
Don't Imagine the Imaginable

You meet a forgotten frienemy but the circumstances are different, you're CEOs to constant neck-to-neck companies, and the imaginable has just started.

Sochije_ · Fantasy
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8 Chs

(DITI Pt3) Reunion

[] Previously on DITI []

Ah, everything is going wrong, daylight savings, the gates closing.

[] Back to the present []

I unlocked my house's front door and I first looked around to see if everything was okay

"Can I get in now? It's kinda getting cold out here." Jae said

"Yeah, sure, come right in, into my small house." I said

"Hmm, your house is bigger than it looks and it seems cozy."

"Thanks, make yourself comfortable, there's water in the table, I'll go check if the guestroom is okay for you to sleep in and I'll be right back." I said running upstairs to my bedroom to remove my clothes since I wanna feel comfy and change into comfort clothes, I go back out to check if the guestroom is good and it's all good. Surprisingly, it's not dusty and OH JACKPOT!! There are clothes which I suppose are boy clothes, let's just hope they fit because I don't have any clothes for him to change into. I head back downstairs to take him to his room.

"Hey, the room is ready, you can go take shower now or sit here and do whatever you want because I need to go shower too."

"You can go shower first and I'll go next."

"Huh?? What do you mean? We're not sharing a bathroom, your room has one and by the way, there is clothing in the closet so check if they fit, I'm going to shower." I said running back up the stairs.

[] 10 minutes later []

I finish showering and putting clothes on and I run down the stairs silently, Well, he's taking a long time to shower but more time for me to cook without awkwardness. I started cooking, just wanting to make some spaghetti 🍝 because I didn't get to eat at the restaurant earlier tonight. Soon, I was done with the dinner making and was about to go call Jae when I saw him coming down the stairs with the clothes in the closet successfully fitting him.

"Earth to Leila?"

"Oh, sorry, kinda got distracted." I said

"Hm, we're not even married yet and you're already getting distracted by me? Well, I guess I'm a prince charming."

"Shut.up.before.I.kick.you.out.of.my.house." I said through gritted teeth getting annoyed at him already

"Jeez, don't murder me already, we still have so many years to go."


"Sit down so you can eat then we can talk about this later."

"Aish, this kid."

"I'm older than yo-"

"Shut up." I said as I hit him on the back.

We ate in silence with each of us on our phones and me with my earphones on.

[] 10 minutes later []

"Thanks" Jae said as I took his plate

"You're not welcomed." I said rolling my eyes

"Jeez woman, don't make me hate you before I marry you."

"You are so excited to marry me, huh?"

"No, you're overthinking so much right now."

"Sure." I said sarcastically, chuckling

"You know? If you were my wife, I would put poison in your food."

"Haha, really?"

"Yes, ma'am." He said picking up his water to drink it

"You know? If you were my husband, I'd eat every.single.meal.with.no.hesitation." I said as he choked on his water


"You said you'll put poison in my food and I telling you I'd eat it. What? Cat caught your tongue? Here's a towel, to clean up whatever you did here." I said going to the couch laughing, Got em'.

"I think you need psychological help." Jae said

"The only thing that needs help is the thought of you marrying me."

"On more serious matters, why are you not agreeing for the marriage?"

"Look, it simple, I don't wanna get married with someone I only ever said good morning to, that I ever talked to only if my parents asked. I don't wanna marry someone that I barely know, I don't love, I don't know if their bad, you know." I explained



"Umm, first of all I won't hurt you nor do anything that WILL hurt you and don't think about me, think about your mother's wishes and her sickness, I'm heading to bed, Goodnight."

Jae said walking upstairs, weird, why did he suddenly sound so, sad? Oh well, let me call Ann.

"Hello?" Ann said from the other side

"Hey, it's me Leila."

"Lei, what's up?"

"Well, I'm probably going to get married so."

"Really?!? Why'd is this the first thing you tell me? But why so suddenly?" she asked as sadness started to overcome me

"My-my mom has brain cancer and is in the last stage, they only told me earlier tonight, her last wish is for me to get married and guess with who?"

