
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Lynn's Suggestion

"Exchange Standards for Regular Peripheral Survivors:

1. Three ordinary zombie crystals can be exchanged for a serving of compressed biscuit porridge.

2. Five ordinary zombie crystals can be exchanged for a whole piece of compressed biscuit.

3. Ten ordinary zombie crystals can be exchanged for one sausage.

"That's about it for now," Anthony muttered to himself. Given the current situation, these standards were more than sufficient. As for the advancement system within the camp and such, there was no immediate need. He retrieved the sheet into his spatial ring and headed straight for the gym.

Upon entering, the voice of Dawn immediately sounded, "Master, today's training plan is focused on enhancing control and learning how to distribute strength."

"Let's get started!" Anthony replied simply and commenced the training.

Two hours later. "Control!" Anthony threw a punch at the wooden stake in front of him, his punch powerful, the wind stirring as it connected with the stake. In that instant of impact, a stream of air dispersed in all directions.

Anthony exhaled deeply, looking at the wooden stake in front of him which seemed completely unharmed. He smiled in satisfaction, considering the control training complete. From here on out, he only needed to practice and strengthen his abilities.

"Congratulations, Master, on completing the training!" Dawn praised. Glancing at the wooden stake, it had turned into a pile of powder.

"The next stage, Introductory Martial Arts. Master, please take it seriously," Dawn's high and aloof figure gradually disappeared after her words, leaving Anthony alone in thought.

"Introductory Martial Arts? I wonder how it differs from Dash's."

After a moment's contemplation, Anthony murmured, "System, show me my information panel."

[Host]: Anthony

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 23

[Level]: Second Stage Innate, First Order Awakener

[Spirit]: 0.4 (Amplifies combat power by 40%)

[Wisdom]: 23.5 (Normal humans have 1)

[Strength]: 83.55 (Normal humans have 1)

[Agility]: 42.6 (Normal humans have 1)

[Spirit]: 30.6 (Normal humans have 1)

[Virus Resistance]: 3.2 (Immune to First Order Mutant and lower-level ordinary zombie viruses once reaching 1)

[Supernatural Abilities]: Creation (Awakening Degree: 199.0%), Super-Speed Regeneration (Awakening Degree: 103.0%)

[Skills]: Qi Breathing, Hard Qi Gong, Meditation, Double Layered Force, Swimming (Advanced), Apocalypse Movement Technique, Combat (Special Grade)

[Overall Combat Power]: 180.25

"Strength increased to 8355 jin, speed to 298.2 meters per second, and Spirit attribute reached 30.6. From top to bottom, Anthony's expression shifted slightly as he saw the position of the Supernatural Abilities.

"A 199% Awakening Degree for Creation; 103.0% for Super-Speed Regeneration? What does this mean?" Anthony frowned, unsure whether this referred to the level of awakening of his abilities. However, compared to a Second Order Awakener, his strength was still far from sufficient.

According to the distinction between First Order Mutants and Second Order Mutants, a First Order Awakener needed to possess a strength of 2000 jin and a speed of 50 meters per second, while a Second Order Awakener required a strength of 20000 jin and a speed of 500 meters per second, surpassing the speed of sound by more than twice.

Shaking off these stray thoughts, Anthony left the gym and summoned Lynn, handing over the exchange list he had compiled the previous night. "These are the exchange standards I came up with last night. Take a look."

"Okay." Lynn nodded as she accepted the list.

In truth, Lynn had spent the entire night thinking about this very issue. Providing shelter to survivors wasn't difficult, but managing them afterward would undoubtedly be a challenge. One crucial aspect was the food exchange system. Dawn Base wasn't in the business of charity; it wasn't feasible to distribute food freely to these people.

However, what Anthony didn't expect was that he managed to outline the plan in just one evening. Lynn had newfound respect for this boy who was seven or eight years younger than her.

Taking the sheet, Lynn glanced over its contents. During Lynn's scrutiny, Anthony felt like a student awaiting his teacher's approval, especially as he saw Lynn furrow her brow or nod at times, making him even more nervous.

Five minutes later, Lynn looked up. Anthony forced a smile and asked, "How is it?"

"Overall, it's decent, but some parts are too simplistic," Lynn said, pointing to the first rule in Anthony's list. "The first rule states that peripheral survivors can exchange for a maximum of one portion of food per day. Is this one meal's worth for a day, or just a single meal? This needs clarification."

"Is that all?" Anthony's smile turned a bit awkward.

Lynn didn't mince words, saying, "Of course not."

"Rules two and three. I can see that you, as the leader, want to differentiate between captains and regular individuals. However, one thing needs to be clarified. If a person can receive multiple portions, it means they can use these portions to recruit and win people's loyalty among the peripheral survivors. Ultimately, the person who receives the food will be trusted and followed, not you as the leader. As the saying goes, 'Clothes and food are the most important.'"

"Is there anything else?" Anthony's smile grew even drier.

Lynn continued without mercy, "Certainly."

"In rules two and three, I can see that you want to emphasize the difference between a captain and a regular individual. However, there's one thing that needs to be clear: once a person can receive more portions, it means they can use these portions to gain followers among the peripheral survivors, and the person who receives the food will be trusted and followed, not you as the leader. As the saying goes, 'Clothes and food are the most important.'"

Lynn had a blunt way of speaking that made it seem like Anthony was having his homework assessed by a teacher. He grew even more nervous as he watched her frown and nod while reviewing the document.

"Here's a problem. This section is alright, but the exchange ratios need adjustment. For example, the ratio of compressed biscuits in the porridge. Typically, one serving of compressed biscuit is enough for an adult male's meal. There's an old saying, 'When one's belly is full, one thinks of indulgence.' This is a survivor camp, not a playground. There's no need to let them eat to their fill. In fact, people tend to be more alert when they are slightly hungry. When they eat too much, their blood sugar rises, making them want to rest more."

"I suggest that one piece of compressed biscuit could be used to make three bowls of porridge. Also, you can adjust the ratio of zombie crystals obtained."

"Alright, it seems that as a leader, I'm still inadequate," Anthony said, slightly dejected.

Lynn couldn't help but chuckle at Anthony's disappointed look. "What's so funny?" Anthony retorted.

Shaking her head, Lynn laughed, "I want to ask you, in your opinion, what kind of leader is qualified?"

"Are you testing me?" Anthony raised an eyebrow.

Unafraid, Lynn smiled and said, "Well, can't I?"

In fact, after spending these few days together, Lynn had a rough idea of what kind of person Anthony was. He started by keeping his distance from others, but the longer you interacted with him, the more he genuinely cared for you. This was especially evident after that night.

Thinking of this, Lynn's cheeks reddened slightly, and she discreetly scolded herself before looking at Anthony with anticipation in her sparkling eyes. Seeing her expression, Anthony shrugged helplessly.

After some careful consideration, Anthony replied, "A leader should excel in strategizing, leading from the front, managing affairs, and even down to cultivating fields. Proficient in all aspects."

In Anthony's view, whether big or small matters, he needed to oversee everything himself. This stemmed from his lack of inherent confidence; he required reassurance by verifying things personally. This was why, when it came to others' work, he had to double-check before feeling at ease. This habit led to him formulating the exchange list himself.

Listening to him, Lynn rolled her eyes in an exasperated manner and quipped, "So, Zhuge Liang must have been exhausted."

Anthony, sensing her playful tone, retorted, "So, what do you suggest then?"

Lynn's lips curled into a knowing smile, and she slowly pronounced, "Trust and delegation."