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Chapter 17: Human With A Little Something Extra


Stiles finds some money left by his mother and a note.

And then Stiles heads over to Derek's and meets a familiar yet surprisingly alive face.

Chapter Text

Stiles POV:

After a few hours of searching through the unit, I found tons of cool, increasingly dangerous items. I had pocketed some of the weapons honestly into my car after I realized I had to drive my car to the interest of my storage unit because someone would think I'm a murderer carrying a battle-ax to my car.

So I loaded in a few weapons, and I hid them around my car so that they were there, but you wouldn't see them on the first few tries of looking at it. I did find a really cool gun though which was out of place with all the medieval weapons. It was old but not like the fifty-year-old weapons in there it was like ten years old.

It must have been known when it was bought and placed in the storage unit may be around the time the storage unit came to be. But I took that and put it under my driver seat just in case. Considering I'm going to be bringing this car to Portland, I might as well take something that's more dangerous than a knife and also better range a knife. But I also better hide it well in case of border patrol, and considering how unlucky, I am it's a real possibility.

In about an hour of moving stuff and hiding crap in my car, I tripped while moving a weapon, luckily sheathed, but as I looked up from the floor, I saw an envelope taped to the underside of the wooden table. After standing back up, I put my hand under there, and I removed it, and it was an envelope with cash in it.

Considering this may be the money that my mother left me, it is a lot of cash holy crap. Nothing like a million dollars or anything, I mean, where would she even get it. But there was definitely a couple of ten-thousands of dollars, and that is more than I had before so, thank you, mom. There was also another note in there presumably from my mother.

Dear Stiles,

Hi, baby, it's your mom. Considering that you entered into this shipping container and that you are seeing this money must mean that you are a Grimm. I had hoped I would have been alive to explain it to you. But you have your father. And even if you don't for some reason just know that we want you to be prepared and if you choose not to enter into this life do not worry because we understand anything you do and support you.

Becoming a Grimm and having to hunt is not something fun. It's just what we must do to curb the wesen population and make sure the bad ones don't take advantage of the weak people. I never wanted this life for you but I found it was inevitable considering who I married not that I regret marrying your father just that I regret bringing my child into it. You could choose to stay in Beacon Hills for the rest of your life and the most unnatural thing you'll probably experience is the weird supernatural creatures that inhabit this place. I don't know how it came to be cursed or if any other Grimms before me and your father found it. But we tried to document it as best as we could with what little information we had. If you plan to stay maybe you could finish that research but if you plan to hunt and become a Grimm just be careful and know that I love you either way.

And dear child, it may be hard to find someone like this but have a friend in this world because it can get so lonely. I wouldn't advise having too many because it could lead to betrayal but at least one or two good ones. Be it wesen or otherwise, I know you're a good judge of character. You take after me of course. Anyway, I hope you take this money and put it towards whatever you're going to do. And if you really are alone, if your father is for some reason not there anymore. And you wish to leave. You could sell the house. I just want to make sure your future isn't tied down to this place because you think you have a will you have to fulfill from either me or your father. Just live a good life and a happy one. Full of friends you could trust end if you decide to live as a gram or not I support you either way. I love you, Stiles.

Have a wonderful life.



I can't help the waterworks and no matter how many letters I read from my parents. I just cry and cry. My mother is so amazing. The letters just bring out a side of my mother I don't remember. Not that you didn't act this way, I was just too young to formulate this idea of her. But to see you as she's so caring and how she thought of me this whole time even while I'm sure she was sick and hurting and in pain. I guess that's what a mother does, but it's just refreshing after not having that for so long.

I mean, don't get me wrong; I love Melissa as a second mom. She helped care for me as much as my father did. And Scott, as much as I'm angry at him, is still like a brother. I mean we're bros for life, even if he's obsessed with his girlfriend. I have people here who would probably take me in and care for me as much as my family had. But I had already decided to leave. And I don't really want to cut off ties with them completely considering what my mother said.

I do trust Scott and I do trust Melissa and I do trust my friends here. But if I tell them about the stuff that happened outside of Beacon Hills that they will never know about unless they go out and experience it for themselves, then I shouldn't tell them about it because it would just cause more problems for them. I trust them but I love them too much to get them hurt like that. The supernatural business here is already a bit too much and too dangerous for everyone involved.

