survival, innovation, and flavor in a world where the distinction between life and death has blurred. As Xiao Feng ventures out into the treacherous streets of the fallen city, he encounters both the undead and living survivors, each with their own unique abilities and stories. His culinary creations not only fill empty stomachs but offer incredible attributes and power-ups to those who partake. But the challenges are enormous, and some encounters prove that not all monsters are mindless. With a growing menu of mutant ingredients and an expanding array of skills, Xiao Feng must navigate a treacherous path of survival while unlocking the secrets of his newfound abilities. He strives to complete missions issued by a mysterious system and unlock the full potential of his culinary prowess. "Doomsday, Let's Open a Restaurant" is a tale of resilience, creativity, and culinary artistry set against a backdrop of horror and uncertainty. Join Xiao Feng as he turns the art of cooking into a lifeline, serving hope on a plate and defying the apocalypse one dish at a time. Will his unique culinary skills be enough to survive in this nightmarish world? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- - daily release of at least 1 chapter a day - if skipped a day, then next day will release double the amount

Adam_2023 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
418 Chs

This is the most delicious meal I've ever had

Outside the restaurant, a giant zombie, over ten meters in size, slowly walked down the street holding a concrete utility pole.

Underfoot, the smaller zombies were crushed into pulp.

It seemed to be searching for something.

As it passed by the small restaurant with its lights on, it paid no attention, as if it hadn't seen a thing.

Slowly, very slowly, the giant zombie moved away.

At that moment, everyone in the restaurant let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Is that big guy blind? How did he not notice our lights?"

"I thought we were all done for tonight!"

People inside the room murmured to each other, still trembling from the scare.

Only the leading commander, Bai Meng, looked at Xiao Feng with a deep frown.

The giant zombie was no blind man, that much Bai Meng had already confirmed. The reason it hadn't noticed the restaurant's lights was most likely due to Xiao Feng. Xiao Feng had been confident that the zombies outside wouldn't detect this place.

"Something's wrong with this building, or maybe this guy is the problem!"

Bai Meng immediately guessed the source of the problem.

"We were being chased by that big guy, and we had no choice but to come here. Thanks for opening the door to rescue us!" Bai Meng also felt relieved, now that the giant zombie had moved away.

"By the way, you mentioned that my sister came here to rob you today?"

"Oh! You mean that girl who came here to rob me?"

Xiao Feng stopped eating and looked at Bai Meng.

"Rob you?"

Bai Meng furrowed his brows.


Xiao Feng complained. "She and her gang walked in like they own the place. Can you believe they didn't even pay me? And you know what? They shot at me right away, then froze me like an ice sculpture, and then shot me again. To top it off, they even tossed a grenade at me!"

"If I weren't so tough, I'd be a goner by now!"

"But... they didn't kill you?"

At that moment, someone in the crowd asked with skepticism.

"What? You don't believe me?"

Xiao Feng looked at the crowd, and the person who had spoken quickly hid behind others.

Looking around, Xiao Feng felt something was off with the atmosphere in the room.

"What's the matter? You want to fight?"

Xiao Feng sneered.

"Well, it's the apocalypse, and people would kill for a loaf of bread. Let alone my two dozen dishes!"

Xiao Feng stood up confidently and looked disdainfully at Bai Meng.

"Family, huh? Your sister robs the place, and then you come for a 'visit' in the evening? Are you running a bandit gang or something?"

"By the way, have you heard of the story of Dongguo and the wolves? Or the story of the farmer and the snake?"

"I just saved you guys!"

Faced with Xiao Feng's mockery, Bai Meng's expression changed, but he was deep in thought: "Should I take action? But if what he's saying is true, he's highly likely to be an evolved individual as well. My sister is a third-tier Ice Element evolved person, and she didn't kill him. So..."

Thinking up to this point, Bai Meng smiled, "I'm really sorry if my sister offended you today. If she did, I apologize for her."

"That's better!"

Xiao Feng knew Bai Meng had some concerns and didn't dare to attack him.

"Have a seat, want some food?"

"Is it possible?"

Bai Meng swallowed and asked.

"I run a restaurant, what's the issue? You can eat here if you pay!"

"What about the dishes on this table..."

Bai Meng was afraid that Xiao Feng would ask for an exorbitant price, so he inquired about the cost first.

"It's not expensive, 1,000 energy points!"

"Isn't that a bit expensive?"

1,000 energy points are enough for an ordinary person's annual expenses in the shelter.

"Try a bite before you say it's expensive!"

Confidently, Xiao Feng handed over a pair of chopsticks.

Bai Meng took the chopsticks and picked up a piece of braised pork. The burst of flavors in his mouth made this the most delicious braised pork he had ever tasted since the apocalypse.

"It's second-tier Bloodfang Wild Boar meat, how is it!"

Xiao Feng looked at Bai Meng with a smile.


Bai Meng directly took out a cloth bag from his pocket, extracted ten white first-tier energy crystals from it, and said to everyone, "Brothers, eat to your heart's content!"

Seeing this, Xiao Feng immediately smiled.

The energy spent on leveling up just now was instantly replenished, right?

He turned and entered the kitchen, bringing out several large pots of steamed buns and rice, placing them on the table.

In no time, over twenty people had devoured all the dishes.

Moreover, every plate was spotlessly clean, as if it had just been washed.

"Well, how's the food?"

Watching Bai Meng, who was eating contentedly, Xiao Feng leaned against the door frame and asked.

"This is absolutely the most delicious food I've ever had in my life!"

Bai Meng did not spare his words of praise.

"In fact, this is not my specialty, you know?"

Xiao Feng said with a proud expression.

"I specialize in making Razorback Mountain Goat Buns, braised Bloodfang Wild Boar kunckles, and braised pigeon. Today, the ingredients are all gone, but next time you come, I'll let you taste what real delicious food is!"

"Also, these dishes of mine can restore energy, heal injuries, and increase your attack power after eating!"

"So powerful?"

Bai Meng found it hard to believe.

"You don't believe it?"

Xiao Feng suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"You can ask that guy Black Wolf over there, from Shelter No. 9, who came with your sister today. He was injured by a Bloodfang Wild Boar but was brought back to life after eating my braised kunckle!"

"Black Wolf?"

"He's the devout who followed the young lady back then?"

"The young lady saved them a long time ago, and ever since, they've been wholeheartedly following her!"

"One of them is known as Black Wolf, it looks like the young lady did come here today!"


People around started talking.

"Next time there's a chance, I'll come over to taste it!"

Bai Meng nodded, now genuinely admiring Xiao Feng.

"It's getting late, and the giant zombie has left. I think we should be on our way!"

Bai Meng stood up and said.

"Sure! Safe travels!"

Xiao Feng didn't forget to promote his restaurant.

"In fact, you can join Shelter No. 9 with me. It's safe there, and it's a gathering place for us humans. Your business will surely do much better!"

Bai Meng suggested to Xiao Feng.

"Hehe, many people have said that to me, but I think outside the shelter is safer with zombies than among humans, don't you think?"

Xiao Feng sneered and said.

Upon hearing this, Bai Meng nodded silently, then opened the door and walked out.