
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Save someone

out of base,Anthony swiftly dispatched the approaching zombie with a slash. After scanning the street to ensure no zombies were coming, he began collecting the zombie crystals at his feet.

There were a total of twenty-one, including a zombie dog. It's worth mentioning that the zombie virus not only infected humans but also animals. Infected animals became agile and posed a greater threat than ordinary human zombies. For example, zombie dogs could easily pierce through metal and reach your bones, even if you were wrapped in iron.

Fortunately, Anthony's speed far surpassed that of an average person, and his physical reflexes were beyond what a dog could match. When the zombie dog pounced towards his lower leg, he swiftly dispatched the poor rural dog with a single slash.

Placing the last crystal into his backpack, Anthony tightly gripped his machete and continued exploring along the wall. His search was slow, causing minimal noise. Occasionally, two careless zombies rushed towards him only to be swiftly eliminated with a single slash.

After walking for about five hundred meters, he saw the first clinic on West Street. The sign, with a blue background and white letters, read "West Street Gynecology Clinic." The name of the person in charge made him somewhat dazed. Bob. When Anthony was young and in poor health, his mother often brought him here for IV drips, and they even regarded Bob as a relative. However, their relationship was severed after his parents passed away a few years ago.

In Anthony's impression, Bob was an honest and amiable person, always chatting with a smile. I don't know if this Bob is still around. "Forget it, I can't take care of myself." Anthony shook his head mockingly."

If he had possessed this kind of strength before his rebirth, facing slow-reacting zombies, he would have maintained the confidence to survive. Many survivors shared the same thoughts during the initial phase. The situation was dire, but the country had tanks, airplanes, cannons, and even nuclear bombs. They fought hard, hoping to rebuild their homeland.

But what happened in reality? Half a month later, the appearance of mutated zombies made the survivors deeply understand the meaning of fear. When shells bombarded the mutated zombies one after another, leaving them unscathed, when missiles fell, turning the city into ruins, and the mutated zombies rose one by one from the debris, humanity realized that perhaps only mutated zombies could defeat other mutated zombies.

Fortunately, the emergence of awakened individuals changed everything. After experiencing various hardships, Anthony deeply understood that with his current strength, he was merely a powerful ant. Taking a deep breath, Anthony walked to the entrance of the clinic.

The front glass door had already been smashed. Looking inside through the broken glass, apart from the bloodstains and severed limbs scattered on the floor, there were no signs of survivors' activities. Carefully, Anthony crawled through the broken glass hole. The first thing that caught his eye was the medicine cabinet.

The medicines on top seemed to have experienced a catastrophe, with overturned and scattered packages on the floor. Some commonly used medications were only found in inconspicuous corners. Anthony furrowed his brow, searching for a while before selecting a few usable boxes and putting them in his backpack.

In the apocalypse, falling ill was a terrifying thing. Without doctors or medical equipment, you could only try experimental treatments with some medications or leave it up to fate. Conditions like appendicitis that required surgery were better off praying they wouldn't worsen or perforate.

Anthony looked at his backpack. There was a small box of amoxicillin, a bottle of enteric-coated capsules, and a bag of Banlangen herbal granules. That was all. He packed them up and stood up. He remembered there was a larger pharmacy about fifty meters ahead, and across from it was a large supermarket.

However, just as he was about to crawl out, a faint foul smell drifted in. Almost instinctively, he turned around and delivered a horizontal strike. Splish — a round head rolled onto the ground, emitting a feeble groan. "Can't relax for a moment!" Anthony muttered, looking at the decapitated zombie head on the ground. He skillfully extracted the crystal and stored it, then tightened his grip on the knife and continued along West Street.

After walking a few steps, suddenly, a group of men's voices sounded nearby. "Chase her! Don't let that bitch escape! Damn it, if I catch her, I'll break her legs for sure."

Anthony subconsciously leaned against the wall and glanced at the open door of a breakfast shop beside him. He swiftly slipped inside. After hiding, he cautiously peeked his head out through the cracks of stacked steamers and observed the group of men.

Based on visual estimation, they were about forty meters away from him, a group of eight men. They were wearing safety helmets and holding steel pipes or wrenches, some even carrying shovels. Their expressions were unclear. Running ahead of the eight was a good-looking young woman. However, her hair was disheveled, and her face bore several bright red slap marks, clearly indicating that she had been severely beaten by this group of men.

Anthony furrowed his brow instinctively. It was obvious that they were a bunch of street thugs and hooligans taking advantage of the post-apocalyptic chaos to engage in murder, arson, and the mistreatment of women. But even so, Anthony had no intention of interfering or wasting time and energy on these people. He could only hope that they would leave soon and not hinder his collection of medicine.

However, things often turned out contrary to expectations. The young woman, seeing no way out, rushed into the nearby large pharmacy. "Damn it, Just thinking about it, it came true?!" Anthony muttered angrily through gritted teeth. After the apocalypse, the law was virtually nonexistent. Without the constraints of the law, human depravity began to rapidly swell, and the fate of this young woman could be easily imagined.

Seeing the woman enter the pharmacy, the men chasing after her slowed their pace and approached the entrance with playful laughter. "Beauty, why are you running? We're not villains, you know?"

"Yeah, with so many people bitten by zombies, shouldn't we make a small contribution to prevent human extinction?" several men joked.

"You bunch of bastards! Even if I fed you to the zombies, it wouldn't be enough to repay your animal-like behavior," the woman inside cursed.

"Hillary" a lecherous-looking man looked at a burly man next to him. Hillary was about thirty years old, tall and muscular, with a face full of rough flesh. His towering muscles were intimidating.

Hillary spat on the ground, his face filled with impatience. "Hurry up, all of you. If we attract zombies, we'll be in trouble." Then he added, "Be careful, don't kill her. She's at least a doctor, and we might need her for someone with a common cold or flu."

"We got it, Hillary!" the henchmen readily replied, one after another entering the store.

Soon, screams of the woman echoed from inside. "You bunch of animals!"

Anthony initially didn't intend to get involved in this matter, but hesitated upon hearing the words from Hillary's mouth. In the post-apocalyptic world, doctors were undoubtedly a scarce and precious profession, capable of saving lives in critical situations. If they managed to bring such a talent into their base, it would provide a certain level of medical assurance for the future. For Anthony, having an extra pair of chopsticks mattered.

With these thoughts in mind, Anthony picked up his machete and sprinted towards the pharmacy, covering three steps in two. Inside the pharmacy, the woman was being held down by three men, while another man was tearing at her clothes, exposing large patches of pale skin. The woman cried out, struggling frantically, while the lewd laughter of the men echoed around.

"Get away! Take your filthy hands off her! You bunch of animals! Bastards! Ahhh—" Just as the woman let out a desperate scream, a calm voice sounded from behind the group. "Hey."