
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Qi Absorption Method

Inside the base, Anthony suddenly sneezed, followed by a fleeting sense of foreboding. He furrowed his brows and pondered for a moment, but couldn't find any other issues. However, this feeling disrupted his good mood for eating.

"With such a deep frown, is something bothering you? Do you want me to check if you are ill?" Verna couldn't help but ask. Anthony was usually a fast eater, afraid that someone might take his food, so it was unusual for him to suddenly stop.

Anthony snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head. "It's nothing, probably just my imagination."

With that, he resumed quickly eating his food. The others noticed the situation but refrained from asking further, except for Verna, who was a doctor. She added, "If you're not feeling well, let me know anytime." Then she turned to Dash and Cheryl, who were sitting next to her, and said, "The same goes for Mr. Dash and Cheryl."

"Yeah," Anthony nodded. Dash noticed Anthony's low spirits and changed the subject, saying, "I was planning to teach you my unique skills starting tomorrow, but now that I feel my body is recovering well, how about I talk about what the old man learned after we finish eating?"

Cheryl immediately became excited and enthusiastic. "Mr. Dash, can you tell us about the martial arts you've learned? After learning them, can I be like a kung fu superstar in movies and shout, 'I can beat up ten people! '"

"Well..." Dash felt a bit embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

Seeing Dash's embarrassment, Verna quickly intervened, "Cheryl, those flashy moves you see in movies can't compare to what the old man knows. By the way, I'm curious, what kind of movies does the old man enjoy watching?"

Hearing this, the old man's face turned red with delight. "Naturally, I love action romance movies. The scenes are thrilling and intense. Unlike domestic dramas that make this old man feel awkward, they are much more enjoyable."

Verna, who was sitting beside him, suddenly spurted out her food. Anthony looked up and happened to meet Verna's gaze, and in an instant, Verna's cheeks turned red. Cheryl, on the other hand, lowered her head and looked complicatedly at the table. After a year of working in security, she knew what she should and shouldn't understand.

Feeling the atmosphere gradually becoming tense, Anthony cleared his throat. "Ahem, let's quickly finish eating and then start the class."

"Yes, yes," Verna softly agreed, quickly taking a few more bites and then hurriedly retreating to the kitchen. Cheryl, seeing the situation, immediately stood up and followed her.

Anthony naturally knew that the two women were feeling embarrassed because of the old man's comments, and he said impatiently, "Dash, tone it down."

"Tone it down?" Dash didn't take it seriously and said, "As martial artists, we act according to our own hearts. The old man just expressed what was on his mind. If they feel shy, it means their state of mind isn't enough."

"Is that so?" Anthony knew that Dash was just making excuses. With a thought in his mind, he directly confronted Dash, "So, is peeping at the widow next door following your heart? Often go to the rose garden red light district a lane is also follow one's heart?"

"How do you know, kid?" Dash was initially surprised, but then he casually said, "The old man is still strong, no doubt about it!"

"Hehe!" Anthony sneered inwardly. He knew this old man had a thick skin, but he still had a way to deal with him. He said, "Alright, When I have the time, I'll go to Chudu and tell Ms. Delia that you frequent prostitutes. How do you think she'll feel?"

"How do you know Delia?" Dash jumped up in shock and seemed to have realized something, fear showing on his face.

"How do I know? You told me yourself," Anthony thought to himself. In a past life, when this old man was on his deathbed, he asked Anthony to deliver a message to a woman named Delia, saying that Dash still loved her. Unfortunately, Anthony never had the chance to go to Chudu. However, he continued, "Relatives."

"Relatives?" Dash looked at Anthony suspiciously, instinctively feeling that this guy was making things up, but he had no evidence.

"Anyway, never mind how I know about this. I'm ordering you now, if you ever tell dirty jokes in front of the ladies at the base again, I'll tell Ms. Delia about your visits to the red-light district," threatened Anthony.

"Alright, alright, kid. Keep this a secret for me. If that old hag finds out, the old man will be finished." Dash didn't care if what Anthony said was true or not, he quickly surrendered.

Later that evening, the group gathered in the training room. Dash stood at the front and glanced at the three sitting behind, especially meeting Anthony's gaze, his expression immediately turned serious. He said, "Originally, the old man promised our master never to spread this martial arts skill, but now that the apocalypse has arrived and humanity is facing a crisis, the old man believes that all sects should abandon feudal traditions and pass on orthodox martial arts. And today, what the old man is going to teach is my school's martial art, the 'Qi Absorption Method.'"

"Qi Absorption Method?" Verna and Cheryl were both stunned. In their impression, traditional martial arts techniques usually had longer and more impressive names, like the Tian Shan Zhe Mei Hand or the Bi Hai Chao Sheng Qu. Even Anthony, who had seen the old man's data before, was speechless at this simple technique's name.

"Hehe, do you all think this name is too random?" Dash noticed the confusion on everyone's faces and couldn't help but laugh.

"A little bit," Cheryl nodded. Although Verna didn't say anything, her expression had already given her away. Anthony didn't need to say anything either.

Dash continued, "Although the current martial arts films are exciting, they are just the fantasies of those who only have a superficial understanding. In reality, the true essence of martial arts focuses on one word, 'simplicity'."

"Do you mean 'the ultimate simplicity of the grand path'?" Anthony asked.

Dash gave a look of appreciation and said, "Exactly, reaching the ultimate simplicity, simplifying complexity, being easily understandable. That's the ultimate philosophy of my school's martial arts. Otherwise, with countless martial arts in the world, why are so few able to be passed down? It's because the martial arts teachings written by the previous generation of grandmasters were filled with pretentious language and complicated expressions, causing most people to not understand them and leading to the discontinuation of the lineage.

On the other hand, those martial arts that are presented in a simple and understandable way have been able to spread well, like Bagua and Tai Chi." Dash continued, his voice suddenly rising, "However, even these so-called advanced levels of Tai Chi are still too complex, whereas the old man's martial arts from my school are even simpler. You'll learn them in no time."

"Please proceed, sir," Anthony said with a serious expression upon hearing this. .

"Alright, let me demonstrate it for you now."With everyone's anticipation, Dash cleared his throat and loudly said, "First, we need to take a deep breath, remember, you must inhale through the nose."
