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Chapter 3: I'm You're First




Part 1 of A Grimm Tale Next Work →




Stiles is working in the police station and gets the opportunity to talk to the mugger

Chapter Text

Stiles POV:

"Ka-n-i-ma? What is that? And no, you idiot, I can see you are a human but your a-a Grimm too. I've never met one before." The man said, looking at me like I was an art display at a museum.

I just paused Grimm.....like the Grimm brothers? The two brothers who wrote fairy tales, well, now that I think about it, maybe not fairy tales. Wow, I wonder if they are all real stories; maybe I should read them again.

My mother used to read me that book all the time when I was younger; she used to say that reading about fantasy was more enjoyable than living in it. Which when I was younger, I disagreed, but now I kind of agree.

Though I wished I at least paid closer attention to some of the tales, we read about. It seems like it would be helpful to remember them, but since I was so young and it was so long ago, I'm iffy about most of the tales. I wonder if all fairy tales are real, I hope bigfoot is real. That'd be so cool, I think, and like maybe I can actually find him, her, or them.

Okay, getting way off-topic.

"What's a Grimm?" I ask.

I asked because, in my mind, the only Grimm's I've heard of were the two brothers or the Grim Reaper.

The man didn't say anything, he seemed to be debating something, but finally, he started talking,

"A Grimm is.....a hunter of wesen; they hunt my kind, good or bad. Their killers. You're a Grimm; it's in your eyes." He said seriously but seemed reluctant to say anything.

I paused.

A hunter? A hunter that kills w-esse-n? Or whatever it was, he said. I'm not a hunter. Hell no. And I have no plans on killing shapeshifters, thank you. And what's this about my eyes? What is happening here?

"I don't understand; how did I become a Grimm or whatever you are talking about? And you still haven't said what you are. I just want to know-."

Before I can finish talking, detectives Nick and Hank walk in, startling both of us; it causes my mugger to shift again. Which was hella cool.

I looked at his face in closer detail again; it was way cooler than jack-ass Jackson's Kanima shift and also a bit less scary since, as far as I can tell, it's only his head. He shifts back too quickly, but his face is terrified again; he grabs my shirt and pulls me over the table suddenly. Knocking me and the table over since he was still chained to it.

I let out a small scream, I didn't expect it, and I flew through the air for a moment.

"Whaaa- wait!" I yelled, falling over to the other side easily, almost landing on top of him.

Before he gets pulled away from me, he whispers something in my ear,

"Hey listen, t-that cop, the young one. He's a freaking Grimm too! What the fu-" But he gets cut off as Wu and Hank grab him and haul him away from me.

I'm still on the floor contemplating what he just said before a hand grabs my arm and picks me up off the floor like I weigh nothing. It was Nick, who looked angry before dragging me out of the interrogation room with haste.

Once I'm dragged outside of the room, I get manhandled by Nick, who was probably checking for injuries and whatnot. And he wasn't the only one; Wu soon came out of the interrogation room looking extremely concerned. He grabbed my shirt and arms looking to see if that guy did anything.

"Guys," I say but get ignored.

"GUYS!" I yell a bit forcibly, shooing their hands off me.

Gosh, even my friends back home didn't baby me this much.

"I'm fine. Nothing happened. He didn't do anything."

Wu looks pissed, "Didn't do anything?" he said, affronted.

"He assaulted you, kid. We are going to stack these charges. Were charging him for assaulting an officer," he tells Nick, who simply nods even though he still looks angry.

"Woah woah, wait a second, guys. You guys are overreacting. I didn't get assaulted. I was lightly pulled over a table. I had worse back home. Ah, but that's beside the point; I have no intention of pressing charges here. And second, I am not a police officer. Seriously guys, if he had hurt me in any way, I would be right with you guys; I'd get him back, trust me, ah legally, of course, ha ah, but he did nothing bad. I mean, trying to mug me was not good, but I'm okay, right?" I said as I started to ramble about useless things.

Both Wu and Nick look skeptical.

"I don't like this. If he's behind bars, he can't hurt you again." Wu stated again.

"But I'm not pressing charges. I had a talk with him he was alright. He apologized to me. We both just got startled when you guys came back in." I said, defending the dude.

"Oh, that reminds me," Nick said.

"What were you doing in an interrogation room with a suspect in the first place? Wu said you were watching behind the glass. But there you were in the room, in a very dangerous situation. He may have been a dangerous criminal; you could've got extremely hurt." Nick said angrily.

"It wasn't dangerous he was handcuffed to the table," I said.

"Apparently, that didn't matter as he reached you and hauled you over it.

"Well, that's just a technicality." I sidetracked.

"Okay, we can say that normally one wouldn't be able to do that. But why were you in there in the first place? Hmmm?" Nick asked again.

Fuck I was trying to gloss over this part.

"Well, I just was curious and wanted to talk to him. It was going fine until you guys spooked us. Uh, not that you guys couldn't enter or anything. Obviously, I was doing something wrong so when you guys walked in, it scared me and him too." I said again.

