
Don't Let Tobi Out!

[Based on the Naruto Series, Alfir presents to you 'Don't Let Tobi Out!!'] [AU] “No one cared who I was until I put on a mask.” One very unusual morning, Obito Uchiha wakes up a different person. Well, he is still the same in some sense… He is still that same boy who laughs, jokes, and plays around but there is more. Inside his head are memories of a distant future of an alternate version of himself— a version of Obito Uchiha he never thought possible. The kind that brings pain, suffering, and hate. On top of the extra lifetime of memories, the young Obito also now has an extra friend living inside his head… Tobi wearing an orange mask with a spiral pattern converging on his right eye is standing before his bed. This Tobi is rather hysterical, “Say, nice to meet’cha, ya meat of sack, please call me Tobi! And we are going to have lots and lots and lots of fun! Kehahahah~!” Eh? Huh? Wha-at? Tobi continues, referring to himself in the third person, “Don’t worry, Tobi~ is a good boi!” #Serious #No Harem #No Self-insert #Naruto Fanfic #OP Protagonist #Character Growth #Weak to Strong #Misunderstanding ************************ I will upload five chapters a week on average. Author’s words, “Hello! There is no need to read this ‘Author’s Words’ but I am very happy to share my thoughts. I have been dreading, writing a fanfic about the Naruto Series for years because I freaking love its story to the point I fear violating it! But here I am! This Fanfic ‘Don’t Let Tobi Out!!’ centers on Obito Uchiha as the main protagonist when he is still just starting as an average tad weak little Genin. For some mysterious reason, he wakes up one day with memories of a future version of himself! What happens next? Of course, with all of the wickedness the future Obito has done, a normal kid like little Obito would go insane and mentally break! But who is Obito Uchiha? He is among the characters with the strongest mental fortitude in the Naruto Series… The tragedy he experienced gives me the chills even just by recalling it. I will be honest, when ‘Tobi’ first appeared in the anime, I already had the suspicion that this guy was definitely hiding something! So imagine my thrill when Tobi revealed himself as Obito! Unusually goofy characters are frequently the most suspicious especially if they are a member of something like an Evil Organization. Obito has been my favorite character in the Naruto Series, following Minato next to him. Okay… enough with the side track. This fanfic here is like a Time Regression story with the MC possessing memories of the future but with a twist. You see, the ‘young Obito’ has survived the awakening of his memories of the distant future version of himself. He remains the untainted and pure-hearted kid despite the painful knowledge of perhaps a tragic destiny! As a self-coping mechanism in part of his surviving the ‘information overload’ of knowledge from the future, he develops a split personality— he subconsciously has created ‘Tobi’, thus the title of this fanfic— Don’t Let Tobi Out!! Jinchuriki? Bah! Obito is sealing a kind of complicated ‘madness’ in him, so that’s mighty new! And sheesh… I swear, when moments this ‘Tobi’ gets out once in a while, there will either be a bloodbath or… maybe just some normal baths with rubber ducks.” More Author’s words, “Okay, okay… this is the last one, I swear. My intention for writing this fanfic is so that I can give Obito a second chance, this is for the sake of Obito Uchiha, the character itself. This will not be a self-insert. I will do my best to stay true to the world-building of the Naruto Universe, and if I do make mistakes, just know that everything that will be happening in this fanfic is going to be in an Alternate Universe. Uuh… and also, this fanfic is written with the extra intent of forgetting the Boruto Series. Also, the book cover is not mine.”

Alfir · Anime & Comics
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The time for stealth is over; it's time for action.

With a swift and silent movement, Obito emerges from the shadows, kunai in hand. His Sharingan glows ominously, the red hue reflecting the bloodlust that courses through him. The two ninjas, absorbed in their conversation, remain oblivious to the impending danger.

Though he cannot see himself, he feels his Sharingan turning— the single tomoe has become a two-tomoe Sharingan. The bloodlust seems to stimulate an old memory of a future past, and with it, awakens what Obito once had slowly, surely, and safely.

Without a word, Obito strikes. The kunai in his hand finds its mark as he dispatches the first ninja with a precise strike to the throat. The ninja's eyes widen in shock and pain before he crumples to the ground, lifeless. The second ninja turns just in time to see Obito's Sharingan blazing.

