
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
112 Chs

XY Community

The white light disappeared, and Anthony looked over. He saw a rectangular black firearm about half a meter long on the ground, along with a pool of silvery metallic liquid and a white iron box.

"Is this the laser gun?" Anthony picked up the rectangular firearm from the ground. He wanted to give it a try, but considering that each power block could only fire ten times and each power block required 500 energy points, he resisted the urge to pull the trigger. It's all energy points! After storing it in his spatial ring, Anthony turned his attention to the second item.

"Second-level Apocalypse Warrior?" As the voice fell, the silvery liquid immediately transformed into the shape of a woman, almost indistinguishable from a real person. The only difference was that the woman had an expressionless face and looked at Anthony blankly, saying, "Hello, Master, I am the Second-level Apocalypse Warrior Zero, at your service."

"Enough, just turn into a bracelet." Anthony gave the order, and like the first-level Apocalypse Warrior Zero, the woman turned into a puddle of liquid metal and attached to Anthony's wrist, solidifying into a silver bracelet about the thickness of a chopstick. As for the treasure chest.

Anthony opened the box directly. "What's this?" When he saw the contents of the box, he was stunned. Inside the box lay a blue banana, the only difference being its abnormal color.

"So, this is the inheritance ability? System, are you sure you're not fooling me?" Anthony couldn't help but raise doubts.

The system's voice immediately sounded, saying, "The inheritance ability treasure chest contains fruit with attached superpower genes. Consuming it will grant you the ability, and you can also give it to others."

"Alright." Confirming the conditions, Anthony looked resigned. In other words, this thing was similar to the Devil Fruit from a certain worker manga.

"I wonder what power will awaken when I eat it?" Anthony swallowed his saliva and took a bite without even peeling it, directly biting into it.

As it entered his mouth, it was soft and sweet like a banana, even the peel, and in an instant, the peel melted, turning into a warm flow that spread into his body.

Soon, Anthony's mind was flooded with information: "Rapid Regeneration: Quickly recover from injuries, as long as there's a head left, it can heal. Ability can evolve."

"Could it be? So as long as my head isn't blown up by an enemy, I can recover, and if I continue to evolve, is it possible that one day, I could recover as long as I have one cell left?" Anthony boldly speculated. In fact, this possibility was quite high; humans themselves were formed from differentiated zygotes, as long as an omnipotent stem cell was present, this possibility wasn't far-fetched.

After absorbing the information in his mind, Anthony pulled out his second-level Tang Knife, removed the second-level Venom Armor on his hand, and then slashed at his hand. The sharpness of the second-level Tang Knife was undeniable, just a light pull and a wound about ten centimeters long appeared on Anthony's hand, breaking the skin and flesh. In an instant, a stream of blood flowed out, but quickly, the wound grew visible to the naked eye and was replaced by flesh. In less than three seconds, it completely healed.

If it wasn't for the residual redness on the outside that indicated the hand had been cut, anyone would have thought it was a prank.

Looking at his healed hand, Anthony's thoughts were racing. With the Super Speed Regeneration ability, even if he encountered that giant zombie again, even if he couldn't defeat it, he definitely wouldn't end up like before, nearly dying. The other effects still needed further development. Suppressing his excitement, Anthony tidied up for a while, assigned tasks to Dash and the others, and then strapped on his Tang Knife before heading out.

Meanwhile, at the ChuDu Survivor Base, chaos reigned in the laboratory.

"The patient's vital signs are rapidly declining!"

"Quick, inject 1 milligram of adrenaline!"

"Uh-oh, the patient's heart has stopped, use the defibrillator!"

After tense efforts to resuscitate him, the young man lying on the operating table stopped breathing. Everyone stared at the lifeless young man, their expressions full of despair and their explanations silent. Only Madden refused to give up. He pushed aside the researchers in front of him and shouted, "Get out of my way!"

Saying this, he grabbed a syringe filled with sparkling liquid, his expression wild, and ran to the young man, plunging the needle in.

"You can't die! You absolutely can't die! My blood, sweat, and tears are all invested in you! You must survive! Josh, Squad Leader, your loved ones are still waiting for you!"

With a syringe injected, the young man remained motionless. Seeing the frantic state of the leader, the other researchers couldn't help but advise, "Dr. Madden, it's over, the person is already dead."

"Shut the fuck up!" Madden angrily cursed.

Seeing this, the researchers immediately silenced out of fear. They had never seen the usually refined Dr. Madden so enraged. And so, under everyone's gaze, they waited for almost ten more minutes.

Normally, in medicine, brain death or true medical death is determined by the cessation of heartbeats, pupil dilation, and pulse. In the case of the young man on the operating table, his heart had stopped beating, his pupils were dilated, and his pulse had ceased, indicating true death.

Just as everyone was preparing to remove the connections from the young man and cover him with a white cloth, suddenly, the young man's fingers twitched. The electrocardiogram suddenly displayed a curve.

Subsequently, more curves appeared, and the young man's body began to convulse violently, emitting non-human-like roars from his mouth. The researchers had never seen such a situation before, and one by one, they backed away in fright. However, Madden took out another syringe and rushed forward, injecting it into the young man's chest.

In the next moment, a shockwave erupted from the young man's body, sending Madden flying backward. The rest of the researchers were also knocked down by the shockwave.

Amidst the cries of despair, the young man's body slowly floated up, and a bone unexpectedly grew from the previously severed arm. Blood vessels surrounded the bone, and within less than a minute, a fully-formed arm had completely taken shape. The injuries in other parts of the body were also healing at a visible rate.

After about ten minutes, the young man's body slowly descended, standing steadily on the ground. He opened his eyes, surveyed his surroundings, and muttered to himself, "Who am I? Where am I...?"

In LinXian City, unlike other neighborhoods, XY Community's outer gate was wound with steel wires and reinforced with metal sheets. Beside the gate were two young men in white short sleeves, holding machetes, while inside, a large group of survivors were active.

Suddenly, the roar of an engine sounded outside the gate. Soon, a man's voice resounded from outside.

"Open up, it's me coming back!"

"Please wait a moment, Milton, we'll open the gate!" Upon hearing this, the guards immediately rushed over and opened the iron gate.

The gate opened, revealing a small truck in everyone's view. Two people climbed onto the truck to inspect it and found that the trailer was loaded with supplies, as well as a few tied-up and gagged men and women.

"No wonder it's Milton, you always have a big harvest every time you go out!"

The man called Milton tossed a key towards the truck, saying, "Jefferson, go park the truck."

"Got it!"

Tossing the key, Milton bent his legs and instantly turned into a gust of wind, running towards a residential building. "We need to inform the boss about the situation at the LinXian City Vocational and Technical College."

Just as the iron gate closed at this side, a head appeared around the corner.

"Isn't it bad for us to follow like this? If Anthony finds out, he'll definitely..."

"Hehe, don't worry, Verna. With our strength and Dash around, we'll just handle this casually."

"Alright... alright."