
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

The development direction of the base

While waiting for the others, Anthony took out a Level 1 Life Skill Chest that he had purchased from his spatial ring. It was still an ordinary wooden box, painted with creamy white paint. With the experience of the previous inheritance, Anthony opened the chest directly. In the middle of the box was a crystal emitting a blue glow.

Anthony grasped it, and immediately, the blue crystal transformed into a dazzling light that merged into the palm of his hand.

"Advanced Swimming?" a surge of information flooded his mind. The inheritance crystal contained the skill of Advanced Swimming, allowing a person to move in water as if on land and enabling them to dive underwater for 10 minutes.

After absorbing the memories in his mind, Anthony felt as though he had practiced swimming for twenty years, but a bitter smile appeared on his face.

How should put it? This skill was like making up for his shortcomings as a non-swimmer, but the awkward part was that he couldn't just go swimming in a river for no reason, right?

Tasteless to consume, wasteful to discard , that was Anthony's assessment of this skill. He shrugged and continued to wait.

Soon, the two women finished their preparations and came downstairs in clean clothes. At a glance, Anthony noticed a noticeable change in their skin. Where there used to be small blackheads, their skin was now as smooth as milk.

Anthony couldn't help but exclaim, "If doomsday hadn't come, your skin could be in advertisements as stars!"

Cheryl rolled her eyes sarcastically, "What's so great about being a star? Isn't it more satisfying to be a DZ country law enforcement officer, upholding justice and eradicating evil?"

"Exactly, compared to being a star, I prefer the feeling of saving lives on the operating table," Verna shook her head.

"Hahaha! You've really hit the nail on the head with flattery," Dash burst into laughter.

Anthony shrugged helplessly and spread his hands. Then, his expression turned serious, and he said, "Alright, let's get down to business. Speaking of which..."

He gestured to Annabelle and Lynn nearby, "You're both part of the base too, let's discuss this together."

Soon, the six of them gathered around. Anthony began, "Currently, our base has developed initial armed forces and established a cooperative agreement with the LinXian survivor base. They provide us with survival supplies for 30 people each month."

Pausing for a moment, Anthony continued, "For our base to thrive, I have two ideas about its future development that I'd like us to discuss."

"Go ahead, Anthony, we're all ears," Cheryl chimed in.

Verna nodded in agreement, "You saved our lives, and as our boss, I support any decision you make."

Dash added, "Well, the old man is already 78. Who knows how much longer he'll live? Whatever crazy idea you have, the old man will go along with it."

Though Lynn had been turned down by Anthony the previous day, she still felt grateful towards him and said softly, "We'll follow your lead. Lucy listens to Superman Uncle!"

"I'm with you too," Annabelle, who usually spoke less, also expressed her opinion.

"Great!" With everyone's agreement, Anthony posed the question, "So, we have two development options. One is to build a temporary shelter, attract survivors, and establish our own survivor base. The other is to focus on elite training. Initially, we would enhance our own abilities, and once we've reached a certain level, we would establish a temporary shelter. Which approach do you think is better?"

Anthony posed the question, and everyone furrowed their brows. Indeed, the base needed people to develop, but if they recruited refugees right from the start, it could lead to a lack of quality control. If any of them initiated a rebellion, their previous investments would go to waste. Nobody wanted to get involved in such a thankless task.

After thinking for a while, Lynn was the first to speak up, "Can... can I share my thoughts?"

"No problem, brainstorming is always good," Anthony replied with a smile.

Given the green light, Lynn continued, "Considering the current situation, I think we can integrate a few ideas."

Firstly, we should focus on the Dawn Base, channeling most resources towards the base's personnel.

Secondly, we can establish temporary shelters around the Dawn Base, attracting refugees. However, they should provide equivalent items in exchange for food. Over time, this will psychologically link the refugees' survival to following the Dawn Base.

Thirdly, quantifying material exchanges. Each person can only exchange enough supplies for one person's daily needs. If a person has a family, they can receive additional supplies, but registration is required to prevent individual resource accumulation and potential rebellions.

Fourthly, job assignments. Among the refugee group, individuals with prestige can be selected for specific tasks with promised benefits, making management easier.

Fifthly, for the elderly, young, women, children, and disabled who cannot contribute to material collection, those with families should be taken care of by their family members. For those without family, a small portion of supplies can be centrally allocated. Infants and children can be cared for separately to nurture future talents for the base.

As she listed these various points, Anthony listened with excitement. It was evident that Lynn's managerial skills were advanced, and her ideas resonated deeply with him.

In truth, Anthony's primary reason for consolidating survivors was to have more people collect zombie crystals for him. His personal abilities were limited, and he wasn't using his stockpile to help others without compensation; he understood the principle of give and take.

In this post-apocalyptic world, the darker aspects of human nature were magnified. Anthony wasn't a saint. If it weren't for preparing for the impending zombie wave in three years, he wouldn't have considered setting up refugee camps. The lives of these people were unrelated to him.

"Do any of you have other ideas?" Anthony turned to the rest of the group.

Cheryl spoke directly, "I agree with Lynn's suggestions."

Verna also nodded in agreement, "For now, Lynn's approach seems to be the best."

Dash and Annabelle didn't have any objections either.

Finally, Anthony made the decision, "Alright, let's proceed with this plan for now."

With the direction for the base's development established, Anthony's spirits lifted, "Great, now let's move on to the tasks for today."

"Cheryl, Verna, and the old man, you three will team up again for crystal collection. Aim to collect at least 100 ordinary zombie crystals and one crystal from a mutated zombie," Anthony instructed.

Dash waved his hand, "No problem, leave it to the old man. Fighting might not be his thing, but collecting crystals is."

"OK!" Anthony then turned to Annabelle, "Annabelle, for today, you'll stay at the base temporarily. Once the Dash returns, he'll teach you and Lynn techniques to enhance your abilities."

"Superman Uncle, what about me?" Seeing everyone had tasks, Lucy looked hopeful.

Anthony chuckled and ruffled Lucy's hair, "You, my dear, will help your mom clean up our base."

"Got it, BOSS!"Lucy suddenly stood at attention, her childish gesture causing everyone to burst into laughter. After checking their equipment, the group headed out.