
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Linxian City Survivor Base(1)

"Damn, am I hallucinating?!" Glen rubbed his eyes forcefully and looked again. When he saw the huge corpse lying on the ground, a surge of excitement filled his heart. The sacrifice of his teammates was not in vain, even though Glen himself wasn't seeking revenge.

On the other side of the square, Anthony looked at the weak and struggling eight-petal-mouthed head on the ground without expression. He thrust his knife in without hesitation. With a splutter, the head immediately went silent.

Anthony continued to grip the Tang knife tightly and made a forceful slide, splitting the Reaper's skull into two halves, revealing the brain matter and other tissues inside. He poked at it with the tip of the knife and discovered a white crystal about the size of a marble. Holding it in his hand, Anthony noticed that this crystallized zombie variant was completely transparent without any color, unlike ordinary zombie crystals.

"I wonder how many energy points this thing is worth?" Anthony muttered to himself and put the crystal into his backpack. After finishing this, he looked towards the warrior he had rescued in the distance and decided to approach him directly after some thought.

However, just as he took a few steps forward, a sound of breaking glass suddenly echoed. Anthony quickly turned his head and saw a massive creature crashing through the glass of the third floor and leaping down. Anthony's pupils contracted, and with his current strength, he quickly captured the figure of this fellow.

"Another mutant, and it's a power type." He looked at the massive figure, his face devoid of fear but filled with excitement. The battle with the speed-type mutant had only lasted a little over a minute, and he hadn't fully enjoyed himself yet. Now, another one had come, giving him exactly what he desired.

Gripping the Tang knife, Anthony walked towards the creature with a grin on his face. At that moment, a loud bang occurred, and the ground of the square sank. The massive creature slowly stood up from the depression and charged directly towards Anthony.

"Here we go!" Anthony's face filled with excitement as he also stepped forward to meet the creature. As the human approached, the massive creature roared angrily and threw a punch towards the human's head with muscular arms resembling elephant legs.

The fist enlarged in Anthony's line of sight, but he didn't dodge or use his knife. Instead, he clenched his empty left hand into a fist and fiercely collided with the massive fist.

In the distance, Glen exclaimed, "This is... the Crusher!" Surprised, he witnessed another scene that completely subverted his understanding. "Is this person really going to barehandedly fight against the Crusher? Oh my god, is he even human?"

At the same time, the Crusher's giant fist struck out, and Anthony, undaunted, faced it head-on, braving the powerful gust of wind. The two fists, one large and one small, collided in the next moment.

The burst of air expanded in concentric circles, spreading in all directions. Anthony felt a numbness in his fist, and a great force traveled along his arm, causing his body to abruptly retreat seven or eight steps before steadying himself with a foot planted on the ground.

"Wow, this guy has incredible strength!" Anthony rubbed his sore shoulder and his eyes filled with even more determination. Just now, he had only used ten percent of his strength and hadn't tapped into the spiritual energy within his body.

Now, he unleashed his punch again, and the spiritual energy in his dantian surged instantly, increasing his combat power by twenty percent. In other words, his previous punch had a force of 2175 kilograms, and now it was 2610 kilograms. That's over 1.3 tons.

"Come on!" Anthony shouted loudly. The Crusher had previously pushed back the human with a punch and pursued the advantage, throwing another punch. The two fists collided in the air again half a second later, creating ripples that spread out.

Anthony was once again shaken back by the tremendous force, but this time he only took two or three steps back, while the Crusher also retreated one step.

"Big guy, come at me again!" Anthony shouted once more. This time, he flashed his body and sprinted at full speed, unleashing his full agility attribute of 10.75. With the increase in speed, it was equivalent to adding an acceleration to the 2610 kilograms.

The Crusher was also filled with the desire to fight, roaring as it threw punches to counter. The two fists collided once again, but this time, the Crusher retreated a dozen steps, while Anthony remained in place. Seeing that he had suppressed the opponent, Anthony's determination grew stronger. He unleashed his full speed, closely pursuing the Crusher, and attacked madly with his fists.

This time, the Crusher couldn't react in time and was directly struck in the face. Its massive body crashed towards the ground with a loud explosion. The marble floor of the square sank, and cracks appeared to varying degrees in the surroundings. Anthony didn't stop there. While the Crusher was stunned from the blow, he delivered another punch to its head.

After more than twenty consecutive punches, even the formidable defense of a first-stage power-type mutant couldn't withstand these attacks. At that moment, the creature was incapacitated on the ground, unable to move, its eyes, ears, mouth, and nose all swollen from the blows.

Not far away, someone exclaimed, "What did I just witness?" "The Crusher was beaten by a master without using any weapons," Glen said as he rubbed his heart, fearing that he might be so amazed that he would fall to the ground.

"I have to say, this thing has really thick skin." After unleashing more than twenty consecutive punches, Anthony also felt numbness in his fist. He rubbed his fist and launched another attack, but this time, he switched to the Tang knife in his right hand.

The blade flashed, and the gasping Crusher was instantly decapitated. Anthony inserted the knife into its head, repeating the same action. The skull was severed, revealing a white, transparent crystal the size of a marble. With a flick of the blade, Anthony grabbed the zombie crystal and put it in his bag. After confirming that there were no other mutants around, he walked towards Glen.

On the other hand, Glen, faced with the approaching master, went from excitement to being at a loss, like a diehard fan meeting a superstar. When Anthony reached him, Glen was still in a daze.

Anthony examined the warrior's appearance. He had dark skin and a determined expression. His facial features were distinct, the kind that couldn't be lost in a crowd, and his resilient demeanor was appealing.

"I... I'm Glen, a rescue team member from the Survivors' Base in Chu Province. I was ordered to come to Linxian City for the search and rescue mission."

"How many people are there in your team?" Anthony asked.

"We had a total of 20 members in the search and rescue team, but today, during the search at the Walmart supermarket, we lost 12 comrades. If the team leader can safely reach the base, we should have 8 people remaining," Glen replied truthfully.

Anthony asked, "Where are you stationed?"

Glen truthfully replied, "Linxian Vocational and Technical College, and we have temporarily established the Linxian city Survivor Base."

Linxian City Vocational and Technical College! Linxian Survivor Base! Upon hearing these two key locations, Anthony's pupils contracted.

Today was July 8th, and the prehistoric heavy rain occurred on June 24th. That meant exactly 15 days had passed, which was indeed the day the Linxian Survivor Base was established. But wasn't the Linxian Survivor Base founded by four awakened individuals?

With these thoughts in mind, Anthony asked with a serious expression, "Do you have these people in your base: Daisy, Evan, Carl, and Darcy?"

"No," Glen shook his head and explained, "We keep a record of everyone who enters our survivor base. If they were here, I would know."

"No?" Anthony frowned and continued, "How about a female internet celebrity named Annabelle?"

"I don't know if she's an internet celebrity or not, but there is indeed a girl named Annabelle," Glen replied.

What on earth was going on? Since Annabelle had already appeared, logically speaking, this Linxian Survivor Base should be the one he was in before. Could something unspeakable have happened in between?

Anthony remembered that he entered the survivor base on the 20th day of the apocalypse, with 5 days being blank in his memory. Something must have happened. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was off. So he said, "You should be able to contact your team leader, right?"

"Yes," Glen nodded vigorously.

"Good, contact your team leader, and I'll accompany you to your survivor base," Anthony said directly.

"Huh? Are you a master planning to join our base?" Glen became excited upon hearing this.

"No, I just want to confirm something."