
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Testing Supernatural Abilities

"Anthony, are you okay?" Clark hesitated for a while before he couldn't help but ask.

"I'm fine." Anthony extended his right arm, flexed and then clenched his five fingers, smiling as he said, "I just injected a special potion that can heal wounds. However, the source of this potion is classified, I'm sorry."

"I understand, I understand!" Clark quickly nodded.

Anthony's current strength was very likely related to DZ, which meant that his old classmate had entered...

Thinking up to this point, Clark's gaze towards Anthony changed. Regardless of what Clark thought, Anthony was focused on contemplating his own ability.

Creation? Could it mean the power to create things out of thin air? The thought arose in Anthony's mind as he stared at his palm, imagining the shape of a firearm.

In the next moment, a black iron sphere appeared out of thin air in the center of his palm. The sphere shifted and gradually took on the shape of a firearm.

"It's actually real?" Anthony was pleasantly surprised as he tried aiming and pulling the trigger towards a wall. The gun muzzle spewed flames, and a bullet shot out, leaving a finger-sized hole in the opposite wall.

"Amazing!" Anthony exclaimed. However, the test wasn't complete. He handed the gun to Clark, his gaze intense as he said, "Try holding it? If my guess is right, then..."

"Me?" Clark snapped out of his shock. What had he just witnessed? A person creating a gun out of thin air? This was just too uncanny! If zombies could be explained scientifically, then Anthony's ability to create firearms defied his sense of reality.

"I'll try." Swallowing nervously, Clark took the firearm. But just as he fully gripped it, suddenly, the black handgun disintegrated into particles in his hand, and it vanished completely.

"This..." Clark looked at Anthony with a puzzled expression.

Anthony wore a regretful expression. This meant that the things he created couldn't be used by others. However, he continued experimenting. Since he could create firearms, could he also create a nuclear bomb? Or, to be bolder, fire, lightning, wind,could he create and control all of these elements? If that were the case, his ability would be almost god-like.

With these thoughts in mind, Anthony extended his hand, imagining the appearance of fire. With a clear sound, a ball of scorching flames gradually rose from his palm. The flame was about the size of a soccer ball, smaller than the fireballs Daisy could conjure, but the heat emanating from it was tangible.

Next, Anthony tried creating wind, water, lightning, and more, all of which were successful. With this ability, could he manipulate living organisms? Let's give it a shot!

Anthony imagined the shape of a human in front of him. Suddenly, a sharp pain pierced his brain. The pain was so intense that he immediately stopped his imagination, clutching his head with both hands. He leaned against the wall, taking an entire hour to recover. His head still felt muddled afterward.

"Damn, I went too far." Anthony couldn't help but wryly smile. In that instant of pain, he felt his mind was on the brink of collapsing. Yet, he didn't give up. He attempted to create a small mouse, even an ant, but all attempts failed. Although the pain wasn't as sharp as before, his head still throbbed.

Enduring the pain, Anthony then tried with the flesh of living organisms or plants, but all those attempts failed as well. He arrived at a conclusion. The ability to create was related to his spiritual attribute and, for now, he couldn't create living things, including cells. He could only create inanimate objects.

Though this conclusion left Anthony somewhat disappointed, it was still remarkable. Once he advanced to a Second-tier Awakener or reached a higher level, who's to say he couldn't achieve that? This ability was waiting for him to explore.

After the experiment, Anthony leaned against the wall, took a sip of spiritual water, rested for a while, and when he felt somewhat better, he turned to Clark, who was quietly waiting beside him. Curiously, he asked, "Clark, how did you end up here?"

"Well, don't even mention it." Hearing Anthony's question, Clark sighed and waved his hand, saying, "There's no more food at home, my sister fell ill, and my nephew is hungry. My brother-in-law refuses to take risks, so I had to come out."

"Is that so?" Anthony thought for a moment and took out a sandwich from his spatial ring, handing it over, saying, "Here, take it."

In the spatial ring, time was frozen, and the sandwiches that Lynn made for everyone in the morning were still fresh. Smelling the aroma of the sandwich, Clark's mouth almost started watering, and with an incredulous expression, he pointed at himself and asked, "You... you sure you're giving this to me?"

"Quit the chatter. Do you want it or not? If you don't, I'll take it back!" Anthony teased.

Clark quickly nodded and eagerly snatched the sandwich, devouring it in a whirlwind. With his mouth full, he mumbled, "You're crazy if you think I'd say no!"

In less than a minute, Clark swiftly devoured the palm-sized sandwich. After finishing, he licked his fingers with a satisfied look.

Anthony found it amusing to watch, and he took out another piece and handed it over, saying, "Here, I've got another one here."

"Thanks." Clark took the sandwich but hesitated for a moment before putting it into his pocket.

Anthony couldn't help but ask, "What's that for?"

Clark replied calmly, "Taking it back for my sister."

"Oh, you should have said so earlier! Go ahead and eat. I've got plenty." Anthony shook his head in resignation as he saw Clark's behavior, taking out a large piece of toast, some ham, and a few fried eggs from his spatial ring.

Seeing Anthony constantly pulling out more food, Clark was touched and quickly said, "That's enough, seriously!"

"Alright, if you need more, just let me know. Between us, no need to be so formal," Anthony said with a smile.

"Thank you." Clark's voice choked up a bit, and he sincerely expressed his gratitude.

During the apocalypse, everyone fought over food, and even deadly conflicts could arise over a bag of expired snacks. The fact that Anthony generously offered him so much food deeply moved Clark.

"Alright, cut it out," Anthony responded without much seriousness.

As Clark gathered the food, Anthony asked, "By the way, what are your plans for the near future?"

"Nothing much, just living day by day," Clark sighed.

Where could he go now? He had graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering and had a promising job lined up at a big company. But with the apocalypse, all those plans had gone up in smoke.

"I see." Anthony's mind raced, and he spoke up, "How about coming with me?"

"Are you trying to recruit me as your underling?" Clark retorted with a teasing smile.

Anthony responded with a counter-question, equally smiling, "Is that not an option?"

"Tch, I knew you had ulterior motives for me," Clark playfully scolded.

Continuing his questions, Anthony asked, "So, are you coming or not?"

"Can't make it," Clark sighed, explaining, "My sister is sick and needs me to take care of her. If I leave, knowing my brother-in-law, my sister would be in trouble."

"Alright," Anthony sighed too.

Clark had responsibilities, and Anthony understood that. Besides, Anthony had never met Clark's sister and her family, and he wasn't obliged to help strangers. Giving Clark the food earlier was purely because of their acquaintance.

However, after a moment of thought, Anthony added, "If you ever decide to join, come find me. YangHe Residential Area, No. 328."

"Alright, if that day comes, I'll look you up." While they were talking, a loud roar suddenly echoed from outside the house.

Listening to the sound, Anthony peered outside and smiled when he saw the behemoth. Timing couldn't have been better. Just as he awakened his abilities, he got himself an experimental subject!