
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Zombies frantically besieged

One zombie saw the iron gate open and immediately rushed forward. Alex took a deep breath and raised his gun to shoot. Bang! Bang! Two shots in a row, and two splashes of blood bloomed.

"Alex, don't shoot randomly, aim and then shoot!" Ford reminded.

"I know," Alex said in a deep voice. The first shot missed due to panic, only hitting the zombie's shoulder, but the second shot blew off its head. Cheryl also calmed down and aimed her gun at a zombie, pulling the trigger.

Bang! The bullet entered the zombie's forehead, and it immediately fell to the ground. At that moment, they had already dealt with two zombies, which greatly encouraged the three of them.

"Well done, let's hold on until we get to the armory," Ford said. Typically, regular security officers were not equipped with guns due to strict gun control. Even if they were armed, it was only for major missions, and each bullet required a corresponding report. However, each security station had its own armory, albeit with only a few firearms and a limited number of bullets, but enough to deal with the zombies outside.

Alex continued to raise his gun and shoot, while Cheryl held back slightly because she only had one bullet left in her gun. Bang! Bang! Bang! Three gunshots rang out. Three zombies fell to the ground, revealing the blocked door. Seeing a breach, the three of them rushed forward together. Ford took a step forward and opened the door, but the remaining eight or nine zombies immediately pounced on them. The three of them were entangled by the zombies, their hands and feet bound, unable to aim.

"Damn it!" Alex roared, trying to break free, but the zombies were strong. an ordinary adult has a strength of about 100 kilograms, and zombies, without the ability to sense pain, can exert twice as much strength as an ordinary person, not considering damage to their joints and bones. If they continued to struggle like this, all three of them would meet their demise at the hands of the zombies.

Suddenly, Alex spoke up, "You guys go, I'll buy you some time."

His words stunned the other two, who immediately cursed, "What the fuck are you talking about? If we're going, we're going together."

"Enough with the bullshit, otherwise, none of us will get out," Alex said with a bitter smile, looking at his bleeding arm, where a clear bite mark was visible. He had been infected. The two others followed Alex's gaze and saw the wound.

After a brief silence, Ford said, "Brother, I will remember you." After exchanging glances, Alex used all his strength, kicked the wall behind him with his right foot, pushing himself directly onto the zombies in front of him.

In an instant, several zombies were knocked down by Alex. "Go!" Ford said with grief and anger. Cheryl, with tears in her eyes, also looked back and took the opportunity while Alex was holding down the zombies, and the two of them rushed out of the door.

As security officers, they naturally knew the location of the armory. They jogged all the way to a warehouse in the backyard. However, soon they were dumbfounded. The anti-theft door of the warehouse was locked, and the keys were with the head officer who had been attacked by the zombies two days ago.

The two glanced at each other and saw the refusal in each other's eyes. With determination, they gritted their teeth and simultaneously threw themselves at the anti-theft door. Bang! The door shook, but showed no signs of opening. They continued. Bang! Another hit, but the door remained tightly locked. At this moment, the zombies inside had followed the sound and surrounded the two of them.

The situation was extremely urgent. "One, two, three! Hit!" Ford boldly threw himself forward and shouted loudly. Cheryl clenched her teeth and exerted all her strength to collide with the door. Bang! Just as the zombies were less than a meter away from the two of them, the anti-theft door was smashed open. Due to inertia, both of them fell to the ground. Ignoring the pain, they quickly got up.

Cheryl immediately closed the anti-theft door and used her back to hold it in place, while Ford approached the gun cabinet with locked firearms and began to dismantle it violently.

"Hurry up, I can't hold on much longer!" Cheryl felt like her shoulders were about to give out. There were many zombies outside the door, and each zombie hit the door with the strength of an adult man, one after another rushing towards the door.

Fortunately, Ford managed to break open the cabinet in time. He immediately pulled out two guns and nodded to Cheryl. Cheryl immediately backed away. The main gate was instantly rammed open by the zombies, and one after another zombies rushed in.

A burst of gunfire erupted. A zombie fell to the ground, and then Ford continued to fire in rapid succession. His marksmanship wasn't precise, but at such close range, he couldn't miss. With more than a dozen bullets fired, the few zombies outside the door were completely cleared out.

Next, the two quickly grabbed two guns and over a hundred rounds of ammunition from the armory, then ran towards the outside of the security station. The zombies, who were already attracted by the gunshots, immediately swarmed towards the two on the main road. Not only that, zombies from several connected streets also converged towards them. Cheryl and Ford, seeing the situation, had no desire to shoot and turned around to sprint desperately.

Meanwhile, Anthony was walking down the street with a machete in his hand. He remembered the Yanghe Community Security Bureau, which should be on Yanghe Avenue in front of him. He had gone there once to get his ID card for the college entrance examination, but he hadn't been there much in the following five years, so his memory was a bit fuzzy.

"I shouldn't have taken the wrong path," he pondered, when suddenly a series of roaring sounds came from a distance. Zombies! Anthony's expression changed, and he immediately slung his bag tightly against the wall on the side of the road, cautiously peering towards Yanghe Avenue.

When he saw the mass of zombie, Anthony couldn't help but take a deep breath. To be honest, it was the first time he had seen such a large gathering of zombies since his rebirth. It was a dense swarm, numbering at least a thousand! And in front of this horde of zombies, a man and a woman wearing security uniforms were running for their lives.

"These two definitely stirred up a zombie nest," Anthony sighed, then turned his head and quickly slipped into a nearby shop. Currently, dealing with one or two hundred zombies at once was his limit. He didn't want to risk his life for two strangers.

On Yanghe Avenue. "No... I can't go on. I... can't run anymore," Ford gasped heavily. He rarely exercised, and running for over 500 meters had already drenched him in sweat. After a few steps, he came to a stop.

Cheryl, being a Veterans, had better physical fitness, but due to not eating for several days, her condition wasn't much better than Ford's. However, she managed to suppress her weakness and said, "Don't... don't stop, otherwise... Alex's sacrifice would be in vain."

Ford let out a bitter smile and looked at the approaching horde of zombies behind them. He took out his handgun and said, "You go first, I'll cover you."

"No, we'll go together!" Cheryl insisted. She pulled out her gun and aimed at the horde of zombies. "Alex has already sacrificed himself, I can't bear to see you die too."

Moved by her words, Ford didn't expect this young newcomer who had just joined less than a year ago to be so stubborn. But he still said, "Alright, stop being melodramatic. You go first, it's still better than both of us sacrificing ourselves."

Perhaps afraid that Cheryl wouldn't leave due to her stubbornness, he continued, "If you really can't let it go, do me a favor. Find an opportunity to visit my home and check if my wife and children are still there. if they are still alive, please take care of them for me."

"I..." Cheryl hesitated. Ford made up his mind and shouted, "Go! Hurry up and go!"

Cheryl trembled and, seeing the determination in his eyes, she stood at attention and saluted the senior security officer. Then, with tears in her eyes, she turned around and limped towards a nearby restaurant.

As Cheryl left, Ford's expression softened, and he murmured to himself, "I never thought I'd become a hero one day." As he spoke, with a mad look on his face, he looked up at the approaching horde and shouted, "I'm Ford, Chief of Security for Dazhou, ID number 007843! You bunch of monsters, go to hell!"

Streams of fire spewed forth, and the zombies in the front row fell to the ground. But there were just too many zombies. As the front row fell,the ones in the back step on the zombies in front. Soon, Ford was engulfed in the sea of corpses.