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Chapter 3: TDB - Aegon

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The thing is, Aegon isn't an idiot.

No, really.

His mother seemed to believe he was unaware of the tensions of court, unaware of the nature of Rhaeyra's boys, unaware of his Grandfather's ambitions and all the rest.

No, no, he was perfectly aware. He just didn't give a single solitary fuck.

Let Rhaenyra have the throne and Jace after her, he didn't truly care. He'd much rather spend his days drinking, riding sunfyre and having the time of his life in general.

It was perhaps a bit lonely, sometimes but...

Anyways. He loved his family, though Aenar was his favorite brother. Always supportive, always following him around and helping him escape mothers terrifying clutches. Truly, he loved his little brother, wise beyond his years but still so fun to be around.

That said, assuming he survived the night he was going to murder the the little fucker for this complete unmitigated shitshow.

He'd already been having a terrible night when Grandfather (the cunt, Aenar was right about that at least) kicked him awake from his drunken stupor and manhandled him. Then he woke up to Mother's screeching when Aemond (The dumbass) decided to claim Vhagar and lot an eye for his troubles.

So he was alreadyn't in his right mind when Aenar decided to lose his fucking mind, proclaim himself a dreamer (he liked his history just as well as father, thank you very much) and start detailing the most fucked up future Aegon had ever heard.

He was crowned king? Who the fuck went and pulled that shit!? He didn't want that horribly uncomfortable throne!

Then came Rhaenyra's death

Oh fuck his life

When Rhaenyra turned to stare at him, horror and fear in her gaze, his head gave up on a bad job and he collapsed in shock.

He didn't want this! He didn't want any of this!

When awareness came back moments later, the first thing he saw was Ser Criston diving to the floor as Stormchaser belched flames at him. Mind still hazy, he couldn't help but cackle as the man let to his feet and tore off his flaming cloak before beginning to dodge left and right as Stormchaser spa flames at him. Aenar's cheering only made it more hilarious.

Then his laughter died when a visibly murderous Baela stepped in front of him, and was that a knife?!

Lucerys and Rhaena stood on both her sides, and despite their young ages Aegon had never been more scared in his life. But he could talk his way out of the t of the, and at worst he could definitely fight-

"You killed my dragon!"

"You killed my "Mother!"

Argon opened his mouth, then closed it "Fuck no"

Then he turned around and bolted. Briefly, he caught side of a terrified Lord Corlys backing away from his enraged wife. What?

Then they were out of the hall, and Aegon's only focus was running the fuck away.

He made it two corridors away and one flight of stairs away, startling many servants and guards before he tripped over his own damn feet and collapsed face forwards.

"Shit!" he'd cut his forehead, and given the angry footsteps approaching, that was the least of his problems.

He burst into the nearest room just as Baela turned the corner, and cursed eleven he realized it was empty save for a single table and some chaors. He tried to go back, but the three demons had already made their way in after him and locked the door.

Fuck everything.

"Nowhere to run now, you prick!" Baela snarled

She moved to the left of the table while Rhaena and Lucerys moved to the right, boxing him in.

"Cousins" Argon began weakly " I would like to say-

"You killed my dragon! You killed Moondancer!" She screamed in grief, and Aegon would have been more sympathetic if she hadn't just lunged and nearly stabbed him! Fuck!

"I would like to point out" Aegon began carefully, but Lucerys screamed

"You killed my Mother!"

"No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"I fucking didn't!" Aegon screamed "Ignoring the fact that both are very much still alive and in this very fucking castle, If anything Sunfyre did the killing not me!"

That seemed to stump them, and Aegon, drunk and panicked out of his mind decided to go on...

"You're all more than welcome to take up your grievances with him. By all means, I'll even ask father to mediate!"

Though he was drunk and not in his right mind, sarcasm , Aegon realized, was not a good choice given the situation.

Baela screamed and went for him again, and he lost his shit.

"I didn't kill anyone!" he screamed in rage (and grief). The three seemed stunned at the fristrated tears that sprung to his eyes. "I won't kill anyone. And certainly I won't! I never wanted any of this! Fuck the fucking throne, I don't want it. I just wanted to have fun, and ride Sunfyre and-

He wanted his mother to stop looking at him like he was a dissapointement, for his father to pe proud of him, for Rhaenyra to stop lookingat him like a threat

He wanted to be loved. Was that so fucking bad?

"I-" He breathed and rubbed his eyes heavily, ignoring the dumbfounded looks he was recieving "am very fucking drunk. But I swear I'd never do any of that. I swear"

And for a moment, Aegon dared to hope that this embarassing moment would be the end of it.


The door burst open, and they all whirled around to see a furious, dagger weilding Jacaerys stumbled in

"Where's Aemond?! Where"s-" his eyes narrowed in black rage as he caught side of Aegon "You!"

"For fucks sake!" Aegon screamed in outrage and despair as Jacaerys lunged "I'm going to fucking kill you, Aenar!"

Meanwhile, back in the great hall of Hightide, Laenor sat with his back to the wall, staring at the vaguely disturbing sight of his mother trying to kill his father, before turning back to his companion.

"So you're a dreamer, then"

Aenar glanced at him, face red from all the drink and tears before shrugging "Apparently"

He went back to petting his now resting dragon

"Why is my mother trying to kill my father?"

"He has a couple of bastard sons"


Suddenly, Criston Cole stumbled into their view, bleeding from a cut to his cheek and looking wild with terror

"Get the fuck back in there and take it like a man, Cole!" Aenar screamed "or I'll sick Stormchaser on you!"

The man had a moment to shoot the young boy a look of purest loathing before Daemon was suddenly there and driving him away with dark sister

"I'm so confused" Laenor said sadly "and drunk. The morrow is going to be awful."

Aenar patted his shoulder sympathetically "There, there."

They spent a moment of companionable silence, then Laenor heard Aenar murmuring and asked

"What are you doing?"

Aenar grinned "Trying to decide what epithet they'll give me. Aegon was the conqueror, Maegor was the cruel and Jaehaerys was the conciliator. Maybe I'll be Aenar the batshit insane!"

He raised an eyebrow "Your doing that here? Now?"

"You have a better suggestion on how to spend my time? Cause I'm done being involved in the affairs of these dipshits"

Laenor thought about that for a moment, before nodding. Fair enough

"Aenar the dreamer, perhaps?"

"Nah, I'm not a copycat. Daenys earned that one fair and square" Aenar shook his head then grinned widely "Honestly, the my might as well call me Aenar the Done, cause I'm capital-D-done with all y'all people's bullshit!"

That, Laenor thought, was very fair