"Who? Tell me!?!"

"You know Han-Jae from high-school, yeah, him."

"No way, you like hated that guy."

"No, I did not." I said denying

"Yes, you did, you hated him because your parents forced you to drive with him everyday."

"Ok, I might of hated him a little."

"Oh, really, cause I don't think breaking someone's laptop is the result of 'hating them a little bit.' Ann said

[] Flashback []



"Why did you break my laptop?"


"You know? Since you broke mine, I think it's only fair for yours to suffer the same fate." I said as I picked up his laptop and smashed it on the ground

"Why'd you do that?"

"Payback, see you later Han-Jae."

[] Back to the present []

"Well, he broke mine first so it was only right, though it was against what I believed, I just felt angry."

"You hated him, period. So what have you decided? About the wedding?"

"That's why I called you, I need advice."

"Look, I already know before you tell me, you want real love before marriage but think about your mother's wishes and the guilt you will hold in the future for not fulfilling it, I also carry guilt. My father died 2 years ago of an accidental gunshot wound and he had to told me to try and get married before my mom dies so she can at least die knowing but I thought it was just a post-death thought and ignored it and 1 year later, my mom got into a car accident and she died during emergency surgery. So, you never know what you're gonna lose until it's all dead and gone but I don't want the same thing to happen to you, Leila."

"I'm sorry that happened to you, I will take the advice into consideration."

"Now you make me wanna cry but please do and to be honest Han-Jae seems like a pretty nice guy."

"I will, don't worry." I said smiling

"By the way, before I forget, we're having a school reunion soon, for our class only."

"Really, what date is it?"

"February 16th, they did it so couples can enjoy valentines day before the reunion, they said you can bring a person as a date only if they were in the school."

"It's February 12th, so in 4 days. I'll see if I can make time for it."

"About my wedding it's being pushed 3 weeks so looks like you're getting married before me."

"I don't think so but If I do, you'll be my maid of honor, anyways, I'm going to bed, I need to get up really early tomorrow, Bye Annie."

"Goodnight, Lei." I closed my phone as I head upstairs and...

"AHHH!! What are you doing standing there like that? You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Sorry, I'm going to sleep, bye."

"Huh?" This dude is so weird

I went inside my room, said a small goodnight prayer, put an alarm and I went to sleep.

[] The next morning []

Han-Jae's POV

I woke up to because of the sound of bacon and sizzling. I checked the time and it's 6:39 AM, what is she doing up at 6? I showered and went downstairs to see Leila cooking

"Oh, you're finally awake, Good morning, come sit down to have your breakfast so your driver can pick you up." she said

"Oh, sure, thank you."

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, the bed was very comfy, I'm surprised I slept."

Leila's POV

"Are you an insomniac or what?"

"Yeah, I am, so watch out before I steal that bed."

"Haha, very funny."

[] 5 minutes later []

"Ok, you can pick whatever drink you want in the fridge, I'm going upstairs and call your driver because I'm going out."

"Sure, thanks."

I went upstairs, changed my clothes to a pleated red and white skirt , a cherry Red top, made my hair into a clean bun with a white hair bow, put a white pair of tennis shoe on and I went


"Did you call your driver?"

"Yeah, he'll be here in 10, he lives close."

"Okay, then let's start going out cause I'm getting late ." We head out the door and guess what the universe has done to me again? Two of my tires are flat and one is starting to deflate.

"This can't be happening right now, I need to get to work, you flipping tires were fine yesterday night and now you're flat? Oh, this is so stressful."

"Relax, I'm sure you can take the train or the bus?"

"I can't take the train since it rained heavily the other day and the trains need repairs so, no trains, means busses are the only source of fast travel and only the bus means everybody is rushing to get on a bus to get places. This day couldn't get any worse."

"What about your employees, don't they take the bus?"

