
Doomed Villain

Sean Rivers, an author, would never have anticipated being transmigrated into the world of his novel as the villain destined to meet a tragic end. Not wanting to face the same fate he had penned down, he decided he would do whatever it takes to survive. However, he soon realizes that the original plot is not the only challenge he has to deal with; characters he never wrote about are now after his head. Why could that be? Follow him on his bizarre journey as he witnesses the world he once crafted with love thrown into utter chaos, while he tries to save it the way a villain can, hoping not to lose his head in the process.

Zurbluris · Fantasy
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91 Chs

The Battle With Agent X

The system's voice echoed in Richard's thoughts [Extreme emotions detected +20 plausibility points.]

In Richard's mind, frustration and fear mingled as he thought about Blair's sudden interference. "I didn't even have a chance to put things in motion," he mused internally. "Blair just ruined everything. Curiosity killed the cat, and now it's come back to bite me, the one who created her like that." With a sinking feeling, he realized that the situation was spiraling out of control, and he would likely have to confront Agent X head-on.