
Chapter 39 Attack

"No, thanks!"

Daniel put the suitcase forward and said with a smile, "That's enough, Mr. Maier. Now, these things are yours."

Instead, Maier was a little anxious. "No, give me one more day, and I'll know."

"Mr. Maier's information is worth this price. We will have a lot of opportunities to cooperate in the future. But I want to ask you first, are you familiar with the situation outside the city?"

"There are few people outside the city. I can only guarantee that the information in the city is accurate."

Daniel felt relieved.

After saying goodbye to Hoel, Daniel said to himself, "It's not too late."

There were several purposes for him to ask about the news.

All Maier knew was that Novini was in the city, but he didn't know where she was exactly, which meant that she was safe now.

And if Maier knew what was going on outside the city, it was about his basement. Since he didn't know, no one could guarantee that they knew it clearly.

At 5 pm.

Several merchants who seemed to come here together to take goods walked into a blacksmith shop.

Two groups of people followed him closely.

In the front hall of the blacksmith shop, the sound of "Ding Dong" came one after another. There were some finished goods displayed.

Behind the counter sat a middle-aged man.

He looked up and asked, "So many people?"

The man had a circle of black curly beard that looked burning.

A cold glance swept around.

These two groups of people.

One group looked like businessmen, and the other looked like plain clothes.

"We are here to get the goods."

One of the leaders said.

"The same."

The businessman and gave a simple answer.

The middle-aged man waved at the businessman and said, "You book first, take it first, and come with me."

Only two or three people were taking the goods, and there were still three or four people left. These three or four people seemed to be very vigilant against the few plain clothes, seeming to wait silently for the truth. Once there was any movement over there, they would immediately take action.


Among the group of people in plain clothes, a man suddenly coughed violently. The businessmen seemed to have got an electric shock. Turned their head and a murderous look appeared in his eyes.

"Don't take it to heart. The smell of blacksmith shop is so pungent."


On the other side, in a residential building opposite to blacksmith shop, there was a room.

Standing behind the half-covered curtain, Novini stared at the exit of the blacksmith shop quietly.

She didn't have any guards behind her, and they were all sent out by her.

This time, he was determined.

Robert didn't know that she had planted eyes around him!


A gunshot came from the shop blacksmith.

Novini's face turned serious!

They started to fight!

In a flash, Novini went downstairs. At a telephone pole, a man with a hooked nose ran over.

"Robert ran into the alley street. The terrain there is complicated."

"Have all our people rushed there?"

"We've surrounded them. Now, two of the guards following Robert are ours. But he's very cautious. He even brought a group of guards with him. I'm afraid our people will be able to pin down that group of guards!"

With a cold smile on her face, Novini said, "Okay. My dear uncle, I'm coming."

On the alley street, there were several people riding a motorcycle. They were the men in plain clothes.

They were chasing a black car.

A thunderous roar suddenly came from ahead.

It was the sound of a flat tire!

"They are our men!"

A man who was riding a motorcycle shouted. He pressed the brake and the motorcycle slowed down.

The black car seemed to be out of control. One of its tires twitched and flew forward as if it was cheap. At last, it lay horizontally in the middle of the road.

People in black rushed to the car and surrounded it.

In the car, Robert wiped his hair, opened the door, and walked out. He didn't look flustered and messy at all.

He shrugged and said, "Why?"

Then he added, "I can give you a sum of money. I know you all have problems. If I guess correctly, it should be Novini."

Each of the men in black held a gun and pointed it at Robert. There were only four people behind him. They each held a gun and looked insignificant compared to the men in black.

A man in a white vest walked out from behind the man in black.

Seeing him, Robert put on a sad face and said, "Oh... My dear captain of the guards, I just gave you this noble position yesterday. Today you've become my enemy. I'm so proud of you!"

The captain said expressionlessly, "You are just a cunning man. Don't talk nonsense to me. Put down the gun. I will only take Robert away."

"The God does not approve of this action, which means that your action will fail."

Robert looked devout, like a lunatic.

"God? I wish he could exist and let him recover everything. But does he exist? The street is full of beggars and people are homeless."

"This is a punishment... My dear captain, do you think you will win?"

Robert gave a meaningful smile and snapped his fingers.

All of a sudden.

A man in black rushed up from behind the captain, controlled him, and stared at his head with a pistol.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

It seemed that something hard fell to the ground.

Then, before people could react, the smoke rose all over the sky.

The men in black didn't dare to shoot randomly, because the captain was still inside!

But Robert was different. He shot crazily in one direction and soon rushed out.

At this time, dozens of guards came from all directions and surrounded the men in black.

Robert laughed, "It feels good to be under control. I know I have eyes around me, so I secretly brought two teams of guards. My dear niece, haven't you come out yet?"

On the other side, three tall bodyguards behind Novini walked out slowly!

"You became the castellan, and your means are much more powerful than before."

"No, I know you too well."

Novini's face darkened. "You don't know me."

Robert shrugged and said indifferently, "That's what you think."

"Now, I'll prove it to you."

With two shots, he killed his two guards before everyone could react.

Novini's face changed slightly and then regained her composure.

Behind them, three bodyguards vigilantly took up their guns and aimed at the three of Robert.


Novini ordered without hesitation!

Robert's face changed dramatically.

No one had expected that Novini would be so ruthless to shoot directly.

Three bodyguards stepped forward to protect her.

The guards on the other side fell down quickly because they attacked first. Robert ran fast and reached a trash can. The bullets hit the trash can and hit several times!