
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Anthony is heavily injured(1)

The metallic humming sound filled the air. The watermelon knife in front of Anthony twisted and bent, aiming towards his chest.

"Damn it!" Anthony felt like he had been hit hard in the chest, and he flew backward straight into the air. Before he could even touch the ground, a gust of wind struck him from behind, and he was forcefully slammed towards the ground once again.

The hallway was dented from the impact caused by Anthony. However, the mutant showed no intention of stopping. With arms raised high, it unleashed a frenzy of punches towards Anthony, who was trapped in the indentation. The hallway floor was directly punched through, and Anthony's body rapidly descended. After piercing through three levels of the hallway, he finally came to a halt on the marble floor of the first floor.

Without a moment to catch his breath, the mutant leaped down. "Again?" Anthony cursed inwardly. This mutant was too fast, leaving him with no time to react. He endured several consecutive strikes. If it weren't for his venom armor reducing most of the damage, coupled with learning Qi techniques from Dash, he would have been turned into pulp long ago.

Watching the mutant descend from above, its giant feet enveloping his entire body, Anthony quickly rolled backward, narrowly avoiding the attack.

At the same time,Inside the security department, Cheryl exclaimed, "What's happening?" Startled by the sound of an explosion, she hurriedly looked out the window. When she saw the dust rising not far away and Anthony clutching his chest on the plaza, her heart jumped to her throat. It seemed like Anthony was in trouble.

As soon as this thought arose, Cheryl instinctively pulled out the handgun from her clothing, intending to go out and help. However, just as she reached for the doorknob, she snapped back to her senses. Anthony was far more powerful than her by countless times. If even Anthony couldn't handle the situation, going out would only burden him further.

"Cheryl, you're useless," she silently berated herself and retreated, secretly determined to train harder once she returned.

On the plaza, Anthony held his chest, his face grim, as he stared at the figure emerging from the dust. Judging by the strength displayed, this guy was definitely more than just a level one mutant. If he continued fighting, Anthony would undoubtedly meet his demise. But if he turned and fled...

Anthony quickly glanced back at the Inside the security department behind him. He was less than 100 meters away from it. If he ran in that direction, Cheryl, who was inside, would likely be in danger.

For now, the plan was to hold off the monster and let Cheryl escape. With the plan in mind, Anthony wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, tightened his grip on the knife handle, and assumed a defensive stance. Fortunately, the watermelon knife from the system store was incredibly resilient, even after being bent multiple times, it hadn't deformed.

"Come on, you damn mutant! I don't believe I can't kill you!" Anthony cursed repeatedly, swiftly moving and slashing the watermelon knife in a silver Z-shaped pattern on the ground, aiming horizontally at the mutant.

"Big guy, take him down!" The silver-haired girl instantly recognized Anthony's attacking trajectory and immediately shouted. The massive mutant under her reacted and threw a punch in Anthony's direction.

The blade clashed with the fist, producing a metallic roar, and the tremendous force transmitted through the knife caused Anthony to retreat several meters.

"He managed to block it!" Anthony was surprised but not discouraged. With a quick pivot on his toes, he rotated 360 degrees on the ground to release the accumulated force and once again leaped forward, wielding his knife to strike.

"Big guy, he's on your left!" The silver-haired little girl shouted again, and the headless big guy immediately turned around and rushed towards the left direction.

This time, after the clash of the blades, Anthony borrowed the force and flew back for tens of meters before landing steadily. The consecutive attacks also allowed him to discover the movement pattern of this mutant. Every time he attacked, the big guy's body could only judge the direction and launch an attack under the command of the silver-haired little girl. This means that the weakness of this mutant is the silver-haired little girl hiding at the neck.

As long as he killed the zombie silver-haired little girl, this mutant would lose control. He understood that, but another problem arose—how to break through the defense of the big guy's body.

"Quite tough." Anthony licked his lips and charged forward again, holding the knife, while shouting, "Cheryl, quickly return to the base."

At this time, Cheryl had been watching the battle in the defense room for a while. When she heard Anthony's call, she subconsciously wanted to ask what to do, but in the next moment, Anthony's voice interrupted her. He said, "Don't worry about me, don't reply, just go! I'll find a way to escape myself!"

Hearing this, Cheryl no longer hesitated. She opened the back door of the defense room and took a deep look in Anthony's direction, silently saying, "Take care." She swiftly ran towards the base without looking back.

"She's an obedient girl." Anthony sighed in relief when he saw Cheryl leave. He exerted more force on the knife that he swung towards the silver-haired little girl.

"Go to hell!" Bang! This time, Anthony used twelve times the force and the speed was extremely fast. The mutant, unable to punch in time, immediately used its arm to block.

A splash of blue blood flew out. Suddenly, upon closer inspection, Anthony's blade went three points deep, instantly cutting a long incision on the mutant's arm, three centimeters into the flesh. Seeing the success of the strike, Anthony kicked his feet against the arm, retreated several meters backward, and landed steadily on the ground. He bent his legs, then flew forward again to strike.

Another strike, this time cutting a gash on one of the legs. Retreat, land, strike again. After eight consecutive strikes, Anthony finally stopped attacking, retreated tens of meters backward, and stood in place, panting. On the other hand, the mutant had nine wounds all over its body, bleeding blue blood. Despite having a certain regenerative ability, it was infuriated by Anthony's attacks.

The silver-haired zombie girl felt the intense pain spreading throughout her body. Her exquisite and delicate gray pupils stared at Anthony and said, "Human, this time AnAn is truly angry." She muttered to herself, "AnAn doesn't want to become so ugly, but it's this human's fault." As she finished speaking, her eyes turned bloodshot, and she let out a sharp roar towards the sky.

At the same time, the arm beneath her violently smashed towards the silver-haired little girl as if going mad. Blue blood mixed with fragments of flesh flew out from the neck, and the original silver-haired little girl was completely smashed into a pile of flesh.

Anthony frowned. "What kind of sorcery is this?" However, he felt a strong sense of crisis. Just as he was dumbfounded, the monster's neck underwent a massive transformation again. The meat inside slowly wriggled and gradually condensed into the shape of a head, with blurry features resembling an enlarged version of the silver-haired little girl.

The changes were not limited to the monster's head but also extended to the big guy's body. With a sound of "puchi," two bone spurs about half a meter long emerged from the elbows, as well as several bone spurs growing from the knees. The originally massive muscles rapidly contracted, shrinking the four-meter-tall body to just two meters. After the transformation was complete, the mutant stared at Anthony as if looking at a dead person and said, "Having seen AnAn's ugly appearance, you must die."