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Chapter 7: A Royal Fury (Cersei - I)



After the events in the hall, Cersei and Joffrey are ruminating them and plotting...

Chapter Text

As the heavy doors to the room closed behind us, I could feel the weight of the events that had just transpired in the hall still hanging over us. My heart raced, and a mix of fury, humiliation, and bitterness churned within me. The audacity of that commoner, that stranger, to interfere in our affairs and manipulate the situation in favour of Arya Stark was unforgivable. I clung to my composure, my exterior calm masking the tempest raging within. I was so close to see that wretched little beast being put in her place and punished for what she did to my son and yet that uncouth lowborn managed to turn the tables against us.

Joffrey, my dear son, stood beside me, his face a storm of anger and wounded pride. His green eyes, so like his father's, glinted with a dangerous fire. He was seething, his youthful arrogance and entitlement crushed by the turn of events. He had always been susceptible to flattery and sycophantic admiration, and now his ego had been shattered, his version of events torn apart by the words of that meddling stranger and his body exposed to people like a whore before clients.

"Bloody hell!" Joffrey spat out, his voice a venomous hiss. "Did you see that, Mother? Did you see how that... that commoner dared to challenge me, to humiliate me in front of everyone?"

I placed a hand on his arm, my touch meant to soothe his turmoil, but my grip tightened involuntarily, my nails digging into his flesh. "Joffrey, calm yourself. We are the guests of ser Darry, and your behaviour must be controlled."

He shot me a withering glare, tearing his arm away from my touch. "Controlled? Like that was controlled, Mother? The whole hall was watching, and that... that stranger made me look like a fool!"

I clenched my jaw, my own anger bubbling just beneath the surface. How dare that stranger question the words of my son, the prince and future king? How dare he cast doubt upon our version of events? I could feel my blood boiling, but I had to maintain my composure. We were guests in Lord Darry's castle, and I couldn't afford to further escalate the situation, not when my oaf of husband was furious against Joffrey and me. If only Jaime had found that little brat before her father's men. That would have avoided this whole disaster tonight.

"Joffrey, listen to me," I hissed, my voice a low whisper. "This is not the time or the place. We will deal with this later, in private."

His eyes narrowed, his lips curling into a bitter sneer. "Oh, don't worry, Mother. I fully intend to address this matter, and that stranger will regret ever crossing me."

My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of pride and concern warring within me. Joffrey's determination to assert himself was both admirable and maddening. I wanted to protect him, to shield him from any harm, but he was his father's son, headstrong and obstinate. I knew I had to tread carefully, to guide him without smothering his spirit.

"Joffrey, you must be patient," I urged, my tone softening. "We will find a way to rectify this situation, but for now, we must wait and bide our time."

His gaze shifted to the window, his features twisted in a mix of frustration and resentment. "Father... Father just let that stranger have his way. He listened to him, Mother, and he believed him over me."

I sighed inwardly, my heart aching for my son's wounded pride. I knew how much Joffrey idolized Robert, how desperately he sought his approval. To have that endorsement seemingly withheld was a blow he couldn't easily bear.

"Your father... he can be impulsive," I admitted, choosing my words carefully. "But he also values justice, Joffrey. We will find a way to prove the truth of the matter, and then everyone will see that you were in the right."

My son's eyes flickered back to me, a mix of doubt and hope warring within them. He wanted to believe me, to trust that I could mend this situation and restore his honour. I could see the conflict in his expression, the desire to lash out and the need for guidance.

"But Mother, that stranger... he spoke so confidently, so convincingly," he said, his voice tinged with frustration. "He made Father doubt me. How am I supposed to compete with that?"

I took a step closer to him, my voice a soothing murmur. "Joffrey, you are your father's son. You have his strength, his determination. You will not let this lowborn's words define you. We will find a way to prove the truth, to show that your version of events is the correct one."

His gaze locked with mine, and for a moment, I saw a glimmer of the frightened child that still lingered beneath the facade of the prince. He was a complex mixture of arrogance and vulnerability, and my heart ached for him.

"We will make them see, Mother," he whispered, a determined fire igniting in his eyes. "No one challenges us and gets away with it."

I nodded, my lips curling into a small, reassuring smile. "That's right, my sweet boy. We will ensure that justice is served, and that stranger will regret ever crossing us."

His stormy gaze held mine for a lingering moment, his determination fuelled by my words. His clenched fists slowly relaxed, and I could see the turmoil in his eyes begin to settle, replaced by a glimmer of newfound resolve.

"Mother, you're right," he said, his voice steadier now, though the fire still burned within him. "I won't let that stranger's words define me. I'll show them all who I am and what I'm capable of."

I nodded approvingly, masking my relief. My son's malleability was a double-edged sword; his eagerness to prove himself could be moulded to my advantage, but his impulsiveness could also lead to disastrous consequences.

