
Don't Imagine the Imaginable

You meet a forgotten frienemy but the circumstances are different, you're CEOs to constant neck-to-neck companies, and the imaginable has just started.

Sochije_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

(DITI Pt8) Preparation

~Leila's POV~

Today, we're going to start preparing for the wedding and I can't say I'm too fond of the idea but let's just get it over with. I was picked up by Jae's driver so we could go pick the color of the decorations and apparently, a future groom and bride are the ones that are to pick them so this is going to be fun, I guess. Soon, we arrived at the boutique called "Wedding Dream", one of my many old collaborators, I sponsored them a couple of years ago after they were struggling to make it through the market and now their business is booming.

"Welcome to Wedding Drea- Miss Moon, I didn't think you'd be here."

"Yeah, yeah, stop being so formal with me, I'm here to um, find a wedding manager for my wedding and pick the colors immediately."

"OK, I'm happy for you, where is your groom?"

"He's supposed to arrive any minute now but I don't see him," I said as I looked outside and there he was, in a casual outfit making him look like any other person on the street

"Hey," he said

"Hey, what are those?" I said looking at his hands

"Ohh, these? Uh, I figured you didn't get to eat this morning so I- uh got you some breakfast." He said scratching his temple, nervous

"That's so sweet of you, thanks," I said taking the bag of food,

"I'll wait for you guys inside." the greeter said going further into the store

"No problem." He said

"Small things also mean a lot, it's the thought that matters," I said as I gave him and long hug

"Okay, Love birds, try to do that somewhere private."

"Ann, what are you doing here?"

"I came to pick some of my own wedding necessities but I guess I interrupted something."

"Nice to meet you again, I'm Jae."

"I know, your bride just told me that and we met before so," she said jokingly

"This joke is getting old y'all, let's go."

They always say this joke back at school to make you feel like there's something wrong but I've gotten so used to it, I know what they do and it's just become a funny thing between friends. We headed inside the color-picking area

"Okay, Brides and Grooms, this is the color picking area, pick your colors and when you're done please head to the desk for your personal wedding planner and recommended decorations choices."

"This is going to make this a lot easier."

"Wait so you're telling me you have never had a mind visual of what you wanted your wedding to look like?"

"No," I said

"That's sad."

"That isn't sad, it's just not- something you should think about."

"Well, I've always to have a blue wedding."

"My favorite color is black so, Black and blue sounds cool."

"Hm, sounds nice, let's pick the shades of color."

We picked the shades we wanted and went to the desk

"You guys are done picking already?"

"Yep," I said nodding

"That's the fastest I've seen a couple pick colors, one couple took 8 hours to pick one and just ended up picking a light beige."

"What can I say? Me and him are incredibly boring." I said chuckling a little

"Well, lovebirds, this is your wedding planner, Jane and you guys can call her whenever you're ready."

"Thank you."

"If you guys are looking for a bakery for your wedding cake, you guys can check out this bakery, the best of the best."

"Will do, thank you," Jae said smiling

"That was easier than I expected it to be."

"Yeah, the wedding is gonna look awesome."

"Let's go to that bakery so we can pick a cake design," I said heading toward his car

"Please enter, my lady." He said opening the car door

"Thank you," I said laughing under my breath, he got into his car seat and we headed toward the bakery

~15 minutes later~

We arrived at the bakery and entered inside, the aroma of the sweet and salty dishes bombarded my nose in every way possible, and the presentation of every regular food was too notch. The bakery was full of people either ordering regular meals or making orders for future events at the event station, as soon as we went in, I guess people recognized us from just our eyes, some were taking pictures but I really couldn't care less. We headed towards the event station and scrolled through the options for black and blue cake designs

"You know, I've never wondered what my wedding would look like but I just know that the bride and groom shouldn't share a wedding cake with the guests and family members, etc."

"Hm, I never thought of that but that's kind right?"

"See those people over there? They're filming us."

"Shouldn't we go before the paparazzi gets here?" He said anxious

"You know what? No, let's just give the paparazzi what they want without answering their questions directly."

"There they are." Just then, many people exited their cars with cameras and headed towards the shop

"Okay, just stay calm and act cool, they are just here for the pictures that's it."

"I really hate paparazzi, you know? They make me wanna have a panic attack, if I'm not prepared."

"Stay calm and breathe, let's continue our business." We continued to pick out came design options and picked many different cakes and in total, we ordered 15 cakes for the reception and after party.

"Are we done?"

"Yep, just gotta, confirm the order, can you grab my credit card for me so I can pay for them?" He gave me a card and I swiped it without looking

"Um, Jae? This isn't my card."

"It's mine." he said grinning

I chuckled as for the past few days, he's been paying for everything from, fast food to online orders, you name it

"Your card is gonna run out if you keep this up."

"Don't worry, it won't."

"Let's start heading home, it's getting late."

"The paparazzi are still clicking photos." Jae said kind of afraid

"Don't mind them, just keep your head high and let's head to the car." As we excited the bakery, cameras were heard clicking and the questions started flying

"Is it true that you and Mr Lee are dating?

"Did you just go on a date?"

"Where did you guys meet?" this question in particular really made me want to laugh but I kept my cool and continued on, they made it really difficult for us to walk and it was getting frustrating as we were taking about 2-3 steps every minute or so

"Did you guys really go to school together back in the day?"

"Are you guys planning on getting married soon?"

We arrived at the car and we drove away as the paparazzi continued to take useless pictures of the car. We headed towards my parent's house and he dropped me off.

"Goodnight, thanks for driving me around."

"It's my responsibility." He said

"Right, well, I'll see you off."

"Bye." I waved as he drove away

"See ya."

..To be continued..

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