
doomsday hunter

One day, you will find that being able to have a full stomach is actually a great happiness!

DaoistOlOT61 · Eastern
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40 Chs

Chapter 38 - Humanoid

Tianxiang looked at the sleeping clan members huddled together on the ground, and a faint smile and worry slowly appeared in the corners of his eyes. At this moment, he didn't feel like a brigade commander at all. He only felt that he was a human being, an ordinary person like them. He even wanted to sleep sweetly like them without any burden. Instead of shouldering all the heavy responsibilities of leaders.

Ideas are just ideas after all, and they have absolutely no helpful meaning in reality. Shaking his head with a wry smile, Tianxiang once again closed his eyes slightly and entered the necessary meditation state every day. The wind is blowing hard, as if it wants to sweep away all the troubles in the world. Make a grand enough foothold for the snowflakes falling all over the sky. But the ruins and dead trees standing everywhere clearly did not want to give up the territory they already occupied. Although the hard frozen soil tightly imprisoned their footsteps, they had to fight and indignation and could only stay in place. But they are still raising their heads stubbornly in their own way, staring silently and hatefully at the strong wind that is passing through the air and between the holes in their bodies, and mocking its ignorance and ignorance without giving in at all. Arrogant. The snow is still falling. Compared to when we first camped, the amount of snowflakes flying was much denser. Stretch out your hand, and a handful of cold snow flakes will be picked up in your palm.

Under such circumstances, the range of sight that the naked eye can reach is of course extremely limited, and even within such a limited distance, it is extremely difficult to successfully see a small object clearly. That fuzzy feeling is like being in front of an extremely clear glass window. It was also covered with a thick layer of white floral frosted tissue paper. The four sentries occupied several locations located at different distances from the camp. A few hidden corners are their best warning points. Of course, these people who took turns on duty did not relax their vigilance because of the heavy snow and cold.

Although, in such weather, it is almost impossible for any creature to think of going out hunting. Insects, like people, are also afraid of the cold. Instead of going out and being frozen to death, it's better to go hungry and huddle up in a warm nest and have a good sleep. The sentinel's warning point is within the detection range of Tianxiangdi's thoughts. Therefore, he can completely feel every move of these people. You can also clearly know what they are doing.

only. Such detection can only be maintained at a limited distance. Once exceeded. Tianxiang also has no way of knowing the truth. Now, he feels like the "radar" that the ancients said is specially used to detect movement. However, the search distance was only more than a thousand meters.

The vast earth is covered with snowflakes. Under their reflection, the dim world appears much brighter than usual. only. What little light there was was blocked by ruins and trees. As a result, many silent black spots were added to the white horizon out of thin air. Directly north, that was the direction the rescue team was heading. It is also an extension of the road past where the ruins currently stand. The cautious Tianxiang even placed a tribesman in a dead tree hole not far from the road to act as a sentinel. Having been given a great responsibility, he was also trying his best to keep his eyes open, carefully trying to distinguish the tiny black spots in the distance. Hope to find some unexpected traces. However, he didn't notice that a tiny black spot that shouldn't exist suddenly appeared from among the ordinary ruins on the horizon.

Nothing can appear out of thin air.

Unless it is due to some external force.

Or because it has a life of its own. Able to move autonomously. But the appearance of this black spot. Obviously it does not belong to the first situation. Because its volume is gradually increasing and enlarging slowly.

It was approaching the group of sleeping people. Although, the speed is very slow, quite slow.

If it were changed to normal times. The vigilant sentry will definitely find the clues. After all, they live under the threat of death every day, and their physical senses have been honed to be extremely sharp. Sometimes, even the slight footsteps of insects moving in the distance can be heard clearly by their ears close to the ground. But the wind is blowing. Snow is falling too. The howling wind and the snowflakes in the sky have made sensitive ears and sharp eyes lose most of their usefulness.

The black spots are still moving forward. Soon, it was within the range where the vigilante's eyes could patrol normally. Relying on the obstruction of many objects, it has been quite hidden, hiding behind the light and moving slowly. Although the speed is quite slow, it is moving forward after all, gradually shortening the distance between it and the hunter.

Obviously, it doesn't want others to know about its existence.

Admittedly, this moving black spot is pretty shrewd. It knows exactly how it should approach its goal. And it won't attract the other person's attention. It seemed to even know the locations of several warning sentries. Because, judging from its route, it has completely deviated from the normal warning range.

