
Doomed Villain

Sean Rivers, an author, would never have anticipated being transmigrated into the world of his novel as the villain destined to meet a tragic end. Not wanting to face the same fate he had penned down, he decided he would do whatever it takes to survive. However, he soon realizes that the original plot is not the only challenge he has to deal with; characters he never wrote about are now after his head. Why could that be? Follow him on his bizarre journey as he witnesses the world he once crafted with love thrown into utter chaos, while he tries to save it the way a villain can, hoping not to lose his head in the process.

Zurbluris · Fantasy
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91 Chs

Messed Around With The Plot A Little

Man, that was a close call. If that dagger hit me, my handsome face could've been in trouble. Thank goodness for my slow-mo vision trick, all thanks to my absolute calculation manipulation. My own unique abilities as Richard Blackthorn, It's wild how time almost seems to stretch.

You know what's even wilder? My first instinct was to just catch that dagger with my bare hands, like some kind of supervillain. But let's be real, who expects a dagger to come flying at their face? So, yeah, dodging seemed like a smarter play in the heat of the moment. I have to admit, this new roal as the villain in my own novel is turning out to be one crazy ride.

So, let's talk about Pale Moon. She's not your average esper; we're talking about a top-notch professional assassin here. And get this, she's got a reputation for taking on jobs that are practically impossible. But guess what? She always completes them.

Oh, and she's got a pretty ominous nickname too—Death. Yeah, you heard that right. It's due to the fact she has the track record of never, ever failing a mission. Her kill count? Off the charts impressive.

But here's the big part of the story: Pale Moon isn't just one persona. Nope, there's more to her than meets the eye. But hey, I'm not gonna spill the beans on that right now. Gotta keep the novel spicy with a dash of mystery, right?

A faint grin tugged at the edges of Richard's lips, a mix of curiosity and amusement lighting his eyes. He paced himself, unhurried, as he approached the principal. Suddenly, as if out of thin air, a katana appeared in her hand, pointed straight at Richard. A flicker of surprise registered on his face, but it was quickly replaced by a calm resolve.

Using the tip of his right finger, Richard gently tapped the edge of the katana, nudging it slightly to the side. His lips curved into a wry grin, a subtle challenge in his gaze. With an air of nonchalance, he spoke up, his tone low and measured. "Easy there, no need for the weapons. I didn't swing by to stir up trouble."

The principal's voice, sharp as the blade she held, sliced through the tension. "One more step, and consider your head rolling," she warned, her tone edged with authority. The katana remained unmoving, a clear proof of her resolve.

Richard casually sidestepped, taking a seat on the plush couch in the principal's office. His lips curled into a relaxed smile as he leaned back comfortably.

"Relax," he said, his tone even and soothing. "If you were really out for blood, you could've turned me into a headless wonder the second I dropped your code name."

The principal's gaze sharpened momentarily, but then she visibly eased, tucking the katana away once more. Meanwhile, as she did this, a wry thought flitted through Richard's mind.

"Wow," he mused internally, his amusement evident. "I mean, that's how I wrote it in the novel, sure. But there's a difference between making the plot sound cool and actually witnessing someone fit a whole katana into their sleeves. Guess that's my logical explanation for the 'pulling it out of nowhere' trick. Man, I was a bit sloppy when I started writing, huh?"

The principal's expression held a mix of curiosity and caution as she spoke, her words direct. "Alright, I've listened to you. Now explain yourself. How do you know my code name? And how did you see through my disguise?"

Before she could fire off another round of questions, Richard's voice cut through, a blend of calm authority and impatience. "Hold on a second. Are we suddenly in the middle of a Q&A session? I'm not here for a chat; let's get down to business."

The principal's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Business?" she echoed, clearly intrigued.

Richard's response was measured, yet tinged with a touch of wryness. "Yeah, business. You know, the kind where you and a certain organization seem to be teaming up to turn an upcoming field trip—still a bit far off—into a grand disaster. All just to get under that person's skin."

The principal's eyes narrowed, her curiosity mixing with a hint of skepticism. "And what makes you think you've got this all figured out?"

Richard leaned back slightly, his grin sly. "Oh, let's just say I've got an insider's view on things. A certain knack for predicting twists and turns, if you catch my drift."

Richard's tone turned serious yet composed. "Honestly, it would be great if you guys could reconsider."

Before he could finish his sentence, the principal moved with an almost supernatural speed. Her katana materialized again, its sharp edge now resting vertically under Richard's chin, a clear threat.

"Why should I even entertain that idea?" she demanded, her eyes sharp.

Richard's grin remained, a mix of daring and amusement. "Oh, sweetheart, it's simple. I'd rather your plans not clash with mine. For your own sake, of course."

With a confident motion, he reached out and gripped the katana's blade with his left hand between his bare fingers. The metal shattered like glass, but his hands emerged unscathed from the ordeal.


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