

"Hello," Davies answered the call.

"We have completed the purchase procedures of the land,"

"What are your plans for the place, sir?" the voice from the other end asked.

"Hmmmm… for now, I don't really have any plans for the land," Davies replied.

"What about the restaurant, The Rising Sun that is currently occupying the land?" the voice asked again.

"Oh, the restaurant?" he repeated, then a wicked grin appeared on his face as he answered,

"… Burn it down."

"Burn it down? Why?" the voice from the other side came back quickly, shocked at Davies's words.

"I don't think it's anywhere in your job description to question my orders," Davies replied, his tone hardening slightly as he responded.

"But I don't think doing something like that would be allowed, especially right in the middle of the city,"

"Maybe you could get it demolished instead," the voice replied, his voice more subservient now, but still trying to dissuade Davies from this rash decision.

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