There wasn't much else I could plead. Also, I wanted to ask him more questions before being interrupted. And I want to know what exactly a Grimm is.

Even if Nick is somehow a Grimm, too, I'm not gonna trust a hunter so easily. I learn from my own mistakes, or at least try to.

Nick seems like a nice guy, and he's a good cop, as I've seen so far, but I wouldn't trust him with this stuff, even if he's involved in some way.

Both Nick and Wu seemed unimpressed, but they didn't push it further because clearly, I wasn't budging on my stance on the matter.

Eventually, Wu walked me back to a desk and handed me a few more papers, to which he told me to finish them up and then go home for the night and to stay out of trouble. I was going to joke that that's impossible, but I thought better of adding more fuel to that fire. I sighed and just finished it up. I did notice that Wu, Nick, and Hank all walked into the Captain's office.

God, I hope they are not talking about me. Well, that was just wishful thinking; even I knew that. They most definitely are, since the were-lizard guy pulled me over the table. I sighed and dropped my head on the desk.

This was going to be shitty.

Nick POV:

Once we moved the suspect into the cells, so the kid didn't get the funny idea of talking to him again, myself, Hank and Wu all headed into the captain's office to see what we were going to do with this mess. Once we were all in, we shut the door and started a conversation about our new intern.

"So, how was Stiles?" The captain asks.

Hank and I just sigh; he's a piece of work. Honestly, he seems more inclined to end up in jail because he doesn't listen to directions and is a sarcastic little kid. But Wu likes him, at least.

"Oh, he's great. He does all the paperwork I give him in minutes, and he definitely knows his way around police work; he never asks how things are supposed to be done; he just does it. And if he's ever confused once, I show him once; he matches it perfectly. He is very smart, but he needs to learn how to listen to directions and some self-awareness." Wu says, giving the kid pretty high praise.

The captain looked between us, watching our annoyed expressions, "It's his first day; what'd he do?"

Hank answered, "The guy he reportedly said mugged him yesterday; he snuck into interrogation and questioned him about something. Then when we came back, the suspect, Daniel Brown, grabbed him and hauled him over the desk before we got him back out."

The captain's face looked surprised, "Is Stiles okay? Are we pressing charges?" He asked Wu.

I decided to speak, "Well, we were. The kid swears up and down that Mr. Brown is a good guy and that we should just let him go. I don't know what convinced him of that, but he is refusing to press charges."

I'm as confused as before.

The captain rubs his face. "No wonder he was a handful in his hometown." He says.

"Why exactly did we hire a new intern if you don't mind me asking, Captain?" Hank queried.

"For his father. He's a sheriff that works out of California. But besides that, I owed him a lot when I was younger, so he said he needed his reckless kid to intern over the summer, and I agreed." The Captian said, clearly leaving some stuff out, but he was speaking honestly.

"Oh," I said, remembering to mention something.

"Mr. Brown, the suspect in the mugging, is wesen. He's a Skalengeck."

Hank and Wu looked surprised, as I didn't give any clear indicators before.

"Wel, just because he's a wesen doesn't prove he's a bad guy. But I guess a Skalengeck would cause trouble. Does he know you're a Grimm?" The captain asks.

"Yeah, he looked right at me when he woged," I said, remembering since that was the exact moment he pulled the kid over the table.

The captain shrugged his shoulders, "Well, for now, we'll hold him overnight. Then let him go. If he bothers anyone or Stiles again, just ignore the kid and arrest him. Understood?" The Captain ordered/

Wu nodded and left, walking by Stiles, looking over his shoulder and snooping.

Hank just sighed and clapped me on the back.

"And off I go home. See you guys tomorrow." He says as he leaves, shouting bye to Stiles and Wu as well.

I nod to the captain and go to my desk to collect my stuff and finish a few case reports.

I'm almost out when I see the kid walking in front of me.

"Hey, you need a ride?" I ask.

If he's gotten into this much trouble on his own might as well, make sure he gets home okay.

Stiles turns and thinks about it for a moment; he almost looks like he is going to decline before shrugging his shoulders and agreeing. We walk together to the elevator, and I show him into the parking lot. I unlocked the car, and we both got in; it was an awkward silence.

"Hey, uh, where should I drop you off?" I ask the kid as it became awkward silence all too soon.

"Oh, the hotel near the airfield. The fancy-looking one." The kid says.

"Okay, cool. You're staying in a hotel while you are here? That could get expensive; maybe you shout think about rooming with someone or finding a cheap apartment." I say, knowing the hotels are expensive, especially the one he's staying at.

"Oh well, I'll only be here for 8 weeks or so; it'd be awkward and hard to find an apartment. Plus, I'll be heading back home soon enough." The kid says, seeming like he wasn't happy to be here.

I was starting to get the feeling that it wasn't his choice for a summer job.