
High School Party

It was a warm summer's night when I, Spencer Lewis and my best friend Jack or as everyone called him, Red because of his blood red hair had been invited to a party. Antony Martinez, high school prodigy, Mr ImTooGoodForYou was the man of the hour because he had just led our school, Westwood High to the State title in football. Now im on the team too. Im the running back but I dont like Antony. We went because there was nothing else to do. We were just minutes away from his house when we noticed. We were being followed. Red noticed him first. Out of nowhere he started to running. Now, Red runs track so hes really really fast. I play football so i was able to keep up. Once we were around the corner. We stopped to catch our breath. "What was that!" Red asked. "I dont know" I said "One things for sure. We will not be safe for the rest of the night."