
Doomsday Game

Global warming, glacier melting, and an ancient virus carried by a prehistoric heavy rainstorm. Before returning to the apocalypse after surviving for three years, Anthony awakened to the survival base of the apocalypse and stocked billions of resources. Slashing the white lotus, killing zombies, upgrading the base. In this fallen dark age, forging a new era.

JXChbb · Sci-fi
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112 Chs

Annabelle's refusal

"This..." Ross smiled helplessly in astonishment as he watched Anthony disappear before his eyes.

Don, who was standing beside him, seemed lost in thought. "He must be an important person to him."...

LinXian Vocational and Technical College, next to the small lake in the central garden, there were several rows of rudimentary shelters made of wooden boards. There weren't many shelters, about fifty or so, each barely accommodating one person.

Anthony stopped in front of one of the shelters, scanning through the rows. Finally, among a group of survivors, he found that familiar figure. Long hair falling over her forehead, tangled and matted due to lack of washing. Under the fluffy red high school uniform she had picked up somewhere, her figure was indistinct.

She had her hands wrapped around her knees, burying her head between her legs, just like when Anthony first met her. For a moment, scenes from past and present overlapped in his mind, and Anthony's vision blurred. Nevertheless, he composed himself and walked slowly towards the woman.

The surrounding survivors seemed to notice the difference between Anthony and themselves and voluntarily moved aside. He approached the woman. Anthony called out softly, "Annabelle."

Upon hearing her name being called, the woman trembled slightly and slowly lifted her head. When she saw the unfamiliar man before her, her gaze became confused.

"Here." Anthony didn't know what to say, so he turned around and took out a bag of potato chips from his backpack and handed it over. He remembered that these were Annabelle's favorite snacks.

As expected, when Annabelle saw the potato chips, her confused eyes brightened. She wanted to reach out and take them, but the thought that she didn't know the man in front of her made her resist the temptation and retract her hand.

"Indeed, you're still the same as before." Anthony felt both heartache and amusement. He had no choice but to say, "Didn't you used to like eating Lay's potato chips?" Upon hearing this, Annabelle became wary as she looked into Anthony's eyes. How did this man know her preferences?

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person." Anthony thought for a moment and blurted out these words. Regardless of whether the other person refused or not, he stuffed the potato chips into Annabelle's embrace and said, "Do you have any plans for the future?" Annabelle looked at the potato chips in her arms and shook her head blankly.

After the apocalypse, many people were filled with confusion about the future, and Annabelle was no exception. After graduating from university, she became a full-time music broadcaster, earning a meager income but managing to get by. But who could have anticipated the sudden apocalypse? Now, all she wanted was to stay alive.

"Well, consider whether you want to follow me." Anthony said directly. Upon hearing these words, Annabelle's gaze immediately became wary. This man indeed had ulterior motives towards her. But what did he want from her? Annabelle looked at Anthony in confusion.

Anthony didn't bother to conceal it and said straightforwardly, "I've formed a civilian survivor organization and have stored enough water and food, including the potato chips in your arms. I hope you can join, but I can't tell you the specific reasons for joining."

Reincarnation was too fantastical a thing to explain. According to his memory, today this base would take a different direction. Although he didn't know the exact reason, one thing was certain: it would be extremely difficult for ordinary people to survive in the Immortal Survivors Base ruled by Daisy and Evan.

It is common for women to rely on selling their bodies and for men to be forced into slavery. He must take Annabelle away as soon as possible. Annabelle listened, hesitated for a moment, and then shook her head in refusal. In her heart, she leaned more towards the official organization.

"Alright." Anthony felt somewhat disappointed as he watched Annabelle refuse, but he understood the reason for her rejection. After all, an individual organization was always an unknown variable, unlike the official organization that had a deeper public trust. However, he still said, "If one day you change your mind, you can contact me anytime through Captain Don of this base, or Captain Glen, or even their commander. I can come to pick you up anytime."

After finishing his words, without waiting for Annabelle to speak, he took out all the food from his bag. They were all snacks that Annabelle loved, which he had picked up at the supermarket. After placing them down, Anthony sighed and turned away. As for Annabelle, watching Anthony's lonely figure leave, she couldn't help but feel like she should be familiar with this man.

"Is it an illusion?" ...

Annabelle must be saved, but Anthony didn't want to force her to follow him. Leave the refugee slums. Anthony returned to the command center of the base, where Ross had been eagerly waiting in the Temporary war room.

As soon as Anthony entered, Ross stood up and smiled, "Anthony, did you find the person?"

"Hmm." Anthony nodded with some regret.

"I wonder what your relationship is with this Annabelle," Ross curiously asked.

Anthony shook his head and said, "No relationship, I'm her fan."

"This..." Anthony's response momentarily stunned Ross, who awkwardly laughed and said, " brother, you truly have an interesting personality."

In fact, Ross could understand it too. Some reclusive experts inevitably had peculiarities. After speaking, he glanced at Don next to him. Don immediately understood and spoke up, "Anthony, our commander has an unexpected request,hopes you can join us."

"With the current national crisis and societal disintegration, our military desperately needs special talents like you. If you agree, I can immediately report to headquarters and secure an extremely generous treatment for you," Ross took the opportunity to speak.

Join? Without even thinking, Anthony shook his head directly and said, "I'm used to being alone, I can't handle constraints. But if you need help with anything, I can provide assistance."

Listening to Anthony's quick refusal, Ross knew there was a misunderstanding and immediately said, "Anthony, you don't have to worry about that. We can grant you absolute autonomy, and in the future, if a survivor base is established, you can also bear the official title. The condition is that you settle down with us, and if headquarters encounters trouble, Anthony can decide whether or not to take action depending on the situation." These conditions... are worth considering.

Anthony's heart stirred. His base did indeed need an official title, and it would be more convenient for the base's operations in the future. People like Cheryl would also be more likely to accept the base. In that case, Anthony couldn't help but ask, "How about the salary ?"

"Whatever salary you want, you can have it" Ross sincerely replied.

This Ross is indeed generous and casual. To be honest, money doesn't have much effect on Anthony, and as for food, it seems acceptable. Oh, right! Anthony's eyes lit up, and he directly made a request, "I need the official provision of 10,000 ordinary zombie crystals per month, clothing and food for 100 people, and 10 bags of various vegetable and fruit seeds."
