
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

The upgraded base

Anthony flashed his figure and descended the stairs with a knife. In less than two seconds, he was on the first floor. The screams were coming from the medical room on the first floor. Anthony hurriedly went in, and when he saw Verna clutching a medical cabinet and screaming, his face immediately darkened.

"Cough... cough." Anthony cleared his throat twice as a reminder.

Verna realized and blushed, awkwardly saying, "I'm sorry. I suddenly saw all these when I came downstairs to make breakfast. As a surgeon, it's my first time seeing such a complete set of surgical equipment. I got excited. This can't be a dream, right?"

"Yes, It's not a dream," Anthony nodded speechlessly. The medical room was originally intended for Verna's use, Because she's the only doctor on the base. As for the appearance of the medical room, Verna didn't ask, and Anthony couldn't be bothered to answer.

"Well... um, I have a request. Can I use this medical room?" Verna stuttered, her eyes shimmering with a pitiful look.

Anthony nodded with a smile, "I agree."

"May you have a lifetime of blessings." Verna bowed deeply to Anthony and embraced the medical cabinet again. She had wanted to ask about the origin of this medical room, but dismissed the thought. Since entering this base after being saved by Anthony, everything had been a mystery. So why bother asking so much? Sometimes, simplicity brings more happiness.

" can tell she really loves it." Anthony muttered quietly and left the medical room. Guided by the Dawn Base system, he toured the upgraded facilities of the base.

First, there was a one-meter thick waterproof and insulating cement wall, with an outer layer of metal panels of about ten centimeters, whose material was unknown. Inside the outer wall of the base gate, two miniature submachine guns were added. The inner walls of the base were covered with a layer of optical image paint. When personnel inside the base looked at the walls, the paint automatically adjusted the strength of the light to protect their vision. Apart from these two, the previous three bedrooms had become six, and finally, there was the backyard. Originally, the private room left by his parents came with a backyard, but it had been reduced to ruins due to the flooding.

Now, the backyard was included within the base. The material of the backyard walls was the same as the base walls, and the ceiling was made of a layer of optical glass that could automatically adjust brightness and display. On the outer wall of the backyard, two small submachine guns were also installed. The most important thing was that the backyard had an area of one hundred square meters, providing a wide view. It was equipped with a small fountain and a pavilion, with a ginkgo tree nearby. Occasionally, taking a nap in the backyard during a leisurely afternoon was a wonderful experience.

After the facility tour, Anthony called Cheryl and headed directly towards Yanghe School. He couldn't wait to acquire more energy points...

Early morning on July 3, 2024. Shaqiao Community,Evan had been lying on the bed in pain, groaning continuously for three days, and his throat was completely hoarse. The wounds on his buttocks and knees had become infected and swollen like steamed buns that had been flipped over. Besides these two locations, what embarrassed him the most was Little Evan.

Using affirmations won't work anymore. That shot directly took away two-thirds of him, and the remaining bit was considered to preserve his last shred of dignity as a man. Of course, that's on the condition that he undergoes timely surgery to treat the infection.

"Hey, is anyone there? Come over if you can hear me! Are you bunch of bastards all deaf? Daisy, where the hell are you? Daisy's mother, didn't you fancy my family's influence? If I die in your house, my father won't let you off!" Evan's voice was weak, and he didn't have the strength to shout anymore.

No one had paid attention to him for the past three days, and he couldn't move, so he ended up relieving himself in bed. Seeing that no one cared, he cried out again, "Didn't you want Daisy to marry into my family? I agree! Come here quickly, I'm about to suffocate."

Just as he was about to continue shouting, a cold voice rang out. "Evan."

Hearing the voice, Evan struggled to lift his head and saw a one-armed woman standing by the bedside. His face brightened, and he quickly said, "Baby, you finally noticed me?"

"You said you just asked me to enter your family?" Daisy said calmly.

Evan hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes, as long as you save me, I'll let you enter my family."

"Huh!" Daisy sneered and looked at Evan mockingly. "Just enter your family?"

"What else do you want? Many wealthy and noble women in Chu du City would love to enter my family, but they couldn't. Now the opportunity is right in front of you. It depends on whether you cherish it or not," Evan threatened. This was already his bottom line.

"Is that so?" Daisy looked at the clown-like Evan in front of her and couldn't help but mock herself. The man she had previously flattered turned out to be like this. She turned around and prepared to leave the room.

Seeing Daisy about to leave, Evan panicked instantly. "Don't go, we can sit down and talk if you have any conditions. As long as they're reasonable, I can agree."

"You better think it through before coming to find me!" Daisy left with a parting remark and closed the door behind her. She wanted to enter Evan's house, but it wasn't just entering—she wanted everything in Evan's family!

"You despicable woman, you fucking played me! Just wait, when my dad comes, I'll definitely kill your entire family, Daisy!" Evan's anger overwhelmed him, and before he could shout more, he fainted.

Outside the room, when Daisy came out, her father hurriedly approached and asked, "How did it go?"

"Just wait, he'll agree," Daisy replied, leaving a word behind without even looking at her father, and she entered the room and closed the door, leaving Daisy's father awkwardly standing in place...

At the LinXian City toll booth, three military jeeps and an armored vehicle rushed out from the highway exit. Inside the vehicles, the walkie-talkies made a sound. "Armor One, this is Military Vehicle One. We have reached the target city."

"I am Military Vehicle Number Two, and I have reached the target city."

"I am Military Vehicle Number Three, and I have arrived at the target city."

"Armor One, acknowledged! All teams, listen to my command. Immediately search for temporary buildings to use as defensive positions."

"Yes, Armor One." After the four military vehicles exited the highway, they headed straight for the urban area. When they passed by a vocational school, the armored vehicle issued another command.

"This is Armor One. We have located the target building. Begin the sweep immediately!" As the words fell, the armored vehicle directly crushed the zombies wandering near the entrance of the vocational school, while the other three military jeeps remained in place. Fifteen soldiers armed with submachine guns descended from the vehicles and started firing.

Meanwhile, Anthony glanced at the school gate, then looked at Cheryl, who immediately understood. "You go, I'll wait for you in the security office. Take care of yourself."