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Chapter 6: A Night to Remember

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The trip back to his apartments had been tricky, he kept his face hidden from the guards so as to not be questioned of his current looks, his hands hid in the arms of his cloak.

He passed a servant girl, she was blonde with deep-blue eyes, and looked no older than he was, perhaps even younger, he pulled her to him, and she looked horrified as his face had the smudge of blood over his face.

"Bring a bowl of hot water to my chambers, and tell no one." he said "and something sweet to eat." and placed a gold dragon in her palm and pushed her away before receiving an answer, continuing his walk back to his chambers.

Aerion let out a sigh of relief as he closed the door to his bedchambers, removing the cloak and throwing it over the chair near to his desk, and he wiped his hands over it, cleaning the blood from his hands as best he could, though some had already become dry and remained.

He untied the laces of his tunic, removing it over his head, dropping it onto the floor and began to stretch his neck, looking at every angle.

"Where were you?" he jumped as he heard a voice from the shadows, the voice was sweet and soft, and he knew whom it belonged to, though he was shocked as to why Rhaenyra was in his room, how long had she been waiting? And more importantly, why was she waiting for him? So many questions swarmed his mind.

"Princess…had I been expecting you, I would have returned sooner." he said, though he could not move a single bone in his body, this was not a good look, he was covered in blood, smelled like a peasant, and the heir to the kingdom was standing in his chambers.

"What happened?" she asked, stepping closer to him until their body were practically touching, gripping both his wrists tightly, looking at the palm of his hands with confusion, gazing up at him with her gorgeous violet eyes that made his heart skip a beat, he could lose himself in them for days.

"I went out into the city." he told her, not wanting to go into the full details, however, his answer had not seem to satisfy her, and she glared at him, tightening her grip on his his wrists, he rather liked the feeling, Rhaenyra's hands were soft and smooth "I got into a slight altercation…I am fine.."

Rhaenyra released her grip, and her hand ran along the scars of his neck "You are hurt.." she said.

"Why are you here, Princess?" he asked, still wanting answers as to why she was in his room, and how she had managed to move to his during the night with only a nightgown on.

"I had to see you." she placed her other hand on his chest, and she had confused him, it was almost as if she wanted to make a move on her again, twirling her thumb "Why did you kiss me?"

"It felt right." he answered without hesitation, knowing she would bring up the moment in the Garden, it had been on his mind since it happened, and he had no doubt it was on hers.

He could not explain her feelings for her, even to himself, they were related, this much was true, though that never stopped anyone in their line before, but something else drew him to her, an energy he could not understand.

There was a smile his answer had brought to her lips, though it was soon overcome with a sadness in her eyes, and probably a realisation of what his kiss meant "Why must this be so difficult?" she responded.

A single tear dropped from her face "I care for you, Aerion, I do, but…" he sighed, knowing he did not want to hear that he may be denied something he truly wants "I am to wed Ser Laenor, it would not be fair to you."

He chuckled "You think I am one to care for your marriage?" he placed a hand upon her cheek, caressing it gently, leaving a small splat of blood as he did "You bring me an immense happiness I haven't often experienced, I want more of that."

"Your duty is to marry Laenor, I understand this, but why must you not have happiness aswell?" he continued, and she placed a hand around his wrist once more, caressing it as he held it upon her cheek.

More tears fell from her eyes, brightening the violet and there was a long silence between them, Rhaenyra appeared to be in deep thought, though his eyes met hers and never left, not until they were interrupted by a knock to the door.

Rhaenyra ran to the side of the door without word, out of view, and Aerion opened it up and was met with the servant girl, she was carrying a small bowl of water and a pile of clothes "As..as you requested, my prince.." she also handed him some cinnamon-flavoured bread "It was all they had in the kitchen, I hope I have not offended."

"I thank you." he gave her a nod, closing the door without another word, and locking it behind him, sighing deeply as he looked to Rhaenyra, who looked as if she was about to have a heart attack, he placed everything on the table, and ran his hands through the warm water.

"That was too close." she said, peering over to what he was doing "What are you doing?" she asked as he ran his hands across his face, then looking to her and then back to the bowl, raising his brow in confusion.

It was clearly obvious what he was doing, though she shook her head to him, did she like the blood? She stepped back towards him, running her hand up his arm and the back of his neck "I want you as you are…that will bring me happiness." she whispered.

He planted a few pecks upon her lips, which soon turned into a dance of their tongues as she demanded entrance into his mouth, he had felt her free hand run along his stomach, and the erection pushing against his breeches.

Aerion directed her towards the wall, pushing her gently up against it as he moved to kiss at her neck "I've..waited so long for this.." he whispered.

Her arms snaked up around his neck, and he firmly placed his hands upon her hips, pushing her legs up to wrap around him as he walked closer to Rhaenyra's bed, dropping her down on the bed, and standing over her, allowing her to untie his breeches, and she licked her tongue as she looked up at him.

He ran his hand over her cheek once more as his member sprung from his breeches as they were pulled down, giving Rhaenyra only a moment to look before he assisted her in removing her nightgown, throwing it to the ground.