"No, all of them and I mean all of them live within the city, super close to the company and they just walk to work, I'm the one that lives the furthest."

"Well, I wouldn't mind giving you a ride, there's my driver."

"Sure, thanks." We drove out of the compound as I remembered something

"Umm, did they tell you that our class has a reunion soon?"

"Oh, that, yeah my buddy told me, are you going?"

"I'm thinking about it but it's on Tuesday"

"What about Tuesday? Oh, work day, huh?"


"You weren't kidding when you said the buses would be full, look how much people are waiting and walking."

"Can you call your family so we can have a dinner at the same restaurant same time as yesterday?"

"Are you sure?"


[] 25 minutes later []

I exited the car as I turned around

"Thanks for the ride."

"Anything for my future wife."

"What?" I said as his driver drove away, future wife? Has he gone insane?

I entered the company as my assistant greeted me

"Good morning, Ma'am."

"Good morning, Bailey, can you please call the mechanic to go to my residence so he can fix my tires please and contact the compound security to keep watch on the house until the mechanic is finished, please?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Thanks, can you also tell me my schedule for today?"

"You only have a meeting with Narli cosmetics and two paperwork to sign, today is a short day."

"Thank you."

I headed up to the 5th floor to my office and I started reading and signing paperwork and that took about 2 hours, after a couple minutes my assistant came inside the room

"Ma'am, I think you should see this."

"What is it?" I looked at the screen of her tablet as she pressed the play bottom

"CEO of ME, Moon Leila might be dating someone in secret, photos taken by paparazzi shows her saying something to someone after she has exited the car but eagle eyed netizens say that the plate of the car belongs to the CEO of Lee Enterprise, Passing on to Seung-ha."

" Yes, Ms. Kim, thank you, it really seems like she might be dating someone as another group of paparazzi shows that she did not go home alone yesterday and somebody else had driven her but the thing is, as a CEO, Ms. Leila drives herself places, we will-' I turned it off

"How did this happen? I could of sworn there was no paparazzi when I exited the car."

"That's the thing Ma'am, they were taking the pictures in a car and for the restaurant parking lot pictures, I have seriously no clue how they were there."

" Thanks for telling me so soon, Bailey, you can go."

"Wait, you don't wanna have a press conference?"

"No, find a way to make this die down, remove them from the internet and keep the any posts like this on constant watch."

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Bailey before you go, Is Mr. Lee's number on my phone?"

"Yes, Garam, put it there the other day for you, is that all?"

"Yes, you can go now." Bailey exited my office as I sighed, paparazzi is the worst thing when you own a famous business nowadays. I picked up my phone to call Han-Jae


"Yes, Han-Jae, um, is there any other restaurant close to that same one?"

"The one we went yesterday? Yeah, is it because of these posts? I don't know why we're having family meetings at restaurants, houses are so irrelevant nowadays."

"YES!! You're right, can you and your parents come to my house today instead that restaurant? You know? To keep off paparazzi."

"Sure, I guess but don't change the location, my parents have small patience."

"Yeah, Yeah, goodbye." I said not waiting for him to say it back and cutting the call.

Oh, it's already 2:30? I thought only 2 hours had gone by? Well, time for a meeting, then there was a knock

"Yes, please enter, oh, Bailey, it's you again."

"Sorry but Mrs. Narlin's water broke a couple minutes ago and she's heading to the hospital.The meeting is cancelled, Ma'am."

"Ah, I can rest now, Bailey, wake me up at 5 or when the mechanic brings my car."

"About that, the mechanic said while he was fixing the tires, he found that your car has many other problems and further more, he has deemed it unsafe to drive places."

"Why is it me that has to suffer this week? Okay, call a rental for a car truck for me, please and tell Garam, everybody can go home at 6:00, you guys don't have to do overtime today."

"I'll go do it right away, Ma'am."

[] A little bit over 2 hours later []

*Knock* *Knock*

I woke up to the sound of knocking and I knew it was my assistant


"Yes, Ma'am, it is 5:00."

