
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Killing the Master of Hidden Weapons

Following Clark, the two of them walked along YangHe Bridge Road for about three kilometers, and a hospital appeared in front of them. Anthony casually pulled out an optical invisibility cloak and enveloped both of them, then swaggered up to the entrance of YangHe Hospital.

"Is this the place?" Anthony lowered his voice and asked.

With a nervous expression, Clark nodded, "Yes, this is it. Are you ready?"

As he spoke, Anthony grasped the edge of Clark's pants, took a step, and swiftly lifted himself up, leaping onto the top of the surrounding wall. Then, as he prepared to jump again, a sudden gust of wind struck.

"Detected?" Feeling the impending threat, Anthony shifted Clark's body to the side. A flying needle whizzed past him, but instead of going far, it circled back and flew towards the hospital entrance.

Anthony's alarm bells rang. His figure flickered as he chased after the flying needle. Within half a second, he saw the needle land on the fingertip of a man wearing a long coat, which spun in his hand. "A master!"

Anthony became alert and stared intently at the man. Meanwhile, the man muttered to himself, "Strange, it should have hit."

With a twist of his finger, two more slender needles flew out from his sleeve. The three needles spun around his fingertip twice, and the man closed his eyes, his ears twitching slightly.

The next moment, the man's eyes snapped open, and he pointed toward Anthony's position, saying, "Go!" Instantly, the three needles transformed into three silver threads, flying rapidly toward Anthony.

"Wow, looks like this must be Marcello, one of the three elders mentioned by Hagan. He possesses telekinesis. I'd guess this guy was a hidden weapons expert even before gaining his supernatural abilities."

Anthony muttered to himself, feeling mischievous. Faced with the approaching needles, he neither dodged nor evaded. Although the needles were fast, with his agility attribute reaching 42.6, nearly the speed of sound, it was as if they were in slow motion for him.

Just as the three needles were about to hit, Anthony flicked his wrist and directly caught them in his hand. Then, with a gentle squeeze, the three needles snapped in half.

"Where are my needles?" Marcello's pupils contracted in surprise when he saw the needles disappear underground right before his eyes.

"No, this won't do. I need to inform Ollie right away." Marcello mumbled to himself, then shouted toward the sky, "Ollie, we have an intruder!"

As his words echoed, a sharp eagle cry pierced the air as a strange bird with black feathers soared into the sky, heading towards the main building of the hospital. Seeing this, Anthony furrowed his brows. It seemed that these people used flying birds to relay information. Could this be Ollie's ability?

Thinking about this, Marcello began shouting again from below, "Hiding your head and showing your tail, is that your skill? If you've got guts, come out and face me!"

"Heh, all bark and no bite." Anthony chuckled lightly, then in a few flashes, he appeared a kilometer away. After setting Clark down, he instructed, "Wait here for me. I'm going to have some fun with these guys."

Before Clark could respond, Anthony disappeared from his spot. With Clark left behind, Anthony unleashed his full abilities. Wrapped in the optical invisibility cloak, he returned to the entrance of YangHe Hospital.

At the moment Anthony vanished, Marcello's expression froze. "What's going on? His aura actually disappeared?" The next moment, his body jolted as he felt something pressing against his neck. Sweating profusely and trembling, he dared not move, stuttering, "Wh-who... who are you?"

"Care to guess?" Anthony said playfully.

"What is your purpose? Aren't you afraid of retaliation from our leader, Ollie?" Marcello asked nervously.

"Why should I be afraid?" Anthony replied calmly.

This time, Marcello couldn't remain composed. Ollie's reputation had resounded throughout the TN City and LinXian City even before the apocalypse. After the world's end, Ollie gained extraordinary abilities. Those who hadn't heard of him in the martial world or deliberately challenged him were either inexperienced or intentionally looking for trouble. In order to avoid a direct confrontation, Marcello stalled for time, saying, "You can turn invisible. You must know about awakened individuals, right?"

"Yeah," Anthony nodded.

"Awakened individuals, like zombies, have levels. Our leader, Ollie, is about to reach the second level of awakening. His abilities are beyond your imagination. Let me advise you, it's better to let go now and leave while you still have a chance to survive. Otherwise, when our leader arrives, you're as good as dead," Marcello warned.

"Is that so? Well, I want to give it a try." Anthony smiled.

About to reach the second level of awakening? That means he hasn't reached it yet. Most likely, he's at the first level. As long as he hasn't reached the second level, Anthony is confident. If he were truly at the second level, Anthony would retreat.

"Do... do you know that if you harm me, you'll be pursued relentlessly by our River Ocean Survivors Base? Do you really want to be hunted to the ends of the earth?" Marcello grew anxious, finding this guy to be dense and unable to comprehend.

Anthony found it amusing. If they were talking about being relentlessly pursued, he had already killed the double-headed lion eagle. Both sides would have been at odds ever since. Additionally, Dash, Verna, and others had already wiped out the XY Survivor Base related to this side. There was undoubtedly going to be a showdown.

Following Anthony's style, this so-called YangHe Hospital had to be eradicated. Without uprooting the problem, it would regrow like weeds. Anthony couldn't allow the members of the Dawn Base to be exposed to such hidden dangers.

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to deal with you today. By the way, let me tell you something about that double-headed lion eagle..." Anthony paused.

Marcello's eyes widened. While others might not be familiar with the double-headed lion eagle, as one of the three elders, he knew about it very well. That thing was incredibly powerful. Even he wasn't a match for it. Unless all three elders joined forces, they could only manage to severely injure it. Even a formidable existence like that could be overpowered.

Yesterday, Marcello received a message claiming that the double-headed lion eagle had been killed. At first, he didn't believe it, thinking Ollie was testing them, until Ollie assigned a task for his subordinates to find 300 survivors. That's when he realized the news was true.

And today, a man suddenly stood before him and mentioned the words "double-headed lion eagle." An incredulous thought popped into his mind: "Is it you?"

"Correct, you win a painless reincarnation package," Anthony's lips curved, and the tip of the Tang sword, which had been pressed against Marcello's neck, flashed. It cut horizontally through, and then he swiftly retracted the blade. The entire sequence of actions flowed smoothly, as if nothing had happened when viewed from the side.

Having finished this, Anthony simply walked around Marcello, cloaked in invisibility, and headed towards the inpatient department.