
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Finishing work

"Really fierce!" Ross exclaimed repeatedly as he watched.

Don sighed, "If they joined our team, they would definitely be legendary war gods!" As they spoke, they exchanged a glance, both sharing a sense of regret in each other's eyes.

"But luckily, we have a good relationship with Anthony," Ross sighed again. Faced with such enemies, he couldn't muster the slightest thought of resistance. It's as simple as squashing an ant to them. Just as the two were talking, Anthony and Dash's battle had reached its final stage.

"Old man, there are two left, just watch from the side!" Anthony exclaimed with excitement, his body boiling with the thrill of battle.

Dash chuckled helplessly, "You little rascal, be careful. If needed, just give the old man a shout."

"No problem!" Anthony licked his lips, pulled his Tang sword, and released a surge of energy around him. Looking at Anthony again, he had transformed into a silver glow, flying toward the Tier 1 Shredder. "Slash!" The sword came down, and the Tier 1 Shredder's arm shot into the sky. In pain, it howled towards Anthony.

"Too slow!" Anthony landed with his sword, pushed off the ground with his legs, and leaped again. His palm, holding the Tang sword, turned into countless sword shadows that swept over the Tier 1 Shredder's body. In an instant, several blue threads blossomed on the massive body of the Tier 1 Shredder. Before it could howl in pain, it shattered into pieces and fell to the ground, only its head remained intact, its mouth weakly opening and closing.

The sword plunged into the head, quickly ending the life of the Tier 1 Shredder. Anthony spun the blade around and flew toward the Tier 1 Reaper. Once again, several silver flashes shimmered. ''Boom! "Two clouds of dust billowed on the road. Through the dust, one could see two massive scythes had left cracks all over the road.

Without its scythes, the Tier 1 Reaper was nothing more than a lamb for the slaughter. Anthony didn't give it a chance to escape, he flashed forward and swung his sword at its head. The eight-parted mouth soared into the sky. The severed neck sprayed blood, and with another thunderous crash, the three-meter-tall body fell.

With the four Tier 1 mutants gone, the remaining common zombies were like lambs awaiting slaughter. It's said that ants can kill an elephant, but that's built on the premise of having enough ants. Imagine, if an elephant stepped on the ground, at least nearly ten thousand ants would be killed or injured.

Now, the common zombies were the ants, and Anthony was the elephant. With the help of Cheryl, Verna, Dash, and the nearby warriors, the more than five thousand zombies were quickly cleared. Next, with the assistance of the warriors, it took over three hours to collect the zombie crystals.

After counting, there were a total of 5,231 crystals from the common zombies, 20 from the mutants, and 4 from the Tier 1 mutants. Added to that were Daisy's Awakened crystals and the Tier 1 Shredder crystal that Dash hadn't taken out before. It was quite a harvest. Honestly, it's only due to the limited space in the spatial ring that Anthony didn't collect the zombie corpses from the ground.

After cleaning up the battlefield, the warriors, led by Don, retrieved the looted supplies. The people from the Dawn Base were invited to the LinXian Survivor Base. ...

8 PM. Command Center of the LinXian Survivor Base. Anthony and Ross sat facing each other. Compared to Anthony's calm demeanor, Ross was slightly nervous. After a moment, Ross finally spoke, "Anthony, about those trades we discussed earlier, are they still valid?"

"Of course," Anthony nodded with a smile. He naturally understood what Ross was worried about, but it really wasn't necessary. After all, he also needed a significant amount of supplies to support the base's development. He wouldn't sit on a high price and strain their relationship over this.

"That's good," Ross breathed a sigh of relief. Because of Annabelle's situation, he had already prepared himself for Anthony to demand a higher price. He didn't expect Anthony's response to bring him a pleasant surprise.

"Then let's not delay, let's start the trade!" Ross said excitedly.

"No problem," Anthony nodded, took out four Tier 1 Apocalypse Bombs, a Tier 1 Apocalypse Pistol, and 20 rounds of Tier 1 Apocalypse Pistol ammunition from his pocket. He said, "A Tier 1 Apocalypse Bomb is priced at 1,000 crystals from common zombies per bomb, the Tier 1 Apocalypse Pistol is priced at 2,000 crystals from common zombies, and each round of Tier 1 Pistol ammunition is priced at 100 crystals from common zombies. In total, it's 8,000 crystals from common zombies. As for the three bullets you used last time, let's consider it as a friendly gesture."Because this time the soldiers helped collect the crystals, Anthony thought it would be a good way to show his appreciation.

"Alright... alright, thank you," Ross forced a smile. Because the expense of 8,000 zombie crystals was indeed a substantial figure, fortunately, Headquarters had allocated him 20,000 zombie crystals, and his Survivor Base had also collected 2,000 zombie crystals during this time.

"Also, the monthly supply of 4,000 zombie crystals and 30 portions of survival provisions that you promised me last time, along with vegetable seeds," Anthony reminded Ross, fearing he might forget.

"Naturally," Ross nodded, eagerly stowing the pistol and bullets into his holster as if they were treasures, which made Don beside him salivate.

Soldiers love guns, and as a military king, Don was no exception. The next four Tier 1 Apocalypse Bombs were also distributed, with Don receiving one. This made him feel much better. With the trade concluded, Ross's convoy escorted the goods to Anthony's base.

Then there was Annabelle. After the events at the Linxian Survivor Base, she also joined the Dawn Base. Waving goodbye to the escorting warriors, Anthony looked at Annabelle standing dazed at the alley's entrance and smiled, "Come with me."

"Okay!" Annabelle nodded nervously. Going from a familiar environment to an unfamiliar one made her somewhat anxious. But when she recalled how Anthony had saved her before, she followed along. Cheryl, Verna, and Dash chuckled quietly from behind.

Upon arriving at the base's entrance, Anthony whispered, "Dawn, open the door."

"Yes, Master." A mechanical voice sounded. In the next moment, the tightly closed gate automatically opened, retracting into the walls on either side. Once they entered, it closed quickly.

"Voice control?" Annabelle was slightly surprised by this technology. She curiously looked around inside the base. After a quick scan, her reaction was the same as Verna's, Cheryl's, and the others.

Shocked! Yes, it was the kind of mind-blowing shock that subverted their previous perceptions. The tech-inspired decor, advanced equipment, and the comfortable environment they entered were like a breath of fresh air. Furthermore, after the gate opened, she caught a whiff of the long-lost aroma of hot meals.

"There's someone in the kitchen?" Annabelle recovered from her amazement and couldn't help but ask.

"That's Miss Lynn, our Dawn Base's chef," Anthony chuckled, then pointed at the fridge: "There are fresh ingredients in the fridge. If you're hungry, you can help yourself or let Lynn know. If you have any questions, you can ask Doctors Cheryl and Verna. For martial arts training, you can learn from Dash." As Anthony introduced everyone , Annabelle was filled with novelty.

However, she still politely looked at the two women behind her and bowed, "I'm Annabelle. Before the apocalypse, I was planning to apply for a music teacher position. But due to a series of coincidences, I ended up becoming a full-time music broadcaster. If you all like it, I can sing to help lighten the mood." Annabelle's introduction was sincere.

Because of Anthony, Cheryl and Verna had harbored a bit of hostility toward this young girl before. Now, they found her much more agreeable, especially Cheryl, who stepped forward and hooked her arm around Annabelle's, saying happily, "Annabelle, don't worry. I'll look out for you in the base."

"Thank you, Cheryl," Annabelle thanked softly, looking at the enthusiastic group and feeling a sense of anticipation for the days ahead.

"Alright, everyone has had a busy day. Let's have dinner."