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Chapter 21: A Sorrow Filled GoodBye

Chapter Text

The day of the personal funeral for the dearly departed Sheriff…

Outside POV:

The casket, now closed, already placed in the six-foot deep grave waiting to be buried under the earth. The people at this procession are few and far between. Stiles, of course, beside Melissa, who's shaking and crying silently, she's trying to be strong for Stiles, but it's difficult. Scott, Issac, Allison, and Lydia came sad looks and a few stray tears.

But they stayed off to the side, not too sure what to tell Stiles who was kneeling in the freshly cut cemetery grass. What could they possibly say?

Seeing his father's grave next to his mothers, became too much for Stiles. It was a small meet. A priest came and said a prayer and a blessing. Stiles placed a flower on the casket and just said his goodbyes. Once it was over, he turned to leave, not wanting anything to do with anyone. He wanted to curl in his bed and grieve. But life wasn't that easy.

Before he left, he noticed Derek and Peter, not quite near the grave but, Stiles assumes they came to pay their respects. He waved, silent, not really open to starting a conversation with them right now. But that couldn't be said for Scott or Lydia.

Scott chose to speak first,

"What the hell are you doing here?" Scott said with a growl in his voice.

Stiles paused, walking looking back, glaring at Scott. He was mad, as he thought this really wasn't the time to pick fights. But his opinion didn't matter.

"Peter, you caused enough grief, just get out!" Lydia said. Stiles could sorta understand that hate from Lydia, the haunting her, and using her sucked, but still really not the time or place for this shit.

Peter and Derek, apparently the only sane people, gave them a disappointed look, as this wasn't the time for a pissing contest. They understood loss, and they understood being alone, probably the only people near Stiles who could understand him. Losing their whole family far too soon, like poor Stiles Stilinski. But that didn't go over well, not to Scott or Lydia. Both people who don't understand true loss.

Lydia stands in between Stiles and the Hales,

"Don't look like you understand Stiles. You don't know what Stiles is feeling. You're not even his friends. Peter, you don't even have any friends, you only care for your own self-gain. You two aren't welcome here."

Scott was nodding along. Issac had a look of unease on his face, and Allison wasn't too sure this was the place but didn't voice her opinion, not wanting to get involved. Peter, with barely any decorum left, laughs. Derek glares at him but agrees it's funny that Scott and Lydia are stupid enough to laugh at.

"Dear Lydia, as much as you think you're a genius, you're awfully stupid. We don't know death, really? I think you forgot about the little miss hunter over there. Remember dear old aunt Kate, torched my family. So don't tell me about not understanding. And seriously, this is not the place for a fight. It's a cemetery, and a funeral just finished, have some tact, if not anything else." Peter says in response to Lydia's little spiel.

"Oh, we were also invited," Peter says, smirking, folding his arms and leaning back against the tree behind him satisfied.

Scott's head swiveled to look at Stiles,

"You invited Peter! Why?" He said honestly, not understanding anything.

With a deep sigh, Stiles moved away from Lydia and Scott.

"I invited them because they are my friends, and they met dad, so why not. They didn't do anything, and you guys should honestly just shut up. As Peter said, the funeral just ended, and this is disrespectful and disgusting. I want to be alone. And I mean alone. No one, follow me, to my house. The only person here who can stop by is Melissa. And not Scott, that doesn't include you as well. Just your mom. Peter, I have to talk to you tomorrow, you know that about it. Goodbye." Stiles said, ending it off by glaring at Scott when he brought out the puppy eyes and trying to hint to Peter that he needed to talk about private Grimm things tomorrow.

After his little speech, he hops in his car and heads home to grieve alone and in peace.

Melissa joins him much later that day. Stiles tells her about moving, where he's going, and his future goals, leaving out some Grimm details. He tells her he found out somethings about his mother and how she lived her life, and he wanted to go do the same to connect with her.

Melissa cried at the knowledge of his departure. But nodded her head, glad he had goals and wasn't just going to grieve alone. She made sure he knew he was always welcome in her house if he ever needed to. And that if he ever needed anything, she'd help him one way or another.

