
Don't Imagine the Imaginable

You meet a forgotten frienemy but the circumstances are different, you're CEOs to constant neck-to-neck companies, and the imaginable has just started.

Sochije_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

(DITI Pt7) Secretly Hidden

Leila walked into a creepy alleyway, gripping her bag, after a minute or so, somebody started following her, she gets ready to twk her taser out but the person goes the other way. As she continues walking deeper into the alleyway, she hear footsteps behind her again, this time, someone grabs her but she was ready. She activated her taser and tased the person, as Han-Jae approches, Leila flips the person around

"You're not Jae-Kyung." Leila said confused "Jae, this isn't him."

"Who are you?" Jae said

"Let's take him somewhere else." Leila said


"You'll see-"

~20 minutes later~

"What is this place?"

"Put him on the ground" Leila said kind of upset

"Yes, ma'am." Jae said jokingly

"Who sent you? Was it Jae-Kyung?" Leila asked

"You will never catch him, he's too fast for you and the police. He's been searching for you but I guess you found me first." He said chuckling

"What do you mean?" Jae asked

"Wait.. He's been following us, Jae let's go."

"What?" As he said that, a bullet flew out of nowhere, we grabbed the man and put him back inside the car and we sped off.


As Jae and Leila sped off, at the side of her rear view mirror, she saw her worst fear- Jae-Kyung, his creepy smile sending chills of fear down her back but she continued to drive and got out of the woods. They drove to a park, where they threatened the man to turned himself in or they would find Jae-Kyung's location. The man agreed not wanting to reveal his boss's location or as he called it, his headquarters and later on, they dropped the man infront of the police station, covering their car's plate number, a smart action that would later prove crucial.

~Later at Jae's house~

"Wowwwww, your house is huge, it's like a castle." Leila said amazed

"Let's go in?"

"Even the gate opens up on it's own? Wowee!"

"We're only here so you can get something to eat then we'll get right back to your house."

"About that, what are we gonna tell my parents when they asked why I went out?"

"We could tell then we went dress shopping."

"And we return with no bags?"

"I mean wedding dress shopping, to be exact."

"Hmm, we haven't done that." Leila said thinking

"It's still early, we could go."


"Where are you going? Let's go."

"A girl's gotta eat, give me 10 minutes."

"5" Jae Said


~5 minutes later~

"Wow, that was amazing, I'll be coming her everyday to come and eat here, your chef is amazing."

"Your parents have chefs too."

"Meh, they only cook healthy meals as an order from my dad."

"Ok, umm about that abandoned house we went to earlier, how did you know where it was?"

"I'm not a single child, Jae. I had a brother and a sister, our house got attacked by a mafia group that wanted my dad's business but he wouldn't give it to them. As a sign of anger he raided our house, they Mafia king himself came and he wanted to kill my dad with his own hands but sadly a bullet flew, and as my sister was running the bullet hit her in the torso. She was told us to go without but I wouldn't, she promised to come back to me if she survived but the house got burned down and remains were found."

"I'm so sorry, what about your brother? I've never met him."

"That's because he also left, as we were running, he got caught in a branch that didn't want to let go of his pants' leg, he also told me the same thing my sister did. They still haven't come back to me, I also lost a baby sibling that day, we didn't know the gender yet but mom was pregnant. She suffered so much shock from the raid and the lost of my siblings, she had a miscarriage, she has been through so much already, that's also why I accepted this marriage thingy. You seem like a nice guy, I'm just scared to love because everybody else ends up leaving me or just no loving me." Leila said chuckling sadly

"I'm sorry."

"I had a boyfriend back then, nobody knew about him and I loved him almost more than I loved my self. We dated for 5 months, until he called me for a meet where he told me that he was breaking up with me, when I asked why, he told me I'm unlovable and a waste of time and since then I don't think I can ever love."

"Make me love you then..."

..To be continued..

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