
Chapter 3: Am I back again!?

"You women!! Are you finally sane now!!"

"Uncle please don't blame Mother! Grandmother told me to bring Mother her regular tea to smooth her mind. But I suddenly fall down and broke the cup and spill the tea" With a tear face the boy was trying to hide his pain. At the sound of all noise three kid came. A seven year old boy and a three year old girl who was on the back of her brother. Another boy who was also five year old rush to Aaron who was his twin. All four people look from the boy laying down to the women next to him.

"Stay away from Aaron!!" The twin push her with all his might. Emma didn't even move a inch by the push. "You are a bad women!"

"R-Ron!? What are you doing!?" Ron silent back away from Emma and hug his brother looking at the cut on his palm and the girl was crawling to the brother when her uncle pick her up and took the boys with him out in living room.

"What is happening. Did I came to past again. Why did I lose my mind..? I'm feeling a little headache now but my body feels fine"The thought went through Emma's head. It was like all her blood was rushing into her head. Emma leave her room going to living room where they were disinfecting the wound and bandage it. At the sight of seeing the messy work done by the uncle Emma sigh catching the attention of all of them

"Are you not satisfied yet by doing this to him?" The uncle said in sadistic way. Without saying a word single word Emma got out of the house. Behind there house on walk of ten min there was a thick forest which led to a city. It was atleast 6 hours by car to travel.

"Uncle will step-Mother be safe? She enter the forest I think with her current condition it will be risky for her." The seven year old boy said with a sharp look and dull eyes.

"You don't need to worry about that mad women." "I wonder why my brother marry that women" Uncle mumble to himself. When pick up the medicine box and all were leaving to there room when the door burst open having Emma all the attention. She rush toward Aaron and unwrap the bandage in hurry. The uncle and the two boys standing by side run to Aaron side to stop her. But at the glare of Emma they stop. The women who only smile and then got a blank expression only was there first time seeing her mad. It was like death had just seen there soul and was ready to harvest them. Emma rub a paste and wrap them with a leaf. Placing her hand up on the leaf and started to chant something.

"O my friends. Lead me your power so that I can reduce the pain infront of me" Emma said that in a complete different language that no one could understand. At the sight of everyone the paste and leaf was soak on Aaron plam having the wound to disappear

"Even if it can't be seen now but it will still hurt for now. Until tomorrow morning you would be completely healthy" With a smile Emma said.

"Are you a witch!?" The uncle with a surprise look said to her. The kids were all look at there uncle for an explain.

"What is a witch?" Ron asked.