

Don't love the Devil, my mum used to say. She got that quote from a book, where a girl fell in love with a devil, then died. Oh, well, the consequences for loving a Devil, I suppose. After a while, my mum died, her last words were exactly these.

"Run, away," she said "And, never in your life, should you forget these words. Don't. Love. The. Devil."

My dad disappeared soon after, leaving a note. "Run, away," it said. "And, never in your life, should you forget these words. Don't. Love. The. Devil."

Did I run away? Of course... Not. Do I remember the words? Like the back of my hand. That was three years ago. I am now 19, and soon going to attend University. I have lived on my own, with help from my family who live across the world from me. I have twelve cousins, four aunts and uncles, and two sets of grandparents. And I am, absolutely, not looking for a relationship. If I get into one, I am doomed, I don't want any teen drama. Although, it won't really be teen drama anymore. Anyway, changing the topic.

A loud bang came from downstairs. I froze and I snapped out of my thoughts. What the hell was that? I jumped out of bed and ran to the sound. They say that a devil lurks around my house, swallowing it in darkness. It doesn't keep people away though. I never found a devil anywhere in or outside my house. I went towards the sound, tracking it down. A shadow, and another one. I walked towards it and froze. Glaring down at me, were the piercing red eyes of the Devil...

Guys... I don't know what you think of my book so please comment. Don't be afraid of hurting my feelings.

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