I want to tell someone about this place so that I can send them checks, and they could pay this place for me so that it can't be traced back to me just in case someone wants all these books, and I don't want to give them to them. It has to be someone who can defend themselves just in case, and I have to be someone, not Scott, because I don't want him involved in this. I love him so much. And like how I wouldn't tell my father about the supernatural here, I'm not going to tell my family about my Supernatural problems outside of Beacon Hills.

Is that stupid? Maybe, but I believe it's the right choice. However, because of that, I have to find someone else that I could tell about it. I was going to suggest Lydia because even though she's not too involved with all this Supernatural stuff, at least she could have the weapons since she is human and she could defend herself with it.

However, the fact that she is human is also a problem because I do not want her to get hurt. I'm going to cross her off the list, and that only leaves sour wolf. So After figuring out that process of elimination and putting the money back under the table. It would be no good to lose any of that money so I might as well leave it here. I lock the storage container, and I drive to Derek's Loft.

Might as well get this over with now. Hopefully, nobody's there. I mean, if Scott is there, I just will pretend I'm forgiving him and leave that there until he's gone. And hopefully, if Derek is there alone this can go much quicker. I'm not forgiving Scott just as an excuse I do forgive him, it's just I want to let him simmer a little bit more, he did hurt me by ignoring me, I thought I'd let him taste his own medicine, but I'm all up for forgiving him anyway cause I was going to do it in the end anyway.

Anyway, by the time I leave Beacon Hills, I might as well not have any regrets that would bring me back.

The ride to Derek's loft from the storage unit is swift, considering the storage unit is very close to Derek's house. I pull up, and I park pretty quickly. I don't bring any weapons with me lest the wolf in him could smell it. I just walk in as my usual sarcastic self. I pull up in the giant steel door and I walk in. Derek is there. And Scott luckily is nowhere to be seen. As far as I could tell for now at least.

However, a new contender on my list has appeared. And this is possibly the strongest contender Peter Hale. Derek's uncle. Someone who I do not care if a threat comes their way, and even if I didn't care, they could take care of themselves with strength and experience. And apparently, they could come back from the dead. How the fuck did that happen? Well, this changes things. I'm not going to tell both of them.

But I feel more inclined now to tell Peter. Also considering he can keep secrets and not just blab them to anyone. Though he is evil-ish. I say -ish because revenge against hunters is something that I can understand. And considering he was burnt alive I can also understand where the anger was coming from. Yet the morals of good and evil are a little bit twisted in this case. I don't believe he's a good person, but I don't believe he is inherently evil either.

Unlike the opposing view of almost every other person in Beacon Hills. But doesn't mean I can trust him either, so he's at the top of my wrist because he's the perfect candidate, but I don't know if I could trust him. Because all he is after his power and the information I have could give him that power that he wants that I don't know if I want to give it to him.

But I can't just stand here and stare at him, so,

"Hey Derek and ... Peter," I leave that hanging because I kind of want an explanation.

"How the hell did you come back to life?" I take the opportunity to ask, considering I have the man who is back from the dead right in front of me.

I might as well get a straight answer if he'll even give me one.

"Oh Stiles, what a surprise. I heard you've been missing. But it seems you've been found. And I have my ways. Always have a contingency plan, which obviously I did." I just glared at that stupid ass response.

And I turned to Derek to see if he would give me an answer.

"Used Lydia to bring himself back. I don't know how he did it, but he did." And that was the curt answer from Derek.

Now I'm even more inclined to go check up on Lydia. Whatever he did probably did not help her hide from the supernatural.

"Great to have you back," I said in the most sarcastic voice I could muster.

But I still sat down on Derek's fancy couch. And relaxed. I was confident at this time neither of them would kill me. But I've come to a dilemma. I didn't really have anything to talk to them about. Because I'm still not sure who to tell, and I can't just sit here and stare at their faces, so time for some Stiles' signature word vomit.

"So since you came back from the dead and my father is now dead. What's been going on in Beacon Hills? Anyone else die? I'm not sure if some more murders happened. Probably a couple of new supernatural creatures that nobody knows what they are and this probably murdering everyone. I'm sure. Have I guessed right? How could I not have guessed right considering the shit hole this place is." I said as I sat back and folded my arms looking at either of them to see if they would shed some light on what I missed.

