
Don't forget world history

i need $10 for better grammar patreon.com/Tante_hilda Reincarnate in another world and start a new life. There is a country full of imperialism, a world different from the world where he lives. The boy's hobby during his life was researching history and studying many heroes. However, the boy was unable to investigate the history of his favorites in the new world. There is a law that becomes a big wall. The boy is bound by the law that "history must not be replayed" , but the boy still spends his days thinking about the heroes of his previous world. One day, the boy made a prediction that a war with a neighboring country would soon occur. He told his two friends about his prediction and begged them to be careful, but someone overheard their conversation. This causes the boy and his best friend to leave the village in the worst possible way. He flees to a neighboring country and meets a person traveling with the boy, but that person is a hero in a past world that the boy also knows about. A story of historical exploration tracing the mysteries of this world in different worlds woven by a boy and the heroes of the past. What is history? What do people think? Through his adventures, he meets various people and gets to know their feelings. The boy uses his knowledge to face the darkness of this world.

Tante_Hilda · Fantasy
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24 Chs

closed military

If I had to describe the empire we live in in one sentence, it would be, "The empire is a terribly closed and marginalized environment."

 Basically, only those authorized by the country are allowed to cross the border, and Japan is not a country like Japan where you can easily get a passport and go abroad.

 The reason why I used the word "military service" is that military service in Chinese refers to forced labor by the military.

 This country is based on imperialism centered on the military.

 In order to continue the war, the empire places importance on securing a large number of soldiers, excellent officers and civilians, and as one of the measures for that purpose, it uses the education system at schools.

 In this world, the empire seems to rule quite a large territory and is attacking many countries.

 The reason it seems so is because almost no information is coming into the village.

 The information that comes into the village is usually only bad news such as a purge in some village.

 I am interpreting this to mean that they are making good use of information control over the people.

 In addition, he is thorough in suppressing the emotions of the people.

 In villages and towns, the number of people is unified in units of 300 people, and from there they are divided into groups of 10 people, and within these groups they are required to monitor and accuse each other.

 If someone commits a crime and does not file a lawsuit, all ten will be punished as implicated.

 Also, although there are no merchants in this village, it seems that those who do business and those who become lazy and poor are reduced to the status of slaves.

 It seems that even if you are a noble or a senior officer, those who have no merit in battle will be demoted from their titles.

 As another measure, I feel that the information transmission ability is amazing.

 Transportation is facilitated by setting up post stations equipped with lodgings, food, and replacement horses every 20 to 30 km.

 Because of this, information can be transmitted very quickly, and even if a rebellion were to occur, it is said that the subjugation army would immediately slaughter every single one of the rebelling villages.

 He is also thorough about escape.

 If someone attempts to flee to another country without a passport recognized by the Empire, they will not be able to stay at an inn in a village or town within the Empire, and it is absolutely impossible to forge a passport.

 Moreover, even if they try to escape, the civilians are watching each other, and the punchline is that they will be caught up by the soldiers stationed in villages and towns.

 Even just mentioning it briefly is a legal framework that does not even make people feel like rebelling.

 Furthermore, since the subjugators are elite troops who have successfully overcome their education in the royal capital, they are quickly defeated without exception.

 The only positive aspect is that men work in agriculture and women work in domestic crafts such as weaving, and those who increase their agricultural production and weaving production through their efforts will have their taxes paid the following year reduced slightly.

 The whip uses 80% candy and a whip to prevent the people from revolting, but what disappoints me the most is not this endless bondage.

 There is one law that is the most important and inviolable in this empire.

 That's right... It's a law that drives you to the brink of despair, saying, "Don't spin history."