As he opened his mouth to further voice his commitment, a sharp knock at the door interrupted our conversation. Joffrey's gaze shifted towards the source of the sound, his brow furrowing in irritation.

"Enter," I commanded, my voice projecting authority. The door swung open, revealing the imposing figure of Sandor Clegane, the Hound. His scarred face was as unreadable as ever, his eyes fixed on my son.

"What is it, dog?" Joffrey demanded, his tone a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

The Hound's gravelly voice filled the room, "Your Grace, I've found the butcher's boy as you requested. He tried to run, but I caught him and... dealt with the situation."

Joffrey's eyes widened, a sinister smile curling his lips. "You caught him, did you?"

The Hound nodded, seemingly unperturbed by my son's reaction. "Aye, he tried to escape. But I ran him down, just like you wanted."

Joffrey's grin widened, his satisfaction evident. "Good. That'll teach him."

He then looked at his sworn shield with a cruel glint in the eyes.

"Send the butcher boy's head to the wolf bitch. Let her know what happens when someone crosses the crown."

I couldn't deny the vindictive satisfaction that surged within me, but I also recognized the potential repercussions. Robert was already infuriated with Joffrey, and this act of cruelty could tip the scales further.

"Joffrey, perhaps that's not the wisest course of action," I advised, my tone measured. "Remember, your father's anger is a force to be reckoned with. We must be cautious not to push him further."

My son's face twisted in frustration, his anger momentarily redirected towards me. "So, you're against me too, Mother? You won't let me do anything!"

I took a step closer to him, my gaze steady. "I am on your side, Joffrey. But we must be strategic. The Targaryens lost their hold on power by making rash decisions. We cannot afford the same fate."

The Hound's gravelly voice cut through the tension. "The wolf girl won't forget this. Sending her the boy's head is as good as declaring open war."

Joffrey's expression darkened as he absorbed the Hound's words. The reality of the situation began to settle in, his desire for revenge warring with the potential consequences.

I placed a hand on my son's arm, my touch gentle yet firm. "Listen to the Hound, Joffrey. He speaks from experience. We must be calculating in our actions. Revenge can wait for the opportune moment."

Joffrey's gaze shifted between us, his internal struggle evident. I could see the conflict within him, torn between his desire for immediate gratification and the need to play the long game.

Finally, he nodded, albeit reluctantly. "Fine. For now, we'll wait."

I squeezed his arm reassuringly. "Good. Patience will serve us well."

As the Hound turned to leave, Joffrey's voice called after him, a hint of malice in his words. "Tell the Stark girl that her friend is waiting for her in the afterlife."

The Hound's gruff chuckle echoed through the room as he departed, leaving us alone once more. My son's gaze remained fixed on the door, his determination now simmering beneath the surface.

"Mother," he said, his tone colder than before. "We will find a way to make them all pay, one by one."

I met his gaze, my own resolve unwavering. "Yes, my sweet boy. We will ensure they pay, but we will do it on our terms."

Joffrey's eyes gleamed with a mixture of determination and vindication. It was clear that the idea of vengeance had taken root in his mind, and he was relishing the prospect of exerting his power over those who dared challenge him.

In the silence that followed, I couldn't help but let my thoughts drift back to the stranger who had dared to interfere in our affairs. Who was he, this commoner with no noble ties, who had managed to commandeer the narrative and provoke doubt? It was vexing, to say the least, that someone from the lower rungs of society could wield such influence over the Crown Prince.

"We'll handle him, Mother," Joffrey declared, as if he had read my thoughts. "He won't escape our grasp."

I gave him a faint smile, masking my concern. "Indeed, Joffrey. He may have crossed us once, but we will ensure that he does not escape the consequences of his actions."

His brow furrowed, a touch of regret in his voice. "I should have had the Hound take care of him when we had the chance."

I placed a reassuring hand on his arm, my touch gentle. "It's never too late, my dear. We have many resources at our disposal, and we will deal with this commoner in due time."

Joffrey's gaze met mine, seeking reassurance in my eyes. "You're right, Mother. I won't let him undermine me any further."

I nodded, my heart swelling with a mix of pride and maternal protection. "That's the spirit, Joffrey. Remember, you are the future king. No one should dare stand against you."

He straightened his posture, his resolve evident. "I won't forget, Mother. I'll make them all pay for doubting me."

I squeezed his arm affectionately. "I have no doubt that you will, my sweet boy. Just remember, patience is a weapon as well. We will choose the right moment to strike."

My son's lips curled into a determined smile, his youthful arrogance now aligned with a more calculated ambition. "You're right, Mother. Revenge will be sweeter when it's executed perfectly."

