
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Fantastic body

A punch struck the abdomen, causing visible ripples on the skin above it. At the point of impact between the abdomen and the fist, a wave of air spread into the air.

A mouthful of blood surged up, and Dash's face turned pale and then white, finally flushing red. Just as it was about to spurt out, he forcefully swallowed it back. Watching Dash's struggling appearance, Anthony couldn't help but find it both amusing and extremely admirable.

He had exerted only 30% of his strength with that punch, but it still amounted to over 1,700 kilograms. Being able to withstand the force of nearly a ton with his body demonstrated the true prowess of a Fifth Stage Martial Practitioner.

Anthony chuckled and asked, "Old man, how does it feel?"

"A mere punch is nothing to boast about," Dash stubbornly replied, though he was cursing internally. He hadn't expected Anthony to possess such immense strength, almost on par with the previous heavyweight.

"Oh?" Anthony raised an eyebrow and said, "How about another round then? I guarantee that this time I will use full force."

"Full force? You mean you held back just now?" Dash shivered at the thought of the power unleashed by this young man without holding back. He couldn't help but curse, "You brat, the old man is just a demonstration, really take me as a punching bag? Besides, wouldn't it be a waste of everyone's learning time if the old man demonstrates again?" After speaking, he eagerly looked towards Cheryl and Verna. He couldn't tell if the two women didn't understand or if they were intentionally teasing the old man.

Cheryl shook her head and said, "It's fine to demonstrate again. Besides practicing, my days are boring to death."

Verna shrugged and said, "As a doctor and a cook, I don't have much to do either. You guys go ahead."

"Old man, you see, they both agree, so let's do it again," Anthony said, assuming a stance.

Dash stopped pretending and waved his hand hurriedly, saying, "No need for another round. You're probably just trying to get rid of the old man early."

With a sneer, Dash turned his head and saw Cheryl laughing, holding her stomach, while Verna, the doctor, covered her mouth, her eyes forming crescents, full of teasing. Then he looked at Anthony, whose lips curled up.

"Fine, you've teamed up to bully an injured old man. How heartless!" Dash immediately became annoyed and showed off his muscular body, imitating the sorrowful look of Sylvester Stallone, patting his legs with both arms.

Seeing that the old man was getting excited, Anthony interrupted directly, "Old man, if you continue to pretend, then I might..." His voice trailed off.

Dash instantly stopped and then said seriously, "Alright, let's not waste any more time. Let's start the lesson." The sudden change surprised the two women, but upon seeing Anthony's cunning smile, they secretly decided to ask him the reason after the class.

"Okay, enough talking." Dash's voice rose, and the gym immediately quieted down. The three of them obediently sat cross-legged on the ground. Dash observed the scene and began, "I believe you have witnessed the defensive effect of this Hard Qigong technique. Now, I will explain the method of its operation."

After finishing his words, he pointed at Anthony and said, "Kid, come up here. Let's demonstrate it."

"Me?" Anthony pointed at himself in surprise, wondering if the old man was taking the opportunity for retaliation. Nonetheless, he obediently stood up.

"Take off your clothes," Dash continued.

Anthony protested this time. It would be fine if it were just two old men, but there were also two girls sitting there. He immediately said, "Old man, are you sure you want me to undress here?"

"Why not? How else can I demonstrate the operation of Hard Qigong without you undressing?" Dash grinned mischievously and then looked at the two women. "What do you think? Should we make this kid undress?"

"Undress! He must undress!" Cheryl was the first to speak up loudly. The thought of Anthony being completely naked excited her.

"And what about you, Doctor Verna?" the old man turned to Verna and asked.

Verna blushed slightly. Deep down, she was also quite curious about Anthony taking off his clothes. She nodded gently and said, "Yes."

"You see, everyone agrees," Dash said.

Anthony refused firmly, saying, "I'm not undressing."

"Then do you expect these two young ladies to undress you instead?" Dash said, his eyes becoming lecherous.

Cheryl immediately lost her composure and said, "Anthony, for the sake of our country, for the people, sacrifice a little!"

Verna also spoke seriously, "Don't worry, in the eyes of a doctor, you're no different from a piece of pork belly."

"I..." Under the righteousness of the three, Anthony gritted his teeth and reluctantly agreed. "Let's make it clear, it's just for the sake of convenient teaching." He glared fiercely at Dash, who trembled in fear, and slowly pulled up his T-shirt.

"What a physique! Such a waste not to be a male model." The moment Anthony took off his shirt, Cheryl couldn't take her eyes off him. The two bulging pectoral muscles, the distinct lines of the eight-pack abs, and the winding Adonis belt were captivating.

Cheryl blushed and swallowed a gulp of saliva, while Verna wasn't any better off. After so many years as a doctor, she had seen countless male bodies, but none were as perfect as Anthony's. It was like a work of art, even more attractive than the so-called statues of ancient Roman gods.

Not to mention the stitched wound on his lower abdomen, which not only didn't affect the aesthetics but also exuded a strong masculine aura.

"I really want to touch it," Verna whispered to herself.

"Kid, what are you standing there for? Keep undressing!" Dash's voice rang out again.

Anthony furrowed his brows even deeper and asked, "Undress further?"

"Of course! If you don't take off your pants, how can you see the meridians and the flow of qi in your legs clearly?" Dash said with righteousness.

"I..." Anthony took a deep breath and slowly reached for his casual pants, preparing to pull them down. The two women also widened their eyes, their faces blushing.

In the next moment, Dash spoke up in a timely manner, "Kid, you don't need to take off your underwear, just the outer pants."

"Alright." Anthony breathed a sigh of relief, feeling less pressured. If he had to reveal everything in front of everyone, he wouldn't be able to handle it. However, even like this, it was still unavoidable to feel embarrassed.

"He... is so big," Cheryl whispered softly.

Verna nodded in agreement and said, "Indeed, quite impressive."

"I meant his muscles," the two women suddenly made eye contact and said simultaneously, with a clear understanding between them. Only they knew what they were referring to.

To avoid further awkwardness, Dash cleared his throat and said, "Alright, enough idle talk. Let's now explain the principles of Hard Qigong cultivation."

Patting Anthony's shoulder, he continued, "Now, begin the technique of absorbing and circulating qi, while simultaneously practicing breath control."

"Okay." Anthony didn't know what the old man was going to say, but he followed the instructions. He inhaled deeply through his nose and exhaled through his mouth. A warm flow of energy entered Anthony's body, flowing into his lower abdomen's dantian. With the technique of breath control in motion, that ball of energy began to circulate with his body movements.

"Good, now pay attention," Dash raised his voice. With his fingers forming a palm, he forcefully slapped Anthony's buttocks from behind.