If there were no accidents, I believe that even if it sneaked into the camp, no one would notice it.

However, such surprises happen to exist. Since a few minutes ago, Tianxiang's mind has been locked in the north direction. Although, the black spots at that time were far beyond the brain wave detection range. The superhuman precognition ability of the insect brain has made it clear that that disturbing dangerous factor should come from there.

Therefore, Tianxiang, who was meditating, consciously extended his thoughts in that direction as much as possible. Although doing so did not increase the length of the detection distance much, it was just that the advancing black spots gradually shortened the gap between the two...wWw.16K.Ãcn..."Human? How can it be a human? Who could it be? What?" This was the first thought that came to Tianxiang's mind when the edge of his brain wave had just touched the black spot and he could not fully analyze it normally. Yes, if you look at the size and shape of the black spots from the "mind's eye" perspective. Anyone will think without hesitation: this is a person.

It has hands. There are also two feet. Same as normal people. The black spots also walk upright on both legs. Moreover, sometimes the jumping movements appear to be quite flexible.

However, judging from the several jumping movements it showed when moving, it seems that it should not be caused by humans. A standing long jump can jump more than ten meters in an instant. Judging from this point alone, Tianxiang cannot do this even when his Tai Chi mental skills are operating to the extreme. As for the other tribesmen, let alone that.

Even the strongest hunter may not be able to do this.

"Who is he? What does he want to do?" The doubts in Tianxiang's mind became more and more serious. Someone who can go out in such bad weather. Of course, he had his own reasons. The problem is, this one looks mysterious. Moreover, this guy who is so nimble and so agile that he hardly looks like a human being. What is the purpose of going out in such cold weather and getting close to his own tribe?

Thinking of this, Tianxiang suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes. Grab it and put it next to you in front of the fire. An assault rifle that is still warm. He jumped up and ran quickly towards the sentinel warning point due north. He wanted to shorten the distance between him and that mysterious black spot. Only in this way can the true face of the other party be known in the shortest possible time. Although Tianxiang himself is not completely sure that he can detect the thoughts in his brain. But no matter what, as long as you can "see" the attire and appearance of the person coming, you can naturally judge some of the stranger's true intentions. The distance between the campsite and the northern warning point is not far, only a few hundred meters away. Tianxiang, who had crawled into the hole in the dead tree, stretched out his index finger and stopped the astonished sentry from asking. While quickly releasing the thoughts in his mind, he headed towards the location of the unfamiliar black dot as quickly as possible.

"This. What on earth is this? This, is this a human being?" At the moment when his brainwaves just locked onto the target, Tianxiang was completely stunned by what he saw with his "mind's eye". Completely different from his previous thoughts and guesses, the mysterious "stranger" who had been hiding behind the shadow of the ruins was actually a creature with such a weird appearance. It has hands and feet, an upright body, and it walks entirely on its two hind limbs... all of that. These are physical characteristics that only humanoids possess in the biological world. Today, after wars and civilizations have been completely destroyed, biological populations have become extinct in large numbers. Therefore, humans should be the only creatures on earth that can meet the above conditions.

At least, that's how it is seen by many hunters. After all, living in the dark world, they have never discovered any creature with an appearance that is very similar to humans. Of course, if any creature that meets the above conditions can be called a "human", then should this black spot with strange behavior be classified as a "human"?

The height of nearly two meters is similar to that of a human being. The two powerful hind limbs fully support the weight of the whole body. Nimble hands carefully caressed the broken bricks and stones on the ruins to prevent them from falling and making any sound. Everything shows: there is no doubt that he is human.

But, what kind of person is this! Gray-black "skin" covered his whole body, and the surface of this "skin" was densely covered with thick body hair. It was so dense that there was no smooth spot anywhere on the body. The fingers and toes are extremely developed, and the sharp nails at the front are extremely sharp, and their length is almost twice as long as the fingers. Although the body is completely covered with thick hair, it is not difficult to see the strong muscles and bone structure hidden underneath. Judging from the broad shoulders and thick arms, "his" hands are quite powerful and terrifying. As for the head, it is not at all proportional to the strong body. "His" head is too small, so pitifully small. And he has an ugly face that makes people want to vomit.

The ears, which are about five centimeters in length, are pointed and upright. Driven by the mouth, the nose protrudes forward desperately, extending to more than twice the length of the head. Look from afar. The entire "head" is like a triangle that can be stretched horizontally. And the lips are located at the forefront. It cannot cover up the two sharp incisors protruding from it. They grow from top to bottom, completely covering up the lower jaw. Under the reflection of the snow light, they, which were already very bright, showed an extremely chilling paleness.