As he spoke, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and concern. Joffrey's transformation from an impulsive young prince into a calculated force to be reckoned with was both impressive and unsettling. My role was to guide him, to ensure that his ascent to power was smooth and unchallenged, even if it meant tempering his more reckless tendencies.

"We'll be a force to be reckoned with, Joffrey," I said, my tone firm. "No one will dare underestimate us again."

He nodded, a fire burning in his eyes. "No, they won't."

A new knock suddenly echoed through the room. I turned towards the door, my curiosity piqued. With a slight nod to Joffrey, I moved to answer the door, the heavy fabric of my gown whispering against the floor as I walked.

As the door swung open, revealing a figure that I recognized as my cousin Lancel. He stepped forward, his movements precise and his posture respectful.

"Your Grace, my prince," he greeted with a bow, addressing both Joffrey and me.

Joffrey's gaze shifted to Lancel, his expression a mix of acknowledgment and impatience. "Lancel."

I studied Lancel for a moment, noting the seriousness in his demeanour. "What brings you here, Lancel? Shouldn't you be attending to my husband?"

Lancel cleared his throat, his tone respectful but tinged with a touch of urgency. "Your Grace, I must report something of interest. I was in the hall earlier, and I observed... the stranger."

Joffrey's brows furrowed, and I felt a prickle of unease. "What did you see, Lancel?"

Lancel hesitated for a moment, as if carefully choosing his words. "I saw the stranger speaking with Lord Stark and his young daughter. They discussed something, and then they departed for the Stark quarters in the castle."

Surprise flickered across Joffrey's face, and I exchanged a quick glance with him. "Are you certain?" I asked, a note of skepticism in my tone.

Lancel nodded firmly. "Yes, my lady. I was quite close, and I overheard some of their conversation."

Joffrey's jaw tightened, and I could practically hear the wheels turning in his mind. "So, he's still here. I thought he had left the castle."

My own thoughts raced as I considered the implications of this information. If the stranger had indeed joined the Starks, it could potentially complicate matters further. The Starks were not to be underestimated, especially with Ned being the Hand of my oaf of husband and the events of this evening. The idea of them harbouring this commoner added a new layer of intrigue.

"Did you hear anything specific?" I inquired, my tone calculated.

Lancel nodded again. "I heard the stranger thanking the young Stark girl for a suggestion, and Lord Stark assuring him of safety."

My lips curled into a thoughtful smile. "Thank you, Lancel. Your information is valuable."

Lancel's chest puffed out slightly, a glimmer of pride in his eyes. "Of course, Your Grace. I am at your service."

As Lancel turned to leave, I couldn't resist one final question. "Lancel, where is the king?"

Lancel's expression shifted, his confidence momentarily faltering. "He's... busy, Your Grace. And Tyrek is with him."

I nodded, dismissing Lancel with a wave of my hand. "Very well. Thank you again."

He bowed once more and departed, the door closing behind him. Turning back to Joffrey, I could see the gears turning in his mind, his thoughts undoubtedly echoing my own.

"It seems our stranger has aligned himself with the Starks," I mused aloud, my voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Joffrey's eyes gleamed with a renewed determination. "Then we must ensure that he regrets that decision."

I placed a hand on Joffrey's arm, my touch gentle but firm. "Patience, my sweet boy. We must gather more information before we act. It's possible he might be sent back to Winterfell eventually."

Joffrey's expression darkened, his impatience apparent. "And what if he becomes a permanent fixture in the North? What if he's out of our grasp?"

I offered him a reassuring smile, my tone soothing. "The day you sit upon the Iron Throne, my love, you will have the power to reclaim him, no matter where he hides."

Joffrey's lips curled into a semblance of a smile, though I could still sense his frustration. "Yes, Mother. The day I become king, no one will escape my reach."

I nodded, satisfied with his response. His ambition was a force to be reckoned with, and it was my duty to ensure that it was harnessed for the greater good of our family. But the darkness that had settled over him, fueled by humiliation and a desire for revenge, was something I needed to tread carefully around.

"Joffrey, my dear, remember that you have the power to shape your future," I said, my tone soft but commanding. "And until that day comes, we must work meticulously, gathering information, and ensuring that when the time is right, we strike decisively."

He met my gaze, a mixture of determination and defiance in his eyes. "I won't forget, Mother. I'll make him regret ever humiliating me, ever disrespecting me."

As I listened to his words, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of pride and concern. Joffrey was a complex puzzle, and I was the one guiding him through the labyrinth of power and ambition. But his hatred for the stranger and his fervent desire for revenge were consuming him, and I needed to ensure that he channeled those emotions effectively.

"Joffrey, my love," I began, my voice gentle yet commanding. "Remember, power is not just about force and anger. It's about control and manipulation. We will ensure that this stranger regrets his actions, not only through force but through the careful dismantling of his influence."