In a blur of speed, Obito appears in front of the second ninja. The kunai slashes through the air, and the ninja's attempts to defend are futile. The blade finds its mark, piercing through the enemy's heart. Silence follows as the two ninjas now lie motionless on the cold laboratory floor.

"I see," Obito's bloodlust subsides as he takes a moment to catch his breath. "They aren't professional ninjas, but more of academic professionals…"

He glances at the vat with children whom Orochimaru has victimized, and with determination burning in Obito's eyes, he promises himself that in this life, he will do better.

Without hesitation, he reaches into a pouch on his hip and retrieves a small scroll. Unfurling it, he places the 'thumb' carefully into the sealing scroll, securing the precious piece of Hashirama Senju.

The room remains eerily silent, but Obito knows he can't linger. The stolen files tucked under his robes, the sealed 'thumb' in his possession, he begins retracing his steps toward the exit. The dim lights flicker, casting eerie shadows as he moves with a mix of urgency and caution.

As he reaches the exit of the hidden chamber, Obito can't help but glance back at the vats of innocent children. His resolve strengthens – he will put an end to Orochimaru's twisted experiments. With a final, determined look, he slips into the shadows and disappears from Orochimaru's lab.

The journey back through the maze-like facility is a tense one, but Obito navigates it with the skill of a seasoned ninja. As he nears the exit, he can hear distant sounds of movement. Orochimaru's minions must be aware that something is amiss. "Hmmm… The layout of this place is not so big so it will be easy for them to set up a perimeter."

Just as Obito is about to make his escape, a group of Orochimaru's lackeys appears in the corridor ahead. They spot him, and their eyes widen in recognition. Obito doesn't hesitate – his Sharingan activates once again, and he lunges into action.

Swift and deadly, Obito dispatches the approaching enemies with a combination of taijutsu and kunai throws. His movements are fluid, a dance of death that leaves no room for retaliation. As the last enemy falls, Obito takes a moment to assess his surroundings.

"There's more of you, huh?"

More Jonin-elites spring up into action— three of them surround Obito— one of them has cast a ninjutsu immediately which Obito copies with his Sharingan.

"Wind Release: Air—" However, Obito is so much faster.

"Wind Release: Air Bullet!" Obito's Air Bullet hits the Jonin's trachea, immediately killing him.

With that small exchange, Obito has come to the understanding that the Jonin he has been fighting is inferior, nearly at the Chunin level only. This suggests that these Ninjas are merely expendable cannon fodder and that they may have been a result of Konoha's corruption from behind the scenes too.

Obito has an idea already considering how the Ninja Clans work.

As expected, the incompetent Jonins flinches at the sight of Obito's killing.

"Sh-sharingan…" The other Jonin mutters in fear as he recognizes Obito's eyes beneath the plain white mask. "Don't come near me!"

Obito frowns. This level of incompetence is almost offensive to him.

"Snap out of it!" The other Jonin, a female with red hair shouts to her companion. "He has a two tomoe, it's the Eye of Insight! Don't show any weak—"

Before she can even finfish, Obito has unleashed a Great Fireball Technique in a single breath spreading flames on the narrow corridor. "An Uzumaki here in Orochimaru's lab playing the bodyguard of all places! Hah~! That's rich! You look fairly competent. I cannot mistake the red hair, not to mention the too-obviously brimming chakra that you have. Tell me, what is the Uzumaki doing here?"

The flames dance wildly, casting flickering shadows on the corridor's walls as Obito stands amidst the inferno, his Sharingan still ablaze with intensity.

"You think a little fire will stop me?" The red-haired Jonin, undeterred by the searing heat, manages to evade the flames with a swift leap to the side. She lands gracefully, her eyes fixed on Obito.

There really is a big difference between Jonin and Specialist Jonin.

The one in front of Obito is the former.

Obito smirks beneath his mask, the flames reflecting in his cold, crimson eyes. "It was more of a distraction than an obstacle." Since Obito has cast his Great Fireball, the red-haired Jonin has been talking only to a Clone Technique. It is not even the Shadow Clone Technique.

The other Jonin, suddenly in a state of panic, stumbles back, struggling to regain composure as she feels the cold blade in her throat. She has not been given any opportunity to fight back. "W-What are you doing here? What's your business with Orochimaru?"

