
CHAPTER NINE: I thought you'd never ask.

Cyrene kept shifting until the back of her legs started pressing against the couch. Jason was scaring her, the way he switched up and q became a totally different person was concerning. She was sure that she didn't say anything wrong or weird to trigger him the way it did. Unless, Jason was someone very important to her before they met at the class a few months ago. But that wasn't the matter at hand.

Jason wanted her to be honest with him and he wasn't backing down without getting a decent reply from her. Her running away was over and she needed to say something to him.

She felt so relieved and free as she poured out her heart to him. Jason was the first person she was opening up to apart from her therapist.

As the talked she half cried out of despair and partially from happiness. She felt free even if it was for a short while. It was something and she appreciated it.

"But nothing Jason. Now you know everything, how are you going to help me?"

she looked at Jason's face to figure out his reaction to her truth, he seemed a little not surprised. It was as though he knew about it before and it looked as if he didn't believe her for a second.

"You found your way inside my house, Cyrene." Jason said to her.

"You told me to go inside, dumb. What does that have to do with anything?" Cyrene replied with annoyance. His statement didn't have anything to do with the situation. His reaction and everything was totally different from what she expected.

"I told you to go inside but I didn't tell you my passcode Cyrene," Jason responded with a serious tone.

Cyrene kept looking at him to be say something else but he didn't.

"That's impossible," Cyrene managed to whisper as she dropped herself on the sofa. Maybe Jason was trying to play with her mind.

"But you made your way inside here without my assistance," Cyrene watched Jason kneel beside her as he took her limp hands into his.

"I think you're finally starting to find yourself again," he commented, trying to fight back tears and give room for the smile threatening to breakout on his lips.

"It's impossible... It's .. it's not possible," Cyrene kept repeating in shock, while she continued watching Jason as he walked away.

She needed to stop him. Why would he drop such bomb on her like that and get to just walk away?

"Jace! Jason!! Stop there. Don't move an inch, you hear me?" Cyrene screamed at him as she managed to pull herself up from the sofa and wobbled towards Jason who was already standing close to the stairs.

"You don't know me Jason. What gives you the right to interfere in my life the way you're doing right now? huh?" She climbed the first step to stand in front of him. "Answer me! What on earth made you behave the way you just did a few minutes ago?" She interrogated him.

As she stood in front of Jason, she completely had no idea of what she was doing and why she was picking on Jason like that. Her whole life, maybe not whole but almost all her life, she had no idea of who anyone was or who she was as well. The all of a sudden out of nowhere, Jason, June and Tim waltzed in and ever since then things started changing.

Cyrene kept slamming her fist on Jason's chest while she questioned him.

"Cy, can you calm down?" He held her fists to stop her from slamming then on his chest. "Look at me, look at me Cy I'm not going anywhere. I will always be here to help you discover yourself again. That's actually why I came in the first place," he assured her and made her sit on the step. Jason equally sat beside her and turned slightly to face her while holding her both hands in his.

"Whatever happened to you and that door is a good thing and it's not impossible. It means that you are recovering, Cy. You are probably used to managing your life as it is but that's not who you are and it's not going to be like that forever. Some day you are going to recover and that day is here already," he continued to reassure her.

"I know," Cyrene responded with her eyes focused on the way Jason enclosed her tiny hands in his. He cared about her and the knowledge of that already made her feel better.

He was always so coordinated in front of her but just a few moments ago, Jason was completely different. The mask he always put on was slowly slipping away. And to be honest, she was a little bit scared.

Okay, maybe not a little bit but very scared. Perhaps Jason was the reason for the slight improvement about her condition.

“What happened earlier took me by surprise. I still don’t know if I should feel hopeful or not. It’s been too long since I was able to recall anything. I'm very scared of what I might remember,” Cyrene explained.

“You are doing great though. That’s one of the things I admire about you. You always find ways to cope with any situation. But, you no longer have to do it by yourself anymore because I will always be here to help.” Jason said.

“I really appreciate your kind words.” She paused and faced him properly, “but why do I know your passcode?” Cyrene looked up at him in anticipation for the answer.

“I know that you’re smarter than you want to let on,” he responded and chuckled a little.

“You sound so sure.”

“That’s because I’m sure. Whatever your pretty head is telling about me might actually be true. But, I’d rather let you find that out yourself.” He held her jawline in his hand and made her look up at him, “I can’t wait for the day you will finally remember who I am. Waking up everyday and knowing that you’ll always wonder who I am breaks my heart Cy.” Jason kept starring deep into her hazel eyes.

As Jason spoke, something that Cyrene never knew was in her before kept trying to pop out. A few days ago, she couldn’t stop wondering if there was a deeper connection between Jason and herself.

The way Jason finally let his guard down around her together with the things he kept saying, the way he touched her slightly as if he didn’t want to freak her out, the way he caressed her cheeks and the look in his eyes whenever he stared at her and the way he held her jawline in his accompanied with that soft look, there was only one thing in her mind that she wanted to do to him.

Cyrene straightened her back and slightly leaned closer to Jason’s face. “Kiss me Jace,” she whispered.

“I thought you’d never ask,” he said before engulfing her plump lips with his in a rhythmic move. The kiss was as passionate as nothing that Cyrene had ever experienced. It was slow and felt familiar in a certain way. It felt satisfying, like something that was long overdue before it finally occurred.