

roy: ok! we are late now lets go!

(he said while grabing hand and dragin me out as fast as he can)

me: mr roy clam down

he: we are really late

me: for what?

he just ignore me and take me to the hill(hill less hell for me more why no one is here! why we alone in this area all over trees around us like jungle he grab my hand dragging me into forest with him oh my god i forget my sefty wepons at home. his grip on hands are quit strong

i start trying to check on myself and i only have hairpin for sefty. okey its fine if he try to do something i will cut his neck cause its metal clip.

foresttart getting dark and its evening time near about to night

suddenly his grip tighten more on me i am ready to defend myself but suddenly a light catch my attention he drag me somewere we come from forest as i saw beautiful sun who is seting behind the beautiful hills ....wait its sunset point!

he turn to me i quickly droped my hairpin down smiling at him

he: look there its special lucky us we are on time you know what this sunset is citys most beautiful sunset point and my father drag me here with him in off days just to see this sunset. its still same

and we drag our special persons here only

his eyes are sparkly...i turn to sunset and start watching it .its beautiful really but as sun set behind hills all over within seconds darkness spread like jet black darkness. and suddenly i fill back hug to me i flinch by sudden move

roy: dont move!

but i moved to relase grip

he: sorry to make you nervous i was just

me: its night mr roy please lets go home

he: i cant send you home like this your sister kill me for not taking care of precious diamond of her

me: ah i d- dont need

he: shhh! lets go for dinner now

me: but i dont nee-

stomuch growl

he: look you need now lets go

he drag me in expencive place ordering special table as we sit we order food but his eyes staring at me i am nervous (hey even it dont matter how i am and why i am with him but still i am girl i do fill like others )

we were eating pacefully until we hear a gun shot sound from behind. i turn a cartains behind us lightly and saw that mafiya who meet in mall.

i quickly close the caetains and move towards him (roy) hugging him(i dont want but i need to cause i am weak girl in his eyes)

and he gladly take me in embarace (prevert)

as a chair broking sound come and cartains get snatched as that stupid mafiya pull them off. i hide my face in his embarace if mafiya found me he will kill me this time

he turn behind glancing us and then turn around and shot that person front of us and leave while again glacing at us (no regrate in eyes)

here...roy grab me and drag me out from there to parking lot

roy: are you fine?

me: hum..i am not( uff this weak girl drama making me really annoyed now)

roy: shh! i am here (he grab my hand and with other u

cuped my cheek and staring into eyes)

me: um..i want to get back home please

roy: sure lets go!


???: who the hell is this bish with her! i want his details

and yah did you find out who is she? her all past present and future i want to know

gard: no boss we are sueching we only found out she live with her besti

???: that crying dumb girl in mall with her

gard: yes she was

???: and ?

gard:and her mom dad they giving her place to stay with them like thier doughter

???: and what happen to her family?

gard: we dont know about her past its hided perfectly! we are surching

???: what about her name?

gard: hee name is right not changed and its hard to find hee real sirname and bio-data

???: hum...i want quick understand! and this jerk i want his data also! why she was on date with him!


he droped me at home and leave were my baby was glaring at him.

he leave as she hug me asking me lot of quefion at a time i smiled at her linching her cheeks and start telling her

after that we sleep...at morning i get up ready to face problems and leave for school after that i changed my dress and i am late for school i climb wall while jumping on dustbin and come inside the school gate is closed already.

i start walk towards my class until

somone pin me to wall harshly

i was startled i open my eyes to see who on earth dare!

( no no! dont give innocent girl like me to breath in pace huh not even inter in class and i start facing this all WOW! HUH who the hell pin me harshly uff my back(after this i need to work if my back hurt how am gonna bow ? with glaring eyes i turn my face up just to notice who the hell he is! )