
Alex's Revenge

Hannah: *awake* Ahh... Oh no!, I'm late

*at school*

Hannah: Alex!, why did you wake me up?

Alex: Well, it's not my problem anymore. It's your fault!, You didn't sleep early. Because of your new Boyfriend!

Girl 1: *whisper* It's that true Hannah has an BF?

Girl 2: I don't know

Alex: Yes!, Hannah has a Boyfriend His name was...

Hannah: Alex Stop! His not my Boyfriend

Alex: Then, How can you explain his kiss?

Schoolmates: Kiss?!

Hannah: *walk out* Do what ever you want just don't, mention/join my name in your topic!

Alex: *angry* Hannah's Boyfriend was... Jason!

Schoolmates: What?!

Hannah: I hate you Alex!!!

Girl 1: Really?

Alex: Yes, You heard it right Hannah's Boyfriend was Jason!

Mitch: Ugh... That Cheap Girl, C'mon Girls