
Don't run away, My Little Kitten

Nick turned to Rowan, “Why did you suddenly come back, Rowan? We want answers' ' The other members nodded and Rowan put on a smile. “To see a little kitten” Nick looked at him in surprise. He always knew that Rowan was a psycho but his response was extra surprising, "A Kitten?" Rowan nodded with a smile "Mm, I have been looking for this runaway kitten and now i have found it" ... Irene is a regular College student trying to keep up with her Love Admission at Beamers'. However, her life begins to change after the most mysterious guy in college became her puppy. Why was he so familiar with her?

Whitelily18_ · Teen
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3 Chs

Love Admission

 Rena looked at the Counselor as she bit her lips. She took a deep breath for the third time, her knees shaking and her hands were extra sweaty. Her hands subconsciously held the hem of her sweater. She hated coming to the office as it always caused bad news for her, she bit her lips the more trying to stop the tears from falling out from her eyes. Hoping for something badly, even when you knew that it wasn't possible and then when the truth comes to reality, you can't help but feel sad; but then not because what you hoped for didn't happen but mostly because you feel like a fool for hoping more without thinking of the failures. That was truly the worst feeling.

 "Miss West?" Mr Damien called her three times bringing Rena back to reality.

  She nodded and smiled slightly. Mr Damien stared at her with pity in his eyes. One look at the girl in front of him, a person could tell that she had been through a lot.

 "I'm okay, sir. You can go on, I'm fine" Rena replied with a smile. Even, she couldn't believe that she was fine, she wasn't at all.

 Mr Damien nodded in understanding and continued, "Ms West, i know that it may be hard for you but then Beamers' has a rule to the Love Admission. You know that, when you signed up for the admission. In Beamer's we focus on equality of all students, there were many protests concerning the love admission and we adjusted it. To keep up and stay at Beamers' under the Love Admission, your GPA must be above the average; in fact at the top… I see that you're trying Ms West but…"

"Not my best" Rena completed his sentence and he looked at her.

  He nodded and continued "Your GPA is… not enough. I'm sorry but if you keep up like this, you'd lose the admission and would be kicked out from Beamers'"

 Rena closed her eyes and sighed. She knew this from the beginning that she registered for Beamers' College under the Love Admission. She wanted the best for herself, Beamers' one of the best colleges in the city. If she could just enter the college and graduate,from there, finding a job wouldn't be hard, she had thought. 

   All her life, Rena had always tried her best; she must or she could die; that was always what she thought.

  Beamers' Love Admission was a special kind of admission for students who were not well enough to afford the college's fees. They'd always have the exam every year and if the student's GPA was higher than average in the exams, you are given a scholarship but under the Love Admission. You could graduate as a student of the school as long as your GPA was average

 However, the students of the college who had gotten into without the Love Admission protested against it, causing Beamers' to set their GPA standards higher than ever. This gave the Love Admission Students fear and shock, trying to keep their GPA but most of them get kicked out of the school.

"So, am I just gonna end up like the rest? Trying our best but not enough, and we end up kicked out because we are a little different?" Rena broke out with tears in her eyes.

  Mr Damien sighed. He always felt for the students but he couldn't do anything but see them break out.

 "But, there is still a chance for you, Ms West. Currently, your GPA is average but… you still have the group assessment and the end of session exam. I am pretty sure that if you nail those two, you would move forward in Beamers'" He tried to be optimistic.

  Rena nodded and said with a forced smile "I will do my best, Mr Damien" She stood up and arranged her bag "I will get doing now"

  Mr Damien nodded. She moved towards the door and as her hands touched the doorknobs, Mr Damien called "Ms West"

 She turned to look at him and he said to her with a smile "You have been doing fine till now, i am sure that you can win this"

 Rena nodded and left the office.

"Damn it, Piper's gonna kill me" Rena cursed as she ran in the halls.

  She had stayed at the field after leaving the office. She stayed there hating her life, totally forgetting about her class. She cried inwardly, Ms Piper never liked her since freshmen and always found a way to pick on her, and here she was making it worse.

 She finally stopped in front of a lecture room and panted like a dog. She adjusted her dress and peeped at the class. Piper was facing the board at the front, so she decided to enter through the backdoor.

 Rena took a deep breath and tiptoed into the class, trying her best to be invisible. At this rate, she couldn't afford to get into trouble, especially with piper.

 She was a step away from an empty seat when Ms piper said with her English Accent that made her sound sophisticated "Ms West"

 Rena gulped and turned to Ms Piper with an apologetic expression. However, Ms Piper didn't have the thought to let her off and called her to the front. Rena sighed as she walked to the front with her head looking at the ground. 

 Ms Piper scoffed "So pathetic, did you think that you could enter this class without me knowing? Have you forgotten that I take attendance before class? Seriously, I still wonder why you are still at Beamer's" Ms Piper put on a smug smile and yelled "You are already at the brick of losing your Love Admission and you still dare come in late missing the attendance! You are so pathetic, why are you even here?! I had warned you before about missing my attendance, do you think my class is a Play?! You shouldn't have signed up for it if you knew that you wouldn't do well!"

