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Chapter 5: TDB - Viserys

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Viserys's life had been full of tragedies, and he'd drowned in grief more times than he could count.

His grandfather, grandmother, uncle, father and other relatives had all died or as good as died all one after the other, and Aemma, his beautiful sweet Aemma had died along with the son he'd staked his hopes, dreams and love on

(At his order. At his own fucking order)

Then Alicent and the children had come, and his hoy had known no bounds.

It was around Jacaerys's birth where things he started to go, honestly speaking, to complete and utter shit.

Viserys knew a lot of the rumours regarding his slow mindedness and weakness as a king where inspired by his characteristics.

He was soft hearted. He despised violence and preferred to react rather than act. He loved his family and couldn't bear to think I'll of them at the worst of times. All true.

However, what he was not was a fucking idiot!

He was well aware of the nature of Rhaenyra's boys, but what was he supposed to do? He couldn't punish her lack of foresight in any capacity lest the realm abandon the polite fiction that the boys were true born and use it an excuse to strip her of her heirship.

And gods be fucking good, he loved that girl but he wanted very few things more than he wanted to punish her for her seemingly endless stupidity. What in the actual fuck went on in that head?!

Still, he loved his grandsons (even if his carefully controlled features twitched when he was first introduced to Lucerys) and his sons.

He had so many dreams do them all furthering house Targaryen's legacy, preparing the realm for the dangers to come,


Aenar revealed himself to be a dreamer, a fact that would have normally had him jumping with joy, and revealed the future yet to come.

Gods, what the fuck had he done to deserve this? Countless dead relatives, a daughter who wanted everything and did next to nothing, a conniving hand and apparently a house destined for destruction.

And the less said about Daemon, the fucking better!

Viserys had drowned in grief. But now? He was well and truly furious.

When awareness returned, he found himself surrounded by his kings guard, aside from Cole who looked a moment away from death via an enraged Daemon. To the far end of the room, Corlys was demonstrating his martial prowess by just barley surviving his wife's onslaught , and directly opposite to him his son and good son sat giggling like idiots.

"Enough!" he bellowed, and the room stilled. Rhaenys shot Corlys a look of rage before stepping back to the man's relief. Meanwhile, Cole (and dear fucking gods when he was done with that daughter fucking sack of shit!) took the chance to step forward and away from Daemon before beaming in stunned relief at being saved.

Good, Viserys thought, that's some semblance of order rest-

And that's about as far as his internal monologue got before Dark Sister flashed and cleaved Cristob Coles face in two, his body collapsing while the top half of his face was launched to the side.

"Gross, but so fucking awesome" Aenar grinned

"Daemon!" Viserys snarled

His brother merely raised an eyebrow "He fucked Rhaenyra"

"Which you hate for so many reasons" Laenor muttered knowingly

Gods he was so close to just killing them all and being done with it.

"Just-just don't do anything else" He pinched the bridge of his nose "Stay right there"


"No no" Viserys cut him off and pointed to where the man stood "I don't mean this room, I don't mean this castle, I mean right fucking there"

-Daemon nodded "I under

"Right there!"


"Right!" Daemon's eyebrow twitched "There!"

His brother nodded, but Viserys eyed him mistrusfully for a long moment before an idea came to mind "Guive me the sword"

Daemon stared "what?"

"Dark sister. Give it to me"

"I am not giving you my sword!" Was Daemon's indignant reply

"Give me the fucking sword!" Viserys snarled right back "You can have it back when I'm finished dealing with this fucking calamity, of which you are one of the biggest fucking contributors!"

"Me?" Daemon asked incredulously "My fucking apologies, brother, but it's very fucking clear-

"I don't care!" Viserys roared back, silencing him"Sword, now, and go stand next to Aenar!"

"You just told me to stay-

"I know what I fucking said!"

"Evidently not" the Rogue Prince muttered mutinously as he seathed dark sister and handed it over to a (though he would never admit it) smugly satisfied Viserys.

Daemon took his new place l, and Viserys shifted, directing his gaze to Aenar, who nodded knowingly

"Well done father, you can never be too careful with this one"

He resisted the urge to snort in agreement before turning turning to address his Kingsgaurd "Find my wife, the children and the Lord hand and bring them to me. And find me Larys fucking Strong!"

The Kingsguard disperesed, leaving only he, the Velaryon couple, Daemon, Aenar and Laenor.

He sighed, unsure of how to address his own son

Gods, what could he say?

Then he caught site of Laenor grinning at something Aenar had whispered, and the fury boiled over once more

"You!" He roared and the man yelped in shock, though his movements were still sluggish from his over apparent drunkenness "Does the destruction of both our houses amuse you?"

Laenor tried to speak but was cut off

"Perhaps it does?!" Viserys screamed, his frustration, anger and rage "You who couldn't even complete your own duty to your own fucking wife!"

That was the damning truth, but Aenar had already gleefully dismantled that secret in any case. He glared at the Velaryon heir, daring him to say a word.

"Your grace, I truly am very sorry" Laenor intoned gravely, and something in his tone had Aenar shaking his head and scooting away from him and Corlys and Rhaenys paling "Very, very sorry"


"For never fucking your daughter" Laenor finished with an extremely proud look

A moment of silence, shattered only by Aenar's muttered 'fuck this I'm out' as he bolted out of the room

A moment of silence, while Viserys's rage grew to unparalleled proportions

"Given that this is a night for honesty" Daemon began "I too, am very sorry for not fucking Rhaenyra when I first had the chance."

Viserys screamed in indignant outrage and charged both of them with dark sister held high!