Because of the flames that obscured the floor, and the awe that the Sharingan brought, the red-haired Jonin has not been able to realize that she has been tricked by a mere Clone Technique. And it is excellent of Obito to subdue her as fast as possible, considering the range of jutsus, he will definitely be outclassed by the red-haired Jonin if it comes out in a head-to-head confrontation.

The Jonin however won't know she actually has such an advantage.

Obito narrows his eyes at the Jonin, a mixture of annoyance and disdain evident in his gaze. "I'm here to put an end to Orochimaru's twisted experiments. That should be obvious. I am basically a Hero, so you should know better who is right." And behold, Obito has decided to play the self-righteous card.

"Twisted experiments? You must be out of your mind. Orochimaru-sama is a genius, advancing the boundaries of ninja knowledge! And Hero? You are delusional!"

Obito scoffs, unimpressed by the blind loyalty of the strange Uzumaki.

"Genius or not, he's crossed lines that should never be crossed. And you're his lackey, defending his madness." Though he is uncertain at first, Obito has slowly become certain of the Uzumaki in front of him. This perhaps is just another of Orochimaru's loyal, brainwashed, and fanatic followers.

What are the signs? Weak-willed. Emotional. And it seems... low self-esteem. Incompetent if compared to other Uzumakis. No wonder this gal has ended up with Orochimaru.

Orochimaru has a strange magnetic charisma to him in that on top of his impressive ninja abilities, he has a very snake-like tongue. No wonder wherever that guy ends up, strange organizations always start popping up around him.

The strange Uzumaki argues, "You won't understand. Orochimaru-sama's vision is beyond your narrow view. He desires a world without fear of pain, hurt, and death."

Obito's patience wears thin, and his Sharingan flares with renewed intensity. "Fear? Pain? Hurt? Death? Hah~! As if you know what you are saying!"

With a rabid tone, Obito begins to rave. "I wanted the same thing! Or did I? I don't know anymore… but I have seen myself want such a thing so desperately that he became… me." Without warning, Obito lunges forward, his kunai flashing in the firelight. The red-haired Jonin reacts quickly, engaging him in a swift exchange of blows. Their weapons clash and Obito's Sharingan analyzes every move.

"You're skilled, and judging from your voice, young!! You cannot kill me!"

The Jonin in front of Obito has gained several cuts from the exchange, even a nearly fatal cut at her neck, but within a single breath, she has healed, perhaps using a secret Uzumaki Technique.

"When my reinforcements arrive, you will be dead!" She adds with mirth in her teeth.

As they continue their deadly dance, Obito's two tomoe Sharingan reveal openings in the Jonin's defense. He exploits them with precision, landing a series of calculated strikes.

"Your loyalty blinds you. I don't have time for this."

With a final, decisive move, Obito disarms the red-haired Jonin and flickers just beside her. The Body Flicker Technique is merely a D-rank Technique, but it is in no way inferior to most techniques especially if used in extreme ways.

"You... won't... succeed..." The red-haired Jonin gasps for breath as blood pours from her throat. "Karin… my daughter…" These are the last words that leave her lips as the light slowly fades in her eyes.

Obito returns to his escape, and quickly he arrives by the exit— the sight of the forest meets him, while ninjas surround him, carrying all sorts of weapons. "I know I am currently operating with No Witnesses Policy, but I will be kinder today. If you manage to survive this, then I will let you live." His tone is severe, and almost casual.

Hand Seal: Horse—

Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation 

This is the pinnacle of Uchiha Fire Release techniques. By kneading the chakra inside the body and converting it into fire, the user can then expel it from the mouth and unleash a literal sea of flames. This technique covers a wide range making it difficult to either evade or contain.

As a result, only a few manage to escape with the exception of what Obito believes are rather competent Jonin Ninjas who he can safely assume to be capable of casting at least one A-rank jusu.

Obito has studied the Body Flicker Technique of Shisui Uchiha from his future past and has incorporated it into his own Kamui Running, thus he knows to some and even greater extent how it works… Though in the past month, he has only learned one C-rank and one B-rank, he has also ground up on his basics.

Body Flicker Technique is more of a General Skill, thus it requires him less effort to grind it to a level that will put a Jonin to shame, and be left in the dust.

"I will see you again, Konohagure."

With these cryptic and badass words (consciously using his villainous voice), Obito then vanishes from their eyes like a magic trick.

"I, Uchiha Madara have come back from the dead."

The last line is… adlib… words echoing in the background like a haunting melody.