
Doom of Elianna: The Emperor's Flower

Elianna does not believe in love and marriage. She had decided a long time ago that she will grow old alone—besides, being a spinster doesn't bother her at all. She can just use her money to get admitted to a nursing care facility if she is too old and rickety to even take care of herself. And that's what she honestly thought until…. A sudden twist of fate forced her soul to inhabit the body of a young lady in a distant and mysterious world far different from her own. Elianna is confident she would willingly die once more just to escape her newfound fate. There is no way she would want to live in a world with a dwindling female population and that every eligible young lady is forced to marry and produced heirs to continue the procreation. Even if it is the Emperor himself asking for her hand in marriage! This is a story of an iron-hearted modern-age woman who does not believe in love finds herself entangled in a twisted destiny with a passionate and warm-hearted Emperor bounded by his duty to the Empire. It seems like the only solution to this national crisis is to get hitched!

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Life is hard when you're nice

I thought I will be able to do something, but I was naïve. Someone is about to die in front of me but all I can manage to do is scream and shut my eyes hard to keep away the image of his body falling over the glass fence. My body grew numb, and my feet felt as heavy as a metal. I could not move even a single step, and I feel my heart plummeting to the ground just like the man.

I am angry and frustrated with myself. I guess even at these times, I am just a useless bystander. It should not have been me who found him in his last moments. If it were someone else, they could have done something to help him.

It was too late…and I know that I am only making excuses but then, I heard a loud splash of water! My heart soars with hope and my eyes automatically flew open. I immediately seek his dark silhouette praying first and foremost for his safety.

Thankfully, someone heard my prayer because there he is. My chest deflated in relief when I saw him wading through the water and heading in my direction. I almost lost my balance and collapses in a heap of a mess if not…for my anger. I angrily wipe the tears that spill out before glaring at the culprit who is the cause of my almost heart attack. I stooped down, prepping myself to give him a long sermon when his hand suddenly reaches out to me and violently pulls me towards the water.

Everything happened too fast, I was not able to dodge. An ear-splitting shriek filled the empty roof deck, but my scream instantly drowned out as I was further pushed beneath the waters and it was a struggle to break free. Water rapidly filled my lungs as I fight for air and my chest constricted in unbearable pain. I grab his hand trying with all my strength to push it away but I was no match to his strength.

For some reason despite the stinging ache in my eyes, my vision is painfully clearer than usual. As I stare at the man hovering just above the water who I can now barely recognize while his steel hand continues to strangle me to death. I guess it is true then – that in the moment of life and death you will see scenes from your life flashes before you and this man is unfortunately included in one of those episodes of my life that I vowed to keep buried even unto my death.

It was Ariel.

My nightmarish stalker whom I thought had been locked up in a mental institution for good.

He still has the same look in his eyes years back. The same possessive look he gives me as if he is about to devour me whole. His dark eyes look detached from reality like he is hovering somewhere in between.

Now that I realize, his name suits him well. He is like the water demon who lures people to the ocean where they meet their demise. Well, in my case I am probably gonna die here in the swimming pool. I wanted to laugh but my throat is burning with vicious pain as my oxygen is continuously being cut off.

I mentally scoff. This is why I hate men—they think they're some kind of God or something that I need to follow their every whim.

And I can't believe I'm acting calmly in a situation like this. I' am about to die, for Pete's sake!

Suddenly, he pulled me out of the water while still holding my neck in a vice-grip. I tried to cough out the water out my system, but I barely had the time to get a grip as he continued to crush my throat.

"Do you remember me?", the asshole suddenly asked. I am too weak to reply so I decided to just nod my head. I am aching all over and my energy is slowly being pulled out of my body like quicksand. Lifting my hand to try to push him away even becomes too much for my measly remaining strength.

Ariel grinned viciously while his dark eyes hover in every corner of my face until they landed straight in my eyes. His dark eyes look like the bottomless pit of hell devoid of any sense of emotion and reason, and I couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"This is nice, you being passive and obedient like this. If you had accepted my love, in the beginning, we wouldn't have to end up like this."

If only I can laugh at his face. He is still out of his mind. This is why I didn't even consider accepting him. I might have the worst luck in life, but I cannot afford to take all the negativities and toxicity in this world. I just did not realize he would end up like this because of a mere rejection from me.

"You…ge-t a gr—ip. Sto-p doi-ng thi-s!" I forced out those words in between labored breath and pain.

Suddenly, his eyes widen like a cute and innocent puppy. His hand loosens its hold on my neck, but he crosses the small distance in between us until I could feel his hot breath fanning on my face.

"Then, are you going to accept me?"

I tried to hit him with my forehead, but it was too weak to be even called a decent bump. Nothing is really going my way these past few weeks. It started with my sister's wedding, her excessive concern with my emotional state…and now. I let out a shaky but sarcastic laugh. This is getting frustrating!

"Ge-t lo-s-t!" I lashed in a weak voice but gritted teeth.

Those words were all it took for him to lose his cool and utterly changed his demeanor in a quick snap. Now, he looks like an utterly deranged puppy while leering at her.

"Don't act like you're any different! We are the same! You are nothing but an empty vessel. A cold and heartless woman like you can never be with anyone!

I know that's why I don't plan on getting married and having a family, is what I wanted to say but I can't find my voice. Instead, I smirk on his face making sure that my message has come across.

"If I can't have you, then no one can!"

The next thing I know I heard a sound of a loud crack. I'm not sure if it's the sound of my head hitting the tiled floor or my throat being completely crushed, maybe it both but the only thing I remember is being pushed into the water once more as I was drowning in my own pool of blood.

If I knew if I'm going to die like this, I should have been nicer to my sister.

If I knew, that will be the last time I'm going to see her, I should have hugged her tight and told her how much I cherish her.

I didn't know that death could be this lonely...

And I can't believe I'm going to die with regrets.

But I truly hoped that after all this Ariel would make peace with himself.

And I hope that in my next life, I won't have to deal with someone like him ever again.

It's really hard being nice.