Joffrey's eyes bore into mine, his resolve unwavering. "I understand, Mother. He won't see it coming."

I nodded approvingly, my fingers gently brushing against his cheek. "That's my boy. We will show him what happens when he underestimates the true power behind the throne."

As I watched Joffrey, his determination burning bright, I couldn't help but marvel at the transformation he was undergoing. My guidance, my careful manipulation of his ambitions and desires, was moulding him into a force that would leave a lasting imprint on the realm. He was becoming a ruler who would command both respect and fear, just as a true leader should. His fiery spirit and the ambition that ran through his veins were the perfect tools to shape the future of House Lannister.

And as for the stranger who had dared to challenge us, to undermine Joffrey's authority and humiliate him in front of the court, he would soon realize the consequences of his boldness. His audacity would come back to haunt him, and he would comprehend that challenging the lion's den was a grave mistake. The Lannister always paid their debts.


1. Here we are! The very first true interlude in this fanfiction and on two of our favourite unlikable characters in Westeros. I chose the first POV both to keep a certain narrative style and because when I tested it with ChatGPT, I found it very amusing as an approach.

2. Originally, this chapter was Cersei reflecting upon the events of the first chapter before discussing with Jaime. However, after a discussion, I found it more interesting and amusing to develop it through the interactions between Cersei and her son in a scene that could take some inspirations from the GOT scene in the first season. Besides, the first version had the inconvenience of having a first part mainly on thoughts and while I love psychological depictions, I am also aware that interactions kind of enhance how the characters are in their demeanour, psychology and reactions when it is well done. And I would bet some would love to see our most unlikable king in this whole universe complaining and whining about what happened. And finally, it avoided Cersei to be completely villainous and caricatured (as least I hope).

3. It is a chapter (both initial and definitive version) I loved to imagine with the tools I had because of the characters. The reason why I love both reading the two first books of ASOAIF (borrowed to a public library three years ago, but didn't have the chance to read the three following ones) and watching GOT (currently about to watch the sixth season) is the fact that the characters look like real people with complex emotions and motives. While I do not condone the actions of the Lannisters and of Joffrey (that I considered as shortsighted and blinded by wounded pride and dogmatic vision of the world), I can understand to a certain extent the reasoning behind many of their actions and their psychology is kind of fascinating in spite of the sometimes simplistic and manicheic approach they could offer.

4. To help me to have something close to how the characters were, in addition of my classical requests, additions and rewrite, I included in the requests to ChatGPT the Wiki of Ice and Fire depictions of Joffrey and Cersei personalities as in the books. It is very heplful and I think I would use this method as much as possible for other characters, both for interludes and classical chapters, not to mention the physical depictions of some of them, even if the characters would have a mix of book and show features, either physical or psychological ones.

5. The inclusion of Lancel was partly because of "consistency" and one take of showing that this Westeros is not only a mix of books and show depictions, but also with some little specificities. My stance on Lancel is that while it is not something that is indicated in the books and show, I considered that both Tyrek and Lancel were Robert's squires before the events of GOT, meaning Lancel could have accompanied Robert to Winterfell but went unnoticed by the Starks, partly because of Robert's behavior with the Lannisters. So, his presence in Darry Castle is a possibility I included in this chapter. And because of his ties to Cersei, I thought he could play the "informant" part.

6. Same reasoning with Tyrek Lannister as he was Robert's second squire in A Song Of Ice And Fire. This also allows to show the fact that the MC doesn't know everything or forgets some details of the stories, especially as he mainly watched GOT.

7. I try to include in a reasonable way many references to the canon events that haven't been affected in the matter of the Ruby Ford incident and how it affects the thoughts and demeanours of the characters. Some details and rewrite were made to try to be close to what I remember of the characters and to how they seem to be depicted.

8. Concerning the use of the interludes, I will try to have a balance and to use them for 1) showing some impacts of the ripples without spoiling too much, 2) exploring certain characters' perspective in the growing new timeline and 3) giving some time landmarks in regards of the timeline and 4) it is much more fun to see the classical characters of ASOIAF and of GOT, even thought the main plotline concerns how the MC will evolve and how his personality, his demeanour, skills and knowledges influence others and the events. In fact, having their perspective give more scale to the story as it shows how the ripples affect them or how they consider the MC. Currently, two other certain interludes are ready and a third written, though perhaps to rewrite. And for a little detail, initially, I even thought to imagine a Raymun Darry's pov of the scene of my fictional self intervention in the hall. I finally gave up the idea to avoid duplicate, but include some of the ideas within the first chapter with the mentions of Raymun Darry's reactions. Do not hesitate to comment on the matter of the interludes or to give a list of characters you would like to see their perspective.

9. The incoming chapter is a morning discussion settling last advices, including some hot informations to Ned...

10. Have a good reading !