
Don't run away, My Little Kitten

Nick turned to Rowan, “Why did you suddenly come back, Rowan? We want answers' ' The other members nodded and Rowan put on a smile. “To see a little kitten” Nick looked at him in surprise. He always knew that Rowan was a psycho but his response was extra surprising, "A Kitten?" Rowan nodded with a smile "Mm, I have been looking for this runaway kitten and now i have found it" ... Irene is a regular College student trying to keep up with her Love Admission at Beamers'. However, her life begins to change after the most mysterious guy in college became her puppy. Why was he so familiar with her?

Whitelily18_ · Teen
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3 Chs

Old Acquaintance

Camilla reached for the bottle of antiseptics and handed it over to Adam who winced in pain. One thing about Rowan's punches was that it may not be visible but it was excruciatingly painful.


Camilla rolled her eyes and continued applying the wet towel on his face to ease the pain. Adam gritted his teeth in anger as he stared at the group of people in front of him, Rowan in particular.

"Why are you here?"

Rowan looked at him and answered him calmly, "Because you want me to be here"

Adam hissed and clenched his fists. He struggled to get up to begin another fight but Camilla suppressed him down. She was undoubtedly strong for a girl.

"Y..You, get out. I don't want to be here!!!" He yelled and the others sighed in defeat and in sadness. Adam wasn't easy to please that much and Rowan was the nonchalant type, if this continued their group would be broken. Nickj was about to come to the rescue and speak when Rowan shrugged and reply, "Sure, call me when you are less angry"

He went over to Adanm and patted his shoulder before leaving the room. The others stared at the door lost. He was still the same Rowan, as nonchalant as ever.

Rena changed her clothes in the restroom. Luckily, she had another pair of clothes just in case, she had always been cautious in everything she did just in case her life didn't work out like always. Just who were those delinquents at the cafeteria??!! She scoffed and went out of the stall and washed her hands when she heard two girls speak,

"Have you heard? The school's most handsome delinquent is back. It has just been one day and the whole cafeteria is already scattered. Ha, the year of his disappearance was the most peaceful." The first girl said as she rubbed lip balm on her lips while looking at their reflection in the mirror.

Rowan? Why did that name sound strangely familiar?

"Aish, but you can't deny the fact that he is hot. Rowan has always been mysterious in the group, I wasn't really surprised by his disappearance and now his appearance… However, during the fight, there is this one girl who got hit by the food thrown. So hilarious, hehe" The other girl replied.

"So dumb and unlucky. Probably some pushover wanting to get attention" The first girl scoffed in reply.

Rena clenched her fists in anger as she heard her name. She stopped the water from the tap and walked over to the door of the restroom. Before leaving she tuned to the girls and said with a sneer "You should learn to gossip in a whisper"

The two girls realized what she meant immediately and their faces turned red in embarrassment. They turned away and kept their mouth shut. Rena rolled her eyes and left the restroom. She checked the time and walked over to the lecturer's office. She entered the building and took the elevator to the 5th floor. The elevator was about to close when someone stopped it and entered. Rena looked up to see the person and her eyes widened in surprise.

The other party did not even once glance at her and pressed his floor. Rena's breathed nervously and she finally took the chance to talk to the person,

"Hello, I am Rena. Do you remember me?"

The other party looked at her with a lazy expression and ignored her. Rena pursed her lips, "We worked on a project together in freshman year… And you ended up excluding me from the presentation for no reason. Don't worry, I really don't mind. It was the past after all" She said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Oliver Conway, a genius in the business department. A jewel in her eyes, though they had a bad history together, she knew that if she managed to get a project with him, she wouldn't have to worry about her GPA.

However, the other party was not willing to associate himself with her. Oli turned to her, "I'm sorry but i don't remember unpleasant things" He said and walked out of the elevator to his floor. Rena clenched her fist in anger and frustration. She looked at the button and realized that it was the fifth floor. She calmed herself and wanted to pursue him more. Her GPA was more important than her ego… but he was already gone.

What a leg!

She sighed and walked over to Lecturer Lee's office. She knocked twice and entered after hearing a 'come in'

"Good Afternoon, Teacher Lee '' She greeted her in respect. Teacher Lee nodded in response with a mist of confusion in her eyes. Rena understood it and quickly introduced herself,

"I am Irene West, Sophomore year under the business administration department. I am one of your students and attend you class"

Teacher Lee nodded in acknowledgement, "Ha, okay. Student…"

"Irene West, ma" Rena responded energetically with a big smile and Teacher Lee stared at her in surprise. She offered her a seat and Rena sat down.

"Student West, so what can I help you with?" She sipped her tea and stared at Rena in question. Rena took a deep breath and brought out a document, "I am here to apply for a role as your assistant in your research. And i am sure you would accept me and love my work"

Teacher Lee put down the cup and crossed her legs. She stared at Rena in more astonishment, "Oh really?"


Irene West? How come I haven't heard that name before? Then that means she isn't part of the esteemed students. Teacher Lee thought and she glanced at Rena whose smile was the biggest ever.

"And what's your GPA? Since you are my student,you should know that I accept nothing but the best for my projects, so what guarantees me that you are deemed worthy of the project?" Rena's morale dropped that instance. She was prepared for this question, and knew that she had no place to be her assistant but she had to try for her GPA.

She put on a smile again "The motto for Beamers' college: It isn't all about the brain but all about the hard work. We produce students who are hardworking the most, that is our goal"

Teacher Lee's laugh sounded in the office. Rena felt uncomfortable by the laughter. Had she said something wrong?

"I like you, you are very positive" Teacher Lee complimented Rena. Rena' heartbeat calmed a little due to this and she felt she had a little hope.

"It is true that it is all about Hard Work in Beamers' but Brains are more im;prtant in Beamers'. What hard work? If it was truly about hard work, our society wouldn't be like this then. I would love to take you under… But unfortunately, i already have a student"

Rena's smile dropped once more and she felt a wave pof cold hit her. She took a deep breath and calmly said "I am sure that Teacher Lee should be able to take two assistants. With that the project will be faster"

"Tsk, Tsk… The person I have is already a brain for three people and more people in the project is just not my thing. He is the best of all and the money paid is pretty huge. No teacher can just recruit him like that"Teacher Lee replied and just that minute, Someone entered the room.

"I am here"

Rena's body froze as she heard that familiar voice. She turned around to see Oliver. Why was it him? No wonder, Teacher Lee wouldn't recruit her.

She sighed in defeat. Teacher Lee glanced at her and pitied her. She got up and walked over to Oliver, "Good, we should begin the research now" Oliver nodded and walked out of the room. Rena also stood up ready leave, Teacher Lee whispered to her when she grabbed the doorknobs "Who knows Maybe if you can speak to him, he might have a change of mind"

Rena felt a rainbow coming out inside her but also a storm trying to disrupt the beauty. On one hand, the idea was good and on the other hand, Oliver was impossible to talk to, talk more of convincing him.

She was definitely Doomed.