  Rena bowed her head and said "I am sorry, Ms piper" All she could do was accept the insults, she couldn't flare up now. Not now and ,maybe never. Ms piper was one of the powerful lectures in the school, students who attend her class are the best in the business department but then most people chose to attend Mr Robert class, as Ms piper was too strict and not exactly friendly. 

 Ms Piper scoffed and finally let her off, after disgracing her. Rena walked over to the empty seat and she could feel eyes on her. Those eyes of mockery that she was used to, didn't affect her at all. Receiving mocking eyes was already a part of her life.

 At most in Beamers', the Love Admission Students were always given a look of mockery and filth by the others. It was a yearly routine and the students could only adapt to it.

 The Canteen was filled with murmurs as a group of people entered the canteen. The stares and the murmurs continued as the group went to get their food. 

 The group was the Famous Four, originally it was the Famous Five but a member had left the group Freshmen year but now he had come back making the school shocked. There were rumors that he had left the school to study abroad and another rumor that he was in jail as he had injured the son of a very important person in the city. They couldn't confirm from the other members of the group so they could only carry this rumor on.

  The Famous Five were the kings of Beamers'. Their parents were huge donors of the school and were powerful people in the city. And the fact that they looked scary with tattoos and their cold gazes.

  However, the group ignored them and went over to their usual tables. One of them, called Brian shot a look at the students and they kept quiet.

"It is still as messed up as before, huh?" Rowan said as he chuckled.

  The other members nodded their heads, they were beyond happy to have him back but also curious as to why he suddenly came back. First he disappeared without telling them and then now, he suddenly reappeared. They felt angry at him, for not telling them that he was leaving and the fact that they couldn't defend him as they didnt know the truth behind his disappearance. However, they felt more than happy after seeing him and then anger disappeared immediately, he was like the boss of the group.

 "Yes, that is why we have to keep them in check" Nick joked. 

   Out of the five, he was the easiest to talk to. The rest were stoic and had this dangerous aura around them, but he had this "that boy next door' aura.

 "It's good to be back" Rowan commented as he put a spoon of rice in his mouth.

   The others nodded and responded "We are glad to have you back, Rowan" They all chatted and laughed their hearts out as a reunion after two years. Until Adam spoke,

"Why did you come back?" 

 The table turned silent. And what was a cheerful atmosphere turned gloomy. Among the four, Adam was the closest to Rowan and he must have felt the most betrayed that Rowan left him without telling him. And he was the type that held grudges a lot, if the other members let it go, he couldn't.

"Why? You don't want me back? So sad, I thought that you would be the happiest to see me" Rowan smirked as he drank his soda.

 Adam hissed and stood up aggressively banding the table loudly. The whole canteen turned towards them in shock. Nick stood up and tried to calm Adam down "Hey, not now. He just came back and…"

"What pathetic losers' ' He scoffed. He pushed Nick away and continued "It is fine with you guys?! This bastard disappeared two years ago without contacting us and he suddenly reappeared and you are fine with it?! I knew you guys were sick but not this sick!"

 The whole canteen and the other members panicked. Adam was the craziest and he wouldn't hesitate to start a fight at that moment. However, Rowan just sat calmly eating his food like he wasn't the one that had been cursed at.

"Let it go," he said.

  Adam scoffed, he took Rowan's food and threw it away. Rena who was just entering the canteen with her friend, was welcomed with a flying food that landed straight on her face,

"What the f*ck" She cried out and stormed out of the canteen.

 Rowan looked up at Adam who was flaring with anger.

"Are you angry because I left? Or because the attention wouldn't be on you again?" He tilted his head in curiosity.

  Adam snickered "F*ck you, You Son of a B*tch" 

"I prefer your sister"

  Adam's veins popped up and he went over to Rowan and held his collar. He threw a punch at him, landing Rowan on the floor. The other members tried to stop Adam but he pushed them away and went over to Rowan.

  He made him stand up again and kept throwing him punches which Rowan didn't try to avoid at all. At the end, he coughed his blood out. Adam threw him the last punch but this time Rowan avoided it and in return threw a punch at Adam .


 The whole canteen stared at the scene in Shock. In a single punch, Rowan had knocked Adam off and he fell to the ground. This increased their fear of him. The other members sighed in relief and thanked God that it was over for now. Camilla and Nick carried him to the nurse's office.

 Rowan cleaned his blood and followed them out of the canteen. As they reached the sickbay, Camilla took him inside and the rest stayed outside. Nick kept remembering Adam's words and he became confused. Adam was right, he had every right to be angry. Rowan's sudden appearance was also mysterious and frustrating.

  Nick then turned to Rowan, "Why did you suddenly come back, Rowan? We want answers' ' The other members nodded and Rowan put on a smile. 

"To see a little kitten"

Nick looked at him in surprise. He always knew that Rowan was a psycho but his response was extra surprising,

"A Kitten?"

 Rowan nodded with a smile "Mm, I have been looking for this runaway kitten and now i have found it"