
Doomsday: I choose to be a villain

[The Doomsday City system successfully binds the host!] Option 1: City of Glory, save the survivors in the end of the world, and become a glorious and kind savior.] Option 2: Sin City, human beings who enter the Sin City can only become your slavery. And you will be the demon who dominates the end of the world. Sorry, I'm not the Virgin Mary. I choose Sin City! From today on, I will be a villain! This book is relatively dark. There is no heroine. All the female characters are collected. The protagonist is decisive, cold and selfish. Please take a detour!

Chaos_incarnate · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Chapter Sixty Three

"What is the authority to build an outer city?"

[The host can build an outer city outside the City of Sin. The wall level of the outer city shall not be higher than that of the inner city, and the price per square meter is 1 doomsday coin.]

Xiao Yi understood.

That is to say, now he can build an outer wall outside the City of Sin and build a shelter outside the City of Sin.

In this way, you can cultivate your power outside the outer wall.


Your army!

Xiao Yi looked at the remaining doomsday coins. After removing the more than 400 doomsday coins that had just been used, there were only 36 coins left.

The 36-square-meter outer city is completely meaningless.

Xiao Yi temporarily gave up his intention to build an outer city immediately and drove the glanter's armored vehicle out of the gate.

It's three days, and he plans to see the beautiful Professor Lu Yurou.

If Lu Yurou is willing to follow her own words, Xiao Yi is very willing to take her to the classroom and relive her good impulse in class with her.

I have done what I dreamed of in those years.

Let's end the original dream.

But if Lu Yurou would rather die than do, Xiao Yi would not bother to talk to her again.

He doesn't lack women now. If it weren't for Lu Yurou, it would be too tempting and unique. Xiao Yi would not even bother to look for it again.

When Xiao Yi's armored car appeared outside the teacher's dormitory, it immediately aroused the cheers of the survivors in the dormitory.

Many survivors who had been hiding in the dormitory called for help to Xiao Yi's armored car.

Lu Yurou is also one of them.

When she saw the powerful armored car hanging zombies outside the teacher's dormitory, she felt relieved and couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

"It's the military! It must be the military who sent someone to rescue everyone!"

Lu Yurou lay on the window and shouted excitedly, with tears in her eyes.

"Long live! Long live! I knew that would not forget us! I knew that would definitely come to save us!"

The rest of the survivors also hugged each other, with tears in their eyes and cheers excitedly.

Several otaku men even took out half a bottle of fat happy water and drank excitedly.

Then, the armored car ignored them at all and parked outside the door of the teacher's dormitory.

The survivors saw the armored car slowly parked outside the door of the teacher's dormitory, and then a young man with a long handle came out of the armored car.

The moment the young man appeared, as if he had a great deterrent to the zombies. The zombies around him actually retreated one after another. The zombies, who were originally concentrated around the armored vehicles, instantly vacated an open space.

This young man is naturally Xiao Yi.

"Silly." Xiao Yi scolded these excited survivors disdainfully, and then looked around.

In addition to those otaku in the boys' dormitory, there are also people in the two dormitories who are greeting themselves.

In addition, there are also two dormitories on the third floor of the teacher's dormitory, and someone is beckoning to him.

There are men and women in these two teacher dormitories. They should be teachers at age.

Unexpectedly, there were so many survivors in the school, which surprised Xiao Yi.

But it has nothing to do with him.

Xiao Yi just glanced at it in a hurry. After taking a look, he turned his eyes away.

Except for Lu Yurou, the survivors here are also interested in him, and he is not interested in others at all.

Xiao Yi turned his head and looked at the location of Lu Yurou's dormitory.

Lu Yurou also saw Xiao Yi. Her face turned pale and her eyes were full of disappointment.

Xiao Yi smiled indifferently and turned around and walked into the teacher's dormitory.

When Xiao Yi appeared outside Lu Yurou's dormitory again, Lu Yurou, who was in a daze in the room, was shocked. Xiao Yi found that Lu Yurou's spirit was a little absent-minded, and her whole state seemed to be much worse.

Although Lu Yurou has enough food and water during this period, she has been alone in a closed space for such a long time and can't see any hope for the future. Normal people will be crazy, not to mention a very active person like her.

Xiao Yi gently knocked on the glass of the dormitory. Lu Yurou stood up nervously without any hesitation. Lu Yurou quickly stepped forward and opened the door.

Xiao Yi was slightly surprised. After the last incident, he thought that Lu Yurou would refuse to open the door for himself.

However, looking at Lu Yurou's reaction, he didn't hesitate at all and opened the door directly for him.

"Classmate, what did you do to me after you knocked me unconscious last time?" Lu Yurou pulled Xiao Yi and asked shyly and indignantly.

"I'm strong with you. I've touched you all over." Xiao Yi laughed and said, "Professor Lu, your skin is really smooth."

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, Lu Yu's soft face was like dead ashes. He stared at Xiao Yi trembling and asked painfully, "Are you true? Then why are my clothes intact, and... and I don't feel anything... You must be lying to me! You definitely won't do that to me! Right?

Speaking of this, Lu Yurou's face turned a little red.