The "mind's eye" could even see drops of translucent disgusting saliva slowly falling from the tips of the teeth to the ground, and soon turned into strangely colored ice particles... What surprised Tianxiang the most was not this. Behind the "stranger", he also saw something that almost stopped his breathing - a tail.

A thick, black and powerful tail, the surface of which is also covered with hard hairs. Judging from the rather tough protrusion behind it. It should be an extension of the spine.

Who is this person? It is clearly a strange creature that has not yet fully evolved. If we insist on classifying it into the category of human beings, it can only be called "humanoid" at best. Most importantly. This "humanoid" who didn't know what kind of creature evolved from humans was obviously quite hostile to the hunters not far away.

Maybe it's because the brain has not evolved completely! Tianxiang's thoughts easily broke through its defensive brain waves. From that small triangular head, Tianxiang clearly discovered the two words that best represented this creature's current thoughts.


It's obvious that this one is "humanoid". He has regarded the human hunters in front of him as his prey. From this perspective, it should also be regarded as a hunter. A hunter who specializes in erasing humans.

Suppressing the horror inside. Tianxiang waved his hand, beckoning the sentry next to him to follow him and focus entirely on the direction where the "humanoid" appeared. The safety of the assault rifle in his hand was also opened, and the two black muzzles pointed silently at the path of the inexplicable creature. "What kind of creature is this?" Although it has been determined that the "humanoid" is an enemy rather than a friend, Tianxiang still has lingering questions in his mind. As far as he knew, there were not many creatures that could survive the war like humans and insects. Even if they can survive, their numbers will definitely be greatly reduced. Not to mention in a short period of hundreds of years. Evolved to a level that is quite similar to humans. You know, according to the ancient people's point of view, the evolution of living things takes an extremely long time. Taking the evolution of ancient apes as an example, hundreds of millions of years have passed. Such humanoid creatures, which have only appeared in more than a hundred years, have obviously violated the normal development laws of nature. "Humanoid" seems to have discovered the hidden murderous intention on the other side. over the next nearly hour. He didn't move at all. Such waiting made Tianxiang and Sentinel almost lose their patience. If the thoughts in his mind hadn't told Tianxiang that his opponent still existed, he might have thought that the enemy had slipped away, and he couldn't wait to rush out of the tree hole where he was hiding to see where he was.

However, the "eye of the mind" told him clearly: "The enemy still exists, and he is waiting for an appropriate opportunity." For a long time. The strange black spot on the horizon moved again. Tormented by hunger and cold intolerable, he could only speed up his movements. Compared with his cautious behavior just now, his movements were obviously more frequent and rapid. So much so that the sentries around Tianxiang were able to spot Ni Duan without too much reminder. The cold gun handle was naturally held tighter. The ground with deep snow is a heavy burden for any traveler. After all, struggling to pull your feet out of knee-deep snow and stepping into the same constraints again. Such difficult movements will obviously consume most of the trekker's physical strength. But the actions of "humanoid" are just the opposite. Tianxiang was surprised to find that the restraint of the snow on him was almost non-existent. The muscular "humanoid" jumped nimbly between hidden spots in the ruins at a speed that was completely asymmetrical to his huge body. However, although his route has tried to avoid the observation range of the guard post. However, due to the limitations of the terrain, the "humanoid" finally had to return to the road leading to the dormitory after cleverly making many detours. Now it is hidden behind a ruined wall that stands on the side of the road. It was only more than 300 meters away from Tianxiang's muzzle, which was within the effective range of the assault rifle.

I don't know if it's because he needs to expend his physical strength urgently, or because he wants to distract the vigilant. In short, the "humanoid" hiding behind the ruined wall has not made any movement. From the look of it, it seems to be waiting for an opportunity. Waiting for an opportunity to be absolutely safe and successfully obtain prey. Tianxiang's thoughts were firmly locked on the target. He didn't dare let up any slack and was astonished by the immense athleticism displayed by the 'humanoid'. He was even thinking, if he had a head-on fight with him, what chance would he have of winning?

(The existence of humanoids should actually be a necessity. After all, there are many kinds of creatures on the earth. Although insects are extremely vital, they cannot always dominate. New biological groups will appear one after another in this book.)