
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
112 Chs

The battle intensified

"Evan is dead?" Daisy looked at the body on the ground in disbelief.

Brad also looked at Carl in disbelief and said, "This kid killed Evan!" They knew Evan's strength very well. After his body doubled in size, he could unleash three times his normal strength, which is equivalent to 3 tons of force. His body defense was also extremely high. Such a powerful opponent was defeated in just one round. What kind of formidable opponent had they encountered?

Brad's face darkened as he realized they had encountered a tough opponent. He quickly made a decision and said, "Focus on the prick, everyone attack together!"

"Alright!" Brad shouted loudly, getting ready for action. Daisy regained her senses and nodded with a complex expression.

Anthony wiped the blood off his knife and said, "Ross, you take care of the one in the sky."

"No problem," Ross nodded seriously.

Anthony then turned to Don and said, "Don, you deal with that woman."

"Don't worry, brother. I'll make sure she pays," Don said, glaring at Daisy, secretly planning how to capture her and hand her over to Anthony for punishment.

"As for Brad, leave him to me," Anthony said. With the tasks assigned, the three of them assumed their stances and charged together.

"Good, let me show you how I'll kill you!" Brad took the lead, causing the ground to tremble with each step. When he reached Anthony, he raised his fists high and struck down forcefully. "Die!"

"Perfect timing!" Anthony's eyes flickered as he had no intention of directly confronting this monster. His current strength was 2175 pounds, which increased to 2610 pounds with his spiritual enhancement. However, it was still not enough to face someone as physically imposing as Brad.

He swiftly moved and swung his Tang sword towards Brad's waist. Sparks flew, and a shallow white scratch appeared on Brad's waist.

"Hehe, your blade is good. You've earned the qualification to tickle me," Brad laughed heartily when he saw that Anthony hadn't broken through his defense. He raised his fist and charged forward. "After I use my petrification, my hardness is half that of a diamond. Watch as I pound you into a pulp!"

Anthony quickly raised his sword to block. The blade of the Tang sword clashed with Brad's petrified fist, producing sparks. The force transmitted through the sword made Anthony's hand numb.

"What incredible strength!" Anthony blocked with his sword while looking for an opportunity. Brad's defense was too high, and for a while, Anthony found it difficult to break through. He was engaged in a fierce battle.

The situation wasn't optimistic for Ross either. After firing a shot, the tremendous recoil almost caused him to lose grip of his Level 1 Doomsday handgun. He looked at the gun in shock and wondered where it was manufactured. It should be noted that among handguns, the Desert Eagle had the most powerful force, and Ross was usually adept at handling it with ease.

The power of Anthony's handgun gave Ross a feeling he couldn't control, surpassing even the Bartley sniper rifle. Looking at the force unleashed by the bullet, as Carl dodged it, it pierced through a fist-sized hole in the cement wall of the nearby teaching building. The bullet didn't stop after penetrating one wall; it continued flying until it pierced through the other two walls and embedded itself in the fourth wall.

"This... is comparable to an armor-piercing round." Swallowing his saliva, Ross looked at the handgun again, his fondness evident on his face. He secretly thought that after the battle, he would discuss with Anthony how to give him the gun.

Carl was also shocked by the power of the gun. When the bullet shot out of the barrel, he felt the threat of death from the impact. "Great gun," Carl calmly uttered two words.

Ross smiled and said, "Comrade, now that you've witnessed the power of the gun, I advise you to surrender early to avoid losing your life for no reason."

"It's too early to talk about surrender now. Let's see if you can last a minute!" Carl's voice grew colder as he slowly descended and loosened his wrist, assuming a combat stance.

"If that's the case, we'll find out soon enough," Ross said, pulling out another handgun and charging forward.

On Don's side, he rubbed his fist, looked at Daisy with a carefree expression, and said, "I, Don, never hit women, but you're different. You've angered Anthony."

"Hmph! Stop talking nonsense and come at me!" Daisy rebuked sharply, flames igniting in the palm of her hand. Instantly, a football-sized fireball formed. With a wave of her hand, the fireball shot towards Don.

"Throwing fireballs, you damn magician," Don exclaimed as the heat wave hit him. He rolled to the side just in time to avoid the explosion of the fireball on the ground. The scattered sparks splashed in all directions. Despite avoiding the direct impact of the fireball, Don still felt a burning sensation on his back, as if he was being roasted over a stove.

"Damn, it's really hot!" Don grumbled as another fireball approached. "Bring it on!" Don yelled loudly, rolling once again, this time pulling out a handgun from his waist.

As an elite soldier, Don had extremely accurate marksmanship. He shot directly at Daisy's chest, and a burst of blood splattered. A hole the size of a fingertip appeared in Daisy's clothes, and her skin was cut with a small wound the size of a pinky finger. Brushing away the deformed bullet that hit her chest, Daisy's eyes filled with anger as she stared fiercely at Don, flames once again surging in the palm of her hand.

"No wonder our dear Anthony couldn't resist. With such fiery passion, anyone who faces it will melt!" Don exclaimed, quickly rolling to evade. The battle between Anthony's group and the two others intensified.

Anthony swung his sword, using the recoil to step back several steps, then looked to the side. When he saw that Don and Ross were firmly suppressed, he furrowed his brows. This was not good. Even if ordinary people had weapons capable of killing first-order mutants, their reaction speed and strength still lagged far behind awakened individuals. He needed to end the fight with Brad as soon as possible, or else if one of the two were to be defeated, the balance of the battle would shift in the opponent's favor.

With determination in his mind, Anthony looked at Brad once again. After battling him for half a day and observing him closely, he had noticed something. Brad could petrify his entire body, almost without any weaknesses, except for one place—the eyes.

Perhaps, that was a breakthrough. Thinking this, Anthony swung his sword again and charged forward. Brad laughed heartily as he watched Anthony approach and mocked, "Come on, you little worm! Let's see how many times you can dodge."

Brad had incredibly strong defense, and his strength was further enhanced, allowing him to lift three-ton objects with his bare hands. He could afford to fail countless times, but if Anthony were to fail, he would be crushed into a pulp. Brad wanted to see how long Anthony could hold on.

"Come!" Anthony shouted loudly, pushing his speed to the limit and swiftly maneuvering behind Brad, aiming for a fierce strike at his back. He wanted to divert the opponent's attention.

The katana was sharp, and even though Brad's body was like solid rock, Anthony relentlessly targeted a single point, gradually chipping away the layers of stone, revealing a thumb-sized depression.

"Kid, what game are you playing?" Brad exclaimed, puzzled by Anthony's actions.