"Lie back." he whispered, as she sat at the edge of the bed, and she complied, he allowed himself to worship her body for a short while, she was perfect, her lips, her eyes, her hair, her beautiful breasts, every part of her had been that of a goddess, though he would be foolish to expect anything less from their blood.

Aerion planted himself atop of her, trailing his fingers down the side of her waist, making her smirk, before leaning down and whispering softly in the Valyrian tongue "Gevie." (Beautiful) he said, and she looked at him with an innocent smile, with red cheeks.

He kissed her passionately, cupping his hand over her breast, caressing it "Aerion.." she moans before setting her own hand upon his chest "Turnover." she demanded, their lips parting ways, and he followed her lead, removing himself and planting down beside her.

 She ran her finger over his lips before trailing her hand down his body, his member rested between her thighs, and she moaned as her opening trailed over the tip of his member, and she slithered her way back up his naked body, their lips touched, and his hand fell down her sides, squeezing her bottom cheeks.

"Do you want this?" he asked, whispering softly to her and running his finger along her chin.

"More than anything." she whispered back to him, nibbling at his ear; that was all the confirmation Aerion needed; he flipped her back over onto the covers, he began to kiss at her neck, travelling slowly down her body as he reached her breasts, he caressed one while nibbling at the other, she gripped his hair tightly in response, with a soft moan to follow.

He rose up, his heart pounding through his chest; he ran a finger along the thin layer of silver hair that lay above, he lined up his member with her entrance; for a moment, he was worried; the last he wanted to do was hurt her, he trailed his hand down her stomach, he pulled her legs apart and guided the tip into her, he felt her tense up as he did.

He took a deep breath, pushing slowly into her; Rhaenyra cried out in pleasure, not attempting to make it even slightly quiet, she was tight, but with each thrust, his member buried deeper inside her "fuck…" he whispered, watching her breasts bounce up and down was invigorating, making him want to go harder, she gripped at the bed sheets.

"More…" she said in between her moans of delight, her plea growing louder as he increased his pace; he felt relief that she seemed to be enjoying it, though he had expected it to be painful for her, at least that is what his maesters' had told him when teaching about the bedding ceremony after you marry.

He intertwined his hands with hers, holding them against the mattress as he thrusts deeper; he felt her walls getting tighter against his member, almost strangling it; he leaned forward, placing his hand on Rhaenyra's cheek, placing sloppy kisses upon her neck as he let out a loud groan, releasing his seed within her, he slowly removed himself and planted himself beside her, she rested her head on his chest, wrapping her arm around his stomach, no words were said between them, only silence.

A few hours had passed, and Aerion sat on the edge of the bed; he stared at Rhaenyra as she lay peacefully sleeping beside him; he placed his fur covers over her to keep warm; he was still in disbelief of what just occurred between them, and somewhat worried.

What if she will be with child?" he thought; of course, he knew most of the risks of taking the princess into bed; he could be killed for treason or exiled and stripped of all lands and titles if someone found out, but the idea of a child had been lost on him.

He rose from the bed, walked towards the window and looked out at Blackwater Bay, the sun was rising over the horizon, and no doubt people would begin to awaken soon; he found the bay to be peaceful, watching as the waves crashed upon the rocks in the distance.

He hungered for food, walking over to the table and grabbing the cinnamon-flavored bread, clawing a piece from it and placing the rest back down; he ate the bread, which tasted stale but sweet; he then moved to the bowl of water, and began to clean his face of blood, the water was already bloodied from his hands, but this made it darker.

Once done, he moved to sit beside Rhaenyra again; running his hand through her hair, he nudged her shoulder to wake her; her eyes blinked open, and he was met with a warm smile before wrapping herself up more in the furs, hiding her face, he chuckled, fighting to pull the furs from her, to which he was victorious, she jokingly frowned at him in return.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, receiving a weak nod in return; he glanced down her body, from her gorgeous breasts to her beautiful smooth feet; all of it had been his for the night; he rose once more from the bed, picking up her nightgown from the floor, passing it to her as she got up on her feet, he went in for a small peck on her lips "You never told me how you managed to get into my chambers."

Rhaenyra put her nightgown back on, and Aerion assisted her in tying up the laces. "I will show you, but you must promise not to speak of it to anyone." She responded, her tone and face becoming very serious, though Aerion couldn't help but snicker; she looked too cute. "I mean it." She smacked him on the arm.

She led him to one of the tapestries in the corner of the room, and she pushed it open, and a swarm of cold air came into the room, making him shiver; it led to a circular rounded staircase; he looked to Rhaenyra. "Where does it lead?"

"Everywhere, it connects with most chambers in the keep." She answered, "Maegor had them constructed so he could listen in on conversations; it is said he killed everyone who built the tunnels."

"Who showed you these?" he asked.

"Daemon, we used it to escape into the city for the night just before you came," she replied, he first thought that he could have used this to get back into the keep last night.

"I won't tell anyone." He pulled her in for one last kiss before she disappeared down the stairwell