Peter, for what it's worth actually seemed surprised that my father had died. Though I doubt why anyone would tell him. He looked sorry, yet I don't know why it didn't irritate me. I guess I felt enough pity for him and his family that when I see him feeling pity for me, I can't really get upset.

Derek who knew this just looked at me unimpressed. But he sighed and seemed like he was going to tell me anyway. I feel like this will be the most he's ever spoken to me.

"I don't know why you came to me for this information. Since you obviously didn't know, Peter was going to be here. But other than Peter coming back from the dead, not too much is happening."

Peter gave a sarcastic laugh and looked at Derek like he was stupid.

"Even if you don't tell him they're it he's going to find out. So I'll tell him. There's an alpha pack rummaging around Beacon Hills and causing Mayhem."

An alpha pack? Can alphas form packs full of Alphas? This makes no sense. The point of an alpha is to rule over the rest of the pack. If you have a Pack full of hot-headed Alphas, that's just going to be destruction. There has to be one alpha over all the other alphas. And considering he is or there is someone like that there then that would mean that he is considerably stronger than an alpha to put all the other Alphas in their place.

This is dangerous. Damn it, I wanted to leave. But if I don't leave, I'll keep getting roped into their bullshit. I hope I don't want to leave like this. I'll have to think more about this while I'm not in her to werewolves who can hear my heartbeat rise.

"So let me get this straight an alpha Pack full of alpha werewolves decided to come to Beacon Hills of all places. Great, how come we attract all the trouble?"

Derek sighs but didn't say anything, and that is as good as a yes.

Peter takes the silence as his time to shine and asks his own question,

"So, Stiles, where have you been? Were you really missing, or did you go on a vacation without telling anyone?"

I just wanted to answer because soon enough, the answer will spread to everyone. And eventually, make its way to Scott, so I don't have to talk to him.

"My dad ship me off to Portland, Oregon, so that I could do this stupid police internship thing. He shipped me off because I was lying to him about the supernatural. And so while I was in Portland, I lost my phone, and I didn't know that my father died till I got a letter from him telling me that he was sick and dying or maybe even dead already. And then a friend of my father's confirmed it for me, so yeah, my summers been great."

Both Peter and Derek winces at the tragedy that happened to be my father's death, but at least they didn't say anything stupid afterward .

"Great, so I leave for a little while, and everything turns that shit again. At least it's not your fault this time, Peter." I tell him being sarcastic again.

Though not all of the problems that happened, in the beginning, were Peter's fault. Some were also Derek's fault because he went crazy, turning a bunch of people into werewolves like that wasn't going to be a problem. Peter just smiles at me, but it looks more like he's holding back anger, but I'm sure it's all in good fun.

"Anyway, I guess that's all I'm getting out of you two. I guess I'll just leave." I say rather awkwardly, but I can't exactly bring up the topic that I want to talk about with Peter with the other person in the room, so I might as well just retreat for now and hopefully catch Peter alone.

"Also I guess I should tell you I'm leaving Beacon Hills after my father's funeral is over. I'm going to Portland to work, and school and I don't know if I'm going to come back. At least for now."

At least that information shocks both Peter and Derek; they probably assumed I was back for good. Though I guess considering how I was before I left, they probably assumed I would stick to Scott like gum to a table.

"What are you going to do with your house?" Peter asks.

"I was going to sell it; you want to buy it?" I asked jokingly yet somewhat seriously, considering you know he's back from the dead; maybe he needs a place to stay.

Derek still looks shocked and like he can't process what I said.

"So you're just going to leave everything that's going on here. What about Scott?" Derek finally gets to ask.

"Scott's a werewolf he has to stay with another werewolf, right? And I already have stuff that I left back in Portland that I have to get back to. And I have a place to live there. And I don't really want to be here right now. Supernatural problems aside. I probably might as well just stay away, since I am human and all. It's like Beacon Hills is cursed or something." I don't do this out loud, but I laugh internally to myself at the joke I made.

Considering Beacon Hills is cursed though nobody knows except for my family and me since I'm the only one left just me. And I am human with a little something extra, but aren't we all.