To Stiles, Melissa was like a second mom. Scott, no matter all his idiocy, is his brother from another mother. Stiles promised Melissa he'd visit. And he said he'd regularly call to keep her updated. He gave her his phone number, and he told her he's gonna live with a friend in Portland until he can get his own place there.

After that, Melissa cooked a simple pasta dish to make sure Stiles ate and left, telling him to come to say bye before he left. Stiles promises as he eats. Once done with that, he cleans up half-heartedly and sheds the black suit jacket and flops on his bed. Stiles falls asleep quickly, but it's not a peaceful sleep. Instead, he's tossing and turning and crying, morning his dearly departed dad.

8:00 am the next day...

Peter POV:

I decided to stop by early, trying not to run into the annoying teens that circle around Stiles. I assumed they'd probably come by around 12 so, here I am at 8. I listen, and here Stiles is still in his room, I climb up there seeing as it's quicker than waiting for him to come down the stairs and open the door. I lift his window and climb in.

Stiles' still sleeping. I just sit in the chair watching. Not creepily, contrary to popular belief, I'm not a creeper. But I was trying to see if there was anything different about him. Now he's a Grimm, but he still looks like the idiot kid who I dragged into the parking garage to get my idiotic betas password and username. I should've bit, Stiles.

Not that it matters anymore, seeing as I'm not an alpha anymore. But I wonder if it would've affected his Grimm ability in any way. Shame, I'm not an alpha anymore.

I was sat there contemplating my stupid miscalculations as an insane alpha when Stiles started to make noise and squirmed under his cover. I stood leaning over him, he smelled like sadness and fear.

Ah, a nightmare. I put my hand on his shoulder, I gently shook him awake. It took a minute, but suddenly his eyes shot open, looking around in fright.

Until he saw me, then he looked confused,

"Peter? Why are you in my room?" He says, sitting up looking at me.

"Well, someone did ask me to meet him the next day. Seeing as it's a new day, here I am." I said, pointing to myself.

Stiles looks at the open window noticing the light out.

"Right, hi, Peter. I would wonder why you let yourself into my room while I was sleeping, but you're related to Derek, and you're a creeper wolf."

I glare,

"Stop, calling me a creep. I woke you up. What was I supposed to do, wait outside till you woke? Be real Stiles, I have better things to do." I said, sitting in his computer chair.

"Right, right, fine, whatever. Anyway take this, I'm leaving later today, but I need to pay the storage place in 3 days. I'll send money every month." Stiles said, having over a white envelope filled with cash.

"So tonight, what about the house?" I asked, looking around his room.

He sighed,

"Well, no one bought it yet, and the real estate lady wasn't confident anyone was. You sure you really don't want it? I'll give you a friend discount." Stiles said, smiling.

"How much of a discount?" I ask.

I have money. More than enough to buy the house, but I had no use for the house. I mean it's obviously bigger than my apartment and in a nicer part of town. Actually, it's probably the only house I'll ever be able to legally buy since I'm officially dead. That's the only reason I'm even considering it.

"Well, I was gonna place it on the market for $439,070. I got a rough estimate. But I'm willing to go down, I mean if you'll buy it before I leave, I'll take your best offer. We can negotiate." Stiles said seriously.

Thinking about it, the asking price isn't bad. It's cheap for me. I mean, I have $117 million stored away, in the Hale vaults. Buying it at asking price…. Ugh, whatever it's my money.

"Alright, I take it for $440,000." I said to a shocked face.

"Huh?!? That's more than I said." Stiles says, sputtering.

"I rounded up, easier for me. I'll buy it. Call your agent, I'll go get my money." I said, leaving Stiles shocked, standing in the middle of his room.

"Call me when you're ready to make the deal," I said as I jumped down, heading to the school, time to open the Hale vaults for the first time in a while.

Stiles POV:

What the fuck just happened? No seriously, what the fuck? I'm selling my house...to...Peter Hale….what? I know I offered it, but I thought he'd decline or at least ask for half off. I was gonna do it too! What the hell?

I gotta call the real estate lady, I gotta call the bank, ah, I gotta call a mover. Fuck, I might be leaving tomorrow instead. Well, at least I can visit the house in the future now. And it's not like a stranger will own it now. I grab my phone, starting to dial Sarah, my real estate lady.