
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Containment Darcy

"What's going on?" Two fully armed soldiers rushed over, and some survivors who saw them quickly approached and said, "Comrade, we don't know what happened, but the shack is on fire."

"On fire?" The soldier listened, turned his head to look, and when he saw the soaring flames, he immediately said to his comrade next to him, "Quick, report this to the captain!"

"Okay, you stay here and keep an eye on things. Contact me immediately if there's any situation," the soldier said and immediately turned around and ran towards the headquarters. Just as he passed a corner, suddenly, a knife was pressed against his neck.

"Do you know what you're doing?" The soldier reprimanded calmly.

"Stop wasting my time. Tell me, where is the headquarters?" In the darkness, a man's voice sounded in his ear and warned, "Be honest, you still have a chance to survive. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you."

"If I tell you, you won't really kill me?" The soldier hesitated for a moment and spoke.

The man's face lit up, and he immediately said, "Of course, I always keep my word."

"Alright, I'll tell you. The headquarters is..." The soldier said, taking advantage of the man's inattention, he grabbed the man's wrist with one hand and firmly held the blade with the other, then executed a shoulder throw.

Unfortunately, in the next moment, the soldier felt as if his strength sank into the depths of the sea. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't budge the person behind him.

"Are you surprised why you can't throw me off?" The man's voice turned colder. He removed the knife pressed against the soldier's neck, grabbed the soldier's neck from behind, and lifted him up as if toying with an ant. "By the grace of the boss, I have long completed my awakening. Now you're facing a god with extraordinary power."

He tightened his grip on the soldier's neck, applying more force. The soldier's face turned pale, feeling as if he was being choked by a mechanical arm. If the man exerted more force, his neck would snap immediately. Struggling to speak, he said, "Who... who are you?"

"You won't find out because of your stupidity." Darcy's words fell, and he exerted force on his arm.

In this life-threatening moment, a jet of blood shot out, accompanied by the sound of two heavy objects falling—one from the soldier who had just been held by the neck, and the other from a severed arm.

A scream rang out, blood continued to spill and splatter on the ground. Anthony looked at the spot where blood had appeared out of thin air, swiftly stepped forward, and used the back of his knife to strike the person on the ground forcefully. Soon, a person's figure emerged. Anthony stepped on the person's back, his Tang sword against the person's throat, and said coldly, "Darcy, do you want to die or live?"

"How... how do you know my name?" Hearing the other person utter his name, Darcy's facial features twisted, "Who are you? Why do you know my name?"

Anthony sneered in his heart. Why did he know? Of course, in his previous life, He's at the Linxian Survivor Base, where he could see Darcy every day. He said indifferently, "Don't worry about how I know. I'm asking you, do you want to die or live? You have three seconds."

"3! 2!" When Anthony counted to 3, Darcy immediately panicked and pleaded, "I want to live."

"A wise choice. Next, I ask, you answer, understood?" Anthony said indifferently. Darcy quickly nodded.

"Why did you appear here? What is your purpose?" Anthony asked.

"It's Carl. They sent me to figure out the layout here and then coordinate with them to seize this survivor base," Darcy replied.

"How many of you are there in total? Who are the people outside? Besides you, who else is inside? When are you going to strike?" Anthony asked.

"There are a total of 5 of us. Carl, Daisy, Evan, Brad are all waiting outside. I'm the only one inside. Once I fire the signal, they will immediately launch a strong attack from outside the door," Darcy replied.

"How many awakened individuals do you have, and what are their abilities?" Anthony pondered and asked.

"I have invisibility, no time limit. Carl has flight, Brad has body petrification with extremely high defense, Evan has body enlargement, he can enhance his strength threefold, and Daisy can control fire. Currently, she can conjure fireballs barehanded," Darcy said immediately.

"Damn it! Those two bastards awakened their abilities just like in the previous life." Hearing about Daisy and Evan's abilities, Anthony clenched his fist. But it's not too late. Today, he will leave these scoundrels here.

Then there's Brad. There was no information about this person in the previous life, and the fifth awakened individual in the previous life didn't have the ability of petrification. So it's highly likely that Brad died in this battle, or perhaps died due to other reasons, within these three days.

"Boss, is there anything else you want to ask now?" Darcy asked cautiously. This was the ruthless person who cut off his arm as soon as they met. If he displeased him, the knife would still be against his throat.

Anthony thought for a moment and said, "Listen, later you will follow my command and fire the signal. If you dare to make any tricks, I'll be the first to send you on your way."

"Yes, yes, Boss, I promise to follow your orders," Darcy repeatedly assured. Of course, if he were really killed by this person, even if the plan succeeded and they captured this base, he wouldn't be able to enjoy the fruits of victory. As a partner, he couldn't tolerate sacrificing himself for someone else's benefit. If he died, they would all die together.

"Good." Anthony nodded, then looked at the soldier who had just climbed up beside him and asked, "Can you still move?"

"I can," the soldier rubbed his neck and complained, "This guy is really strong. I thought I was a goner."

"Haha, brother, you have a sense of humor," Anthony laughed and then regained his composure. He said, "Comrade, please immediately report to Captain Ross and inform him that I have captured a prisoner. Ask him to come over immediately."

"Yes, Advisor Anthony!" The soldier stood up straight, saluted, and turned around, running towards the command center.

Soon, Ross arrived. Looking at the man with a severed arm under Anthony's feet, he showed surprise and said, "Anthony, is this one of the awakened individuals you mentioned who wanted to seize our base?"

"Yes, his ability is invisibility. He is a first-level awakened individual. There is no time limit for his invisibility. His strength is estimated to be around one ton, and his speed is five times that of an average human. Conventional weapons are difficult to kill him," Anthony said, signaling a soldier to shoot at the man's back.

"Captain, should I really shoot?" the soldier asked Ross.

Ross cursed, "Damn it, if Advisor Anthony tells you to shoot, then shoot. Where did you come up with all this nonsense?"

"Yes, Captain!" the soldier shouted loudly, aiming his gun at Darcy's back. Taking a deep breath, he immediately pulled the trigger. Bang! The bullet flew out and hit Darcy's back. Strangely, apart from leaving a hole in his clothes and a red mark on his skin, the bullet didn't penetrate.

"This..." Ross gasped. Honestly, at his level, this was truly beyond his understanding. But Anthony clearly knew the characteristics of the other party, so he must have a good understanding of these so-called awakened individuals.

Seeing Ross hesitate to speak, Anthony said, "Ross, we'll discuss this later. The immediate priority is to proceed according to the established plan."