"Oh, already? Okay, thanks."

I got up to leave the building, I usually do this as a way to always be here if any emergency is taking place or another company has an unscheduled appointment after my personal working hours.


"Yes, Ma'am?" I said after I stepped out of the room

"Did you get the car, please?"

"Yes, it's waiting for you outside."

"Goodbye, Bailey and Goodnight."

"I won't be here tomorrow so just tell everyone to come for three hours, max."

"Yes, Ma'am, Goodbye " Bailey said as she bowed and left, I made sure to lock my drawers and the office door before going down to the lobby

[] At the lobby []

"Garam, I'm going, make sure to tell the guards to lock every door, window and you guys remember to lock your offices, ok?"

"Yes, Ma'am, Goodbye."

I stepped outside to see a nicely polished car truck waiting for me

"Oh my gosh, it's so pretty and cool."

I got inside the car and left to my house to prepare food for my parents and the Lee family's arrival at a out 8 PM.

I arrived at my house at 5:32 and changed my clothes to start cooking the food, I only cooked some food because when people are talking they rarely eat and it's a waste of food. After finishing the cooking, I went to a take a short shower to clean off the smell of cooking.

About an hour later, I heard knocks on my door and I peeked through the peep hole and it's both my parents and the Lee family but no Han-Jae insight.

"Hello, Mom, Dad and hello, Mr and Mrs Lee." I said as I bowed to greet them and moving out of the way to let them enter

"Good Afternoon, Leila." said Mr and Mrs Lee

"Good Afternoon."

"Umm, where is Han-Jae?"

"He's calling you outside since he doesn't know where to park the car."

"Okay, make yourself at home, I'm coming."

He doesn't know where to park the car, huh?

"Han-Jae? Your parents said you didn't know where to park the car?"


"Doesn't it look like I have a drive way, you idiot."

Then, he just started laughing like something was funny

"Yeah, I know. I was going to until I saw people taking pictures from that car."

"What? How did you see that?"

"One, their windows aren't tinted and Two, they tried to cover up the logo they all have on their cars but it's still visible."

"Oh my goodness, how did they get in here? What is wrong with them lately? This is a private residence."

"They're searching for some tea I guess."

"Okay, so this is what you're going to do I'm going to open the garage, dive the car inside and get in from there."

"Let's do it."

I went inside opened the garage, he drove in without a hitch but just as Jae is exiting the car, the car that was taking photos start to move to the front if the house.

"What the heck? why are they going to the front, now this is too much, I'm going out there and giving them a piece of my-"

"Leila, don't, it'll only fuel up the fire let's just get in and leave them to do whatever they want." He said grabbing my arm

"Fine but if they do this one more time, I'll call the cops on em', this is invasion of privacy and family time."

"Family time, huh?"

"Oh, shut it, you."

"Alright, alright, let's get in, our parents have been waiting long enough."

We went inside and I started talking

"Have you guys had your dinner already?"

"No, me and your mom have stayed at the beach all day just to taste your cooking dear."

"Okay then, you can pick whatever seat you want and I'll be right back, Jae, can we talk for a minute?"

"Please be quick Leila, I'm starving."

"Yes, we will." When w lote reached a safe distance, I said

"Why didn't you tell me your parents haven't eaten all day to taste the disaster that I've cooked?"

"I didn't know either and your food tastes amazing, they'll love it."

"Stop, you're making me shy~"

"Get used to it cause it'll happen more often."

"Shut up, let's go."

We went back like nothing just happened and I smiled to them

"Okay, let's dig in, I bet you guys are hungry."

We ate for a while, while making small conversation before I spoke trying to sound normal and not nervous

"Umm, the reason I wanted you all here is because I have made my decision but first I want to say that I'm sorry that I left so abruptly yesterday and I have thought about thoroughly and I have decided to..

..To be continued..

Heres a new game, I have used a famous TikTok phrase, the first person to find it gets a follow and please vote for me since this is for the WSA, Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Sochije_creators' thoughts