
Chapter 1: Mother's End

"Mother.... why can't you still came to your right mind. I have tried everything in world to help you despite the abuse you have cause to me and my siblings...." bite his lip in angry and shout "By killing Aaron and now you are trying to kill Sara!! You bitch!"

"Dear please clam your self down. I know Mother had been displeased with me and get episode.. But But i-i couldn't handle it when she kill brother Aaron infron of me and then tried to kill me. If it weren't for you i would have died" As Sara cried.

"Y-you don't u-understand this.. " The women laying down on an old room. Hands on the sword which had pricier her chest. As her breathe was starting to get hard.

"I did every thing for you not because of love but the promise I made to father before he left home. But you kill my brother and are using Sara for black magic. This is goodbye Mother. Let's go Sara."

As the the man took Sara with him. She was crying. When the laying women and Sara meet eyes meet again with a grin on her face and eyes turn from dark blue to bloody red whispering " I win ". As they leave closing the door being. Small creatures started to come to the laying women. They weren't able to talk nor anybody could see them. Only wizard and witches or their bloodline could see them and hear there thoughts. They are the creatures which let them use their power as they want. As the creatures went towards the wound of the women and sunk in wound. The wound glow and the women started to gain consciousness.

"Even if you do it I'm bound of die in ten minute. You should save your life and power for the future generation." The women started to get up slowly.

As the creatures speed up "We don't care about our self!"

"Your the only human who has talk to us in thousands of year."

"Please even just for moment live in our place and let us return the love you show us"

"Thank you for everything things Emma."

As every creatures disappear from room. Emma got up from floor removing the sword from her chest exposing sea of blood. As she was walking out of the old room she leaves blood looking like a river flowing behind her as she enter other old main room and stop near a old painting which was laying down and little torn.

"Dear. I truly have lost my mind for you. I will always love you till death apart us. Even if I have to die now I would wish to die with you." Emma bang her head into the wall near the painting. Even in her last movement she was looking at the painting mumbling to herself